Sunday, 17 October 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 17/10/21; Biodiversity; Frydenberg, Exclusive Brethren;



 How is it Morrison's and Barnaby Joyce's LNP are not about preserving Fossil Fuels but expanding their extraction by an increasingly automated industry intent on saving costs and maximizing profits by minimizing jobs and most cases leaving a trashed landscape behind

Curb climate change to protect biodiversity

Treasury, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg

Kooyong’s own Harvard wiz-kid needs to go along with Joyce, Taylor and a host of others who squander our money for their benefit.

It turns out the very business lobbyists who stood to benefit most from JobKeeper were regularly advising the Government on JobKeeper. Callum Foote and Michael West report how $40bn was squandered and the role of corporate spinners Business Council of Australia and AI Group.

Source: Business whispers: how Treasurer Josh Frydenberg squandered $40bn on JobKeeper – Michael West Media

 Bruce Hales, the Elect Vessel of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church.

Where did the Exclusive Brethren sink to?
OneSchool Global, which is associated with the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, a group that refers to outsiders as ‘worldlies’, has received an estimated $9 million in payments.

$9m JobKeeper payments made to school linked to ‘cult’

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