Sunday, 31 October 2021

Fighting Fake news with REAL 312/10/21; Morrison and his Plan has Shamed us all calling it "The Australian Way" ( MAGA ); Difficulty to be a proud Australian;




 Morrison a cheap con-man the accidental PM who fucked everyone over. He lied, and only Macron has called him out for who he is. A “very low grade Trumpesque salesman and certainly not anyone worthy of being a Nation’s Prime Minister . Lacking in any  ” Stature”, even Biden couldn’t remember his name, Morrison nevertheless seems to have always had “a plan” and he executed it  labelled “The Australian Way” and shamed us all.

US president Joe Biden has admitted the orchestration of the AUKUS pact was “clumsy” as he met with the French president for the first time since the secret submarine deal.

Mr Biden also told Emmanuel Macron that he “was under the impression that France had been informed long before” about Australia’s plan to scrap its $90 billion submarine contract with France.

The two leaders are in Rome for the G20 summit, also being attended by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, which comes as Scotland prepares to host the COP26 climate talks.

Mr Biden did not formally apologise to Mr Macron but conceded the US should not have caught the country by surprise.

“I think what happened was, to use an English phrase, what we did was clumsy,” Mr Biden said, adding the submarine deal “was not done with a lot of grace”.

 Biden admits to Macron about ‘clumsy’ handling of AUKUS pact


Good Morning Prime Minister Morrison, from Rome G20
The PM is set to be greeted by a full-page ad in Italy's business daily Il Sole 24 Ore featuring a photograph of him in parliament with a lump of coal. The ad, in English and Italian, bears the slogan: "Don't let Australia cheat on climate change”
Our biggest thanks to the Australia Institute supporters who helped make this happen.
Don’t let Australia cheat on climate change
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May be an image of 3 people and text that says 'he's got a pamphlet memey S A'

He "Bullshitted Biden" into believing he'd sorted out the sub contract with the French efficiently and Diplomatically.

Atlassian founder Mike Cannon-Brookes, along with fellow billionaire Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest, is a major backer of the Sun Cable project.


Silly climate debates and the federal government’s behaviour on the world stage is getting on the goat of one of the nation’s richest men.

‘Incredibly frustrating’: Why Mike Cannon-Brookes is finding it hard to be a proud Australian

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