Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Sunday, 13 June 2021
Fighting Fake News with REAL 13/6/21; Humour, Erasing Information off your Iphone; Mining and the pay to say Industry; Bruce Pascoe and the real debate; Scientology was never a church it was a donor; Male replacement is no theory;
Minerals Council of Australia, a foreign-controlled mining lobby, has
duped Australia’s major media in an $80bn PR scam by fraudulently
claiming more than $72 billion of GST payments to exaggerate
contribution of the minerals industry to Australia. As first-year
accounting students know, GST payments are rebatable. Media outlets have
not done their work. Callum Foote reports.
people have been wanting to have this discussion for 250 years, so I
think it can only be positive,” the author said.
That's certainly not what the ultra-conservatives have been saying or even encouraging when they say Indigenous history if controversial should be kept out of our schools. To them it's replacement theory.
This week the 183-year-old Australian Club of Sydney (not to be
confused with the equally exclusive and also thoroughly masculine
Australian Club of Melbourne) will vote on a proposal to consider
allowing female members. According to reports, this issue has been
discussed informally for two years already. Tuesday’s vote, if passed,
will simply give the go-ahead for a three-year investigation into
whether ladies should be allowed to join.
Invasion of the men's shed is the next stage of gender bending it all happening in such a rush
Suggested Responses to Practical Questions is being distributed
to all parishes in the Sydney Anglican diocese. It aims to uphold what
the church calls “the God-given nature of biological sex” while amending
protocols in order to “avoid distress and communicate a great deal of
Scott Morrison, who was embraced as a bro’ by Donald Trump, now seeks to become one of Joe Biden’s besties.
Making this transition neatly is probably the most important aspect
of Morrison’s trip to the G7 summit, at which Australia is one of
several guest countries.
Morrison’s pragmatism and his chameleon quality will help in developing
intimacy. At and around the G7 he will play up the obvious points of
commonality, with Biden and the other leaders. But he still carries some
policy baggage, notably on the climate issue, and it’s unclear whether
that will cause him trouble.
“He appears to be claiming that Australia, by virtue of being at the
frontline of the supposed ‘new Cold War’ against China, is a standard
bearer for ‘a world order that favours freedom’.
"But I think it is a case more of the PM’s cleverly tapping into
President Biden’s longstanding ‘alliance of democracies’ rhetoric. Far
from being out front, Mr Morrison is playing the role of presidential
historian" Bruce Pascoe is now exposed even in the Sydney Morning
Herald as the peddler of a giant hoax. Will ABC staff who promoted him,
vilified his critics and claimed his fake evidence was real now
apologise? Click here for the amazing list, and please suggest anyone I
missed. Note: not a single ABC staffer ever expressed doubt.
Andrew Bolt makes wild generalizations from single events but should anyone else do the same he cries foul. Bruce Pascoe does far more than Bolt when he speculates. The ABC's Julia Baird is far more rigorous than Bolt.However, Andrew Bolt called Julia Baird a liar when she reported that Christian men were likely to be greater perpertrators of domestic violence than the general public because of a research paper published in the USA. His vitriol ran for days. New research here in Australia done by Anglicans shows Baird to be perfectly justified in what she said and that it was Bolt who was the klutz and wrong. In typical Bolt fashion he simply goes silent and ignores all those times he's been "proved" wrong. It's actually formulaic to those who work for Murdoch.
However, that can't be said of Bolt's psychopathic, obsession with Bruce Pascoe and his demands of the ABC to achieve his high standards. However, what Peter Sutton, an anthropologist, actually says is people like Bolt and Pascoe are far too simplistic in their explanations of Indigenous cultures. Basically they aren't academics. Yes, Bolt is equally as "dumb" as Pascoe according to theses two"academics" because of their lack of appreciated complexity of indigenous cultures.
