Thursday, 21 October 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 21/10/21; The Shovel, Some REAL Facts not publicly told; LNP are a TEAM on multiple Planets; LNP Going for Coal;



pru goward welfare

 What hope for this Nation when this Goward nonsense gets a privileged airing from and ex LNP politician?

Unfortunately, Goward Is Not Alone Here But while it’s all well and good to point the finger at Goward, it’s also important to remember that she is far from the only Australian who shares this view. Not only did the Australian Financial Review publish it, but thousands of — presumably upper-middle class — Australians will read it and continue to hold this belief that the “proles” are villains that are tearing down our great country, rather than our neighbours and friends who deserve support.

 The AFR Compared Poor People To “Weasels” In A Completely Cooked Op-Ed


Government Stumbles Upon Genius Strategy For Encouraging Vaccine Uptake – ‘Availability’

"We've found that 100% of people will not get a vaccination if there isn’t one available to them"


Morrison and Frydenberg paint themselves as being the world’s “greatest” survivors? When we are running 8th out of the pacific nations this year and predicted to be 7th in 2022 according to the IMF. That’s last out of actual Pacific nations in 21 and second last in 22. Why don’t we see these statistical hard facts on the front pages of our main stream media? Why are we treated like mushrooms?

Despite successfully containing COVID-19 in 2020, some economies in the region, including Australia, faced setbacks from an initially slow vaccination rollout, the IMF says in its regional economic outlook.

IMF says Australia to emerge from pandemic in fastest-growing region


 Illustration by Dionne Gain.

NSW Premier Perrottet will make his own decisions then announce them as he sees fit without giving a fig if anyone’s ego is bruised. If that means Morrison’s, so be it.

Prime Minister faces challenge to manage the enemies within 



 Ten days out from the global climate summit, Australia is again acting like a handbrake. No other developed nation has performed as badly in terms of past emissions or commitments to cut them.

Australia runs dead last among rich nations in the most important race humanity has ever faced


The fantastic hypocrisy behind News Corp.’s net-zero editorial campaign

Former NSW Premier Mike Baird after giving evidence at ICAC in Sydney on Wednesday.

Has Murdoch papers given this front page priority in NSW? Baird and Berejiklian were "mates" weren't they?

Her former mentor has helped put another brick in the wall of ICAC’s case against Gladys Berejiklian.

‘Devastated’ Baird’s evidence builds case against Berejiklian

AREH, Sussan Ley, coal

 It doesn't matter what Morrison says this is a fact not Herald

In the tradition of Coalition environment ministers, Sussan Ley has knocked back a large renewable energy project

“Clearly Unacceptable”: Environment Minister Sussan Ley bans renewable project, blesses three new coal mines

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