Friday, 22 October 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 22/10/21; The Perrottet Papers; When you don't get what you pay for in politics and politicians;


alan tudge curriculum

 Haven't we heard all of this crap before from the likes of Hitler, Trump, and Tony Abbott and just about every blinkered assimilationist on the planet? History is filled with falsities, bullshit, lies, fiction and myth that need to be tested and sieved through. Multiculturalism is what made Australia unique and immigration and immigrants fled here to escape the ethnocentric, monoculturist, fascist world they'd experienced even less than 100 years ago. Tudge wants history to be a fable agreed upon and a fantasy of our British past. People aren't challenging the past they providing a balance to the over exaggerated nonsense Tudge wants us to be taught.

 His argument is  the essence of what the extreme right wing neo-Nazis, racists have been crying out for for years and Tudge wants to legitimizing and normalizing their complaints against Multiculturalism. He's fundamentally promoting the idea that critical analysis is a form of Replacement Theory. That any negative view, whether factual or not, that criticizes his political position or version wants him replaced.  It doesn't, but he on the other hand wants it banned from from our classrooms,replaced. A view of Australia as a blessed White Christian Colony in the Asian Pacific with all it's 17th,18th,and19th century values and  myths is still in tact. No regard is given to the vast changes that came with Immigration post WW2. Let alone the destruction done when men like Tudge landed on this shore 220 years ago and rearranged the history lived here for 60k years.

Yes, we saw Abbott and the LNP make what Tudge wants  a "degree course" in our tertiary education system that specializes in bullshit isolated from the courses that challenge it's focus. We saw a government try to force University systems to jump to it's tune with bribes. It did and failed with Abbot's Climate Change efforts but found some success " Western History" Now they want to enforce it in our primary schools and up as well just as Hitler did. But even Hitler didn't demand it be as universal as Trudge wants it to be. He confined it to the Hitler Youth movement his version of the German scouts but not to the Education System as a whole as Tudge is trying to insist. 

Tudge is a Cyclops one eyed no originality and is simply parroting Trump's Republican Party and the Toryies in the UK. But I guess that's what the LNP are largely about and have been doing since elected. Recently we saw the establishment of AUKUS and thr "replacement of the French by these imperialistic anglophiles in the Pacific Distracting and dividing us with "culture wars" might be a political tactic so we don't notice just how they have fucked they have managed the nation economically.  I guess even Hitler wasn't original in that. He too turned on foreigners as we have seen the LNP do. They all in that  regard are following in the footsteps of Mussolini who managed to achieve things faster and in a shorter time than than Hitler or what the right of the LNP here would like. There's is the common dream dream Mussolini unashamedly coined as Fascism.

Schools overlook Western history: Minister




Dominic Perrottet, Putin, New Generations Fund


Dominic Perrottet’s controversial hedge fund is lending to Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and Cayman Islands. What is the NSW Premier doing funding dictators with NSW taxpayers’ money? Michael West reports on the New Generations Fund.

 With no regulated oversight Perrottet has gone to the the shady side of gambling with heavily geared public money.

 Banks and credit agencies agree that the DRF is debt funded. That means that, as NSW is running a deficit, it is using borrowed funds to punt, the funds which belong to the people of NSW, the funds for which the government and the Premier are stewards. It also means this is a high-risk leveraged investment, so when markets tank, it will tank on steroids.

 Perrottet invests in Putin not Parramatta – Michael West Media


Against all advise and under the sheets of the secret relationship between Maguire and Berejiklian the Wagga Wagga greant previously rejected on numerous occasions was rubber stamped by....

  According to leaked internal documents, the person who eventually rubber-stamped the project was the treasurer at the time, one Dominic Perrottet.

As journalist Anthony Klan summarised, “Documents from a cache released by the NSW Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) show that just weeks before the grant was awarded to the private Wagga Wagga gun club, in August 2017, NSW Government staff were concerned about the grant process – which needed to go to the ‘Treasurer’ for approval.

“‘We need to ensure that the funding goes to public infrastructure, not to private assets on private land,’ wrote Jenny Davis of Infrastructure NSW.

“The July 8, 2017 email was to seven colleagues, spanning three NSW Government departments.

“‘The project is unusual,’ Davis wrote.

“‘The ERC (Expenditure Review Committee) minute approved it before we had ever heard of it. Our recommendation doesn’t need to go back to ERC, but it does need the Treasurer to approve it.’

“The $5.5m grant, which is at the heart of ICAC’s investigations, was approved just weeks later, in August 2017. Perrottet was NSW Treasurer at the time.”

Perrottet tied to ICAC investigation

Illustration by Andrew Dyson

That old saying “we get what we pay for ” certainly doesn’t apply to their electorates or the caliber of politicians any longer. We can put that old cherry to bed. They are owned and belong to their donor masters and the dumber and less integrity they have the better. I believe Waleed Aly gives the likes of Christensen, Canavan, et al far too much credit.

That was best distilled when Barnaby Joyce complained that the Nats couldn’t resolve the issue in their party room meeting this week because they didn’t have enough time. As though the government hasn’t had years to think about this. It was like watching someone start cramming the night before an exam, having not cracked open the textbook all year.

 There are many possible reasons for this weirdness, several of them familiar by now. All major parties, but especially those of the Coalition, receive large donations from fossil fuel companies, whose return seems to be fossil-friendly climate policy. The Nationals have become a miners’ party rather than a farmers’ party, evidenced by their occasional trip-ups on issues like coal seam gas.

 COP26 Glasgow summit: On net zero, the Nats can’t go quietly

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