Monday, 24 May 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 24/5/21; Anti-Semitism Human Rights; Exploitation and Capitalism;



Boteach is a huge supporter of the odious Trump and is as dedicated to the Israeli colonial enterprise in the Palestinian Occupied Territories as Cecil Rhodes was dedicated to colonizing southern Africa with superior white people. He flings the charge of anti-Semitism around the way former Grand Wizard of the KKK David Duke throws around accusations that white people are disadvantaged. Boteach actually thinks it is wrong for Palestinians in al-Khalil, which he calls Hebron, to protest having their property stolen. Supporting human rights for Palestinians is not anti-Semitic. In fact, opposing anti-Semitism as a form of bigotry is incumbent on anyone who cares about Palestinian human rights.

Source: As Boteach comes for Dua Lipa, has Tactic of Smearing People as anti-Semites for Backing Palestinian Human Rights jumped the Shark?

  Democratic Socialism,


 Refugees on Nauru in 2018.

Capitalism with Government Assistance

‘Like stealing’: Refugee firm made big profits from cheap labour

A multinational that used a $121m contract to support asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea to charge the Australian government large margins on workers.

A multinational company that secured a $121 million contract to support asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea boosted its profits by billing the Australian government $75 an hour for local workers it paid just $8.

One former local worker described the practice as “like stealing” from PNG nationals and the Australian taxpayer.

  There's no shame in this government's dishing out rewards for outsourcing and privatizing their dirty work. Not only did they allow asylum seekers to be killed, injured and psychologically destroyed they allowed their agents to rip us off. Our cruelty to animal laws are stricter than those applied to asylum seekers.

World told Australia is failing on emissions

An Australian think tank has told the overseas diplomatic corp in Canberra that Australia is not decarbonising its economy despite meeting “easy” climate targets.

The G7 and the world tell Morrison his schtik on Australian emissions is bullshit. Political opportunists are just that and never do the job they were elected for.

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