Dumb is dumb that's for sure as we see Bolt here gloating as if he won some sort of prize. Whereas Pascoe actually welcomes their criticism which adds to the debate Bolt wants "closed down" and "cancelled". Our history has been written and it's largely that of the past 200 years and as told by white historians and its that history which should be taught in our schools and not debated. Here he is a wanker demanding the ABC apologise for "never expressing doubt" like Andrew Bolt. For simply reporting what Pascoe wrote. Their crime not Proselytizing like Bolt and calling it the "new racism" an effort to "cancel culture" and "replacement theory". Replacing the mythical glorious history as written.
Sutton and Walshe two Phd's spent a great deal of their time disparaging Pascoe's qualifications and methodology concluding that Indigenous history and culture was far far more complex for any simple explanations previously given it by the likes of Bolt to even speculate on let alone say what we know is sufficient. Neither are historians they come across like Bolt's science "experts" not climate scientists who Bolt turns to deny climate change. Sutton is more interested in the metaphysics and cosmology of Aboriginal cultures than their history and Walshe threw in her 10 cents in on the lack of methodological rigor used in drawing to conclusions all of which we've heard before. But to Bolt it's like a new light has been shone on his perspective.
It's one thing to argue that Indigenous history or the debate not be taught in schools and another to argue that White Western Christian history is the dominant history that ought be taught in our schools because that's the true history of Australia. The other is to argue that history is questionable. Bolt isn't arguing either really. He's simply trying to say "LISTEN TO ME" I'm the greatest journalist and commentator and am diminished by the charlatans at the ABC. I'm the victim is what Bolt has always been whining about. This new book and Pascoe are both right Bolt has nothing to offer. Bolt's like the Dutch were post WW2 creating a fake history that was eventually blown out of the water by the Jews they claimed they saved. Their's too was the glorification of a deeply inglorious past.
this what conservatives voted for, or just what Prime Minister Boris
Johnson's new green wife demands from G7 leaders?: "We're building back
greener, building back fairer, building back more equal, in a more
gender neutral, and perhaps in a more feminine way." How does he define
"more feminine"? How is that "gender neutral"? Who does it help?
You can't get a greater "flipper"than Andrew Bolt. When sociologists, and social psychologists point out the reality of Racism and White Supremacy. Bolt flips the argument to any complaint being Black Racism and that White Lives Matter too. Complaints of misogyny become the victimisation of men. Cancel Culture is twisted to become the victimization of Bolt's reality which is all or nothing really. Bullies become victims and victims bullies. Bolt has no social policy other than nope nope nope. If the need for social change and progress means more than a mere adjustment an alteration to the current structure of power, privilege and economy then there is immediate resistense.
Children should know their place as adults like Bolt are much wiser and know the kind of world they need. Questioning the social reality in which we live and demanding any accountability of it is socially dangerous and disruptive. Hitler knew that as did Trump.
Education is the training ground to good behaviour and the identification of bad. It's the reinforcement of social reality and bad parenting not the stimulus to change it. So how do we make the world more feminine Bolt asks? We make "gender neutral" the goal and not declare it's been reached with the status quo. We examine our social structures and the patterns of behaviour within which we operate and assess and hold them "accountable" as to wether or not they achieve our ideal. The Germans did and continue to do it. 50% of their Corporate boards require Union representation. 40% must have women members. History taught in schools is there to be critically questioned and examined. It is encouraged and examined and Civics is taught and questioned rather than accepting what exists will achieve wanted goals. Bolt seems to think that's far too radical and disruptive of what is.
Bolt used women to achieve his social mobility rather than shared it. He refuses women the same and boy does he get miffed when confronted by the likes of Miranda Devine, His ex Fiance who don't simply step aside for him. Consequently he's an ageist, white suprmicist, racist, neo- Nazi prick who when he finds himself between a rock and a hard place hides. Ignores any real debate that he might find if he stood at speakers corner and never says sorry or admits he's wrong. His ratings suck his podcasts fail and his blog has become empty space. Basically he is an unproductive and of little utilitarian use to society.
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