Yes, you should absolutely call your mom today. But you should also know that Mother’s Day isn’t just a holiday for greeting card and chocolate companies to make a buck, but of radical antiwar and feminist organizers.
Morrison is right – but not for his vacuous rhetoric. Future generations will judge us on what we deliver. Just as they judge us today on what we do rather than whatever our government might say – and then pretend it didn’t say or try to crabwalk away from. The inaction of this government to honour its obligations to its citizens in its travel ban on those trapped in India – or its chicanery on energy or climate change, its betrayal of its stewardship, or duty of care of the planet for future generations, is an indictment of its motives to seek and hold power for its own sake and a travesty of democratic principle and responsibility to its people. It is also a declaration of moral bankruptcy.
We were meant to be a bi-political parliamentary system. However when one party ignores that reality in a grab for power for power's sake and forgoes the task of policy making moving forward then what else is the consequence? An intended rise not in the interests of a nation but in the rise to Fascism.
Source: Blood on your hands, Prime Minister? – » The Australian Independent Media Network
Coalition wary of being seen as Labor lite as it tiptoes away from Abbott’s austerity disaster

‘There’s one thing I really want to see in the federal budget tomorrow’: Bolt
Bolt's concern is not for "us" at all it's about Bolt himself. "So Australians can travel again" is not really a concern of his not for Australians anyway. It's so Andrew Bolt might travel again and escape Australia where he's not appreciated and spends a great deal of time in hiding. Australia hasn't been like nor isn't like the Soviet Union at all. Rather Bolt has put himself into personal quarantine by choice, his job and mindset.
Bolt was one of the first media voices to tell us precautions weren't necessary as Covid-19 was little more than the common flu. We didn't need the severe lockdowns imposed on us by Dan Andrews. Somehow he's now reversed that moronic message without admitting that the misinformation he spent broadcasting for over a year was wrong. Back then only persons in need of protection were the aged and with preexisting conditions like diabetes. Otherwise, we actually needed to accelerate to a state of 'herd immunity' with a devil may care approach to COVID-19. Yet Andrew Bolt certainly didn't practice what he preached did he? He spent his days as he normally does isolating from us all in the gulag of his own making.
Bolt is a Europhile a dual Dutch/Australian citizen who'd prefers to live in the Netherlands than he does here " Or are we really going to be trapped in Australia for years to come.” Bolt's genuinely terrified and believes he's "trapped". Of course he's reluctant to admit that too loudly or too often bu it's really the way he feels because that's the way he was raised, as a misfit. As usual it's all about Bolt first, and us second. He's such a hypocritical whinger broadcasting he was escaping Melbourne for good. Now he's trapped on the Mornigton peninsula. Always complaining how over crowded Melbourne was an undesirable multicultural wasteland kidnapped by the left. Well he's in WASP land now and doesn't feel at home. He told us he prefer Amsterdam which has double the population is much more multicultural, and is far, far more fucking socialist than were he is trapped now. The man is not one of us and nor is he Dutch he's what we regard as a true wanker who no matter where he was would feel trapped with himself..
Available data ‘firmly in favour’ of theory COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan
While no firm conclusion about the theories surrounding COVID-19 can be
arrived at, available data is “fairly firmly in favour” of the virus
coming from the lab at Wuhan, according to science writer and editor
Nicholas Wade.
“In the Wuhan lab they were taking bat coronaviruses – that’s the same
kind as the SARS-CoV-2 virus – and they were swapping in and out the
spike protein from related coronaviruses,” he told Sky News host Andrew
“They were trying to get a virus that was most infective for humans.”
Why is this old Trump cherry being reraised on The Bolt's Report? Will this narrative help rid the planet of the virus no! Is it a Bolt vaccine that makes him feel safer? It's purpose is purely political and nothing more. It's to denigrate Fauci who works for Biden and blame China the eyes of the world. It's there to create an enemy and divide us. It's what the racist 'elect' have done time and time again for the past 500 years.
Yes, it's one and the same Dr Fauci that made Trump look a racist fool for blame of the Chinese for his political mismanagement of the pandemic in the USA. Bolt's using Nicholas Wade "a science writer" not even a scientist to try and bring down America's leading immunologist. " Before Covid-19 ravaged the world,
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded
coronavirus research that included work at China’s Wuhan Institute of
Virology. The idea was to study the ability of such viruses to attack humans, but
could a Fauci-funded experiment actually be the source of the deadly
global infection? In an exhaustive account of the viral possibilities published this week
by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Nicholas Wade argues that the
Chinese lab is the most likely source of the world-wide agony." The use of Wade is about as convincing as using Bolt claiming to be a world expert on Climate Science and prove that the consensus that the planet is warming is simply alarmist.
What is being done here is an attempt to use Wade's credentials not as a scientist, researcher or immunologist but as a writer to boost the Republican's political effort to prove Fauci America's most trusted head of Immunology actually funded the lab which from which COVID came. "Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China collaborated
with the Chinese military in conducting classified research, including
laboratory animal experiments.” All without proof that the transmissiblity of this disease originated with a Democrat.
It's an approach no a tactic used by the GOP Republicans before when they convinced America to invade Iraq for oil. They faked a claim that Saddam was creating and hiding WMDs Weapons of Mass Destruction and with Murdoch media's assistance boosted that thought to invade Iraq for a domestic political advantage and give Bush Jnr a second term. Just as Bolt has been doing to spread China hate like COVID.
The Spanish flu was never Spanish if anything it's origins were American. Bolt however, has never been slightly interested in correcting that story or the one about German measles and so many other diseases named to blame others and not just humans for their cause. Correcting, comparing those past illnesses with what Bolt is doing now would simply help expose his politicization of COVID-19.
Government set to deliver a ‘Labor-like budget’
Bolt on occasions proves he's just a media sheep a hack who runs with the pack. It shows he's not a leader, runs last, and just repeats what other have to say even the left. However they say ever so more clearly such as Ben Davison who does it from his backyard shed in Ballarat. You can hear Ben on the The Week on Wednesday commenting on the budget here.
Ben and Van's podcast from that backyard shed with their dog make Bolt's News Corp produced commentary look like what it is crap. He's eating their dust as far as ratings are concerned and being left so far behind when it comes to intelligent podcasts. Ben's information and summing up in less than 10 minutes long. His weekly wrap is the very opposite of what Bolt claims to offer and that's on any topic.
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