Monday, 1 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 1/11/21 Every Picture Tells a Story; Morrison's real photoshoot; The LNP car crash was waiting to happen;

 Every Picture Tells A Story


 Prime Minister Scott Morrison sits across the table as Emmanuel Macron chats with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the G20 in Rome. 

  Scott Morrison is as popular as a dog turd at the G20. His photographer didn't take this pic


President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro and Prime Minister Scott Morrison in discussion during the plenary session at the G20 Summit in Rome, on Saturday. 

He's found a friend though in President Bolsonaro of Brazil his equal among world leading turds


Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 08-37-11 Latest News - Breaking Australian and World News The New Daily

 "Loose as..." the goose squeezed out of the picture. Morrison on Halloween in his Fagan pose

Scott Morrison has a history of "poor communication" and all we have heard to date was that Macron and Biden have got it "all wrong". If not them personally, then their administrations weren't up to scratch in delivering his message. Blaming everyone but himself seems something common to Morrison. NZ sacked him as did the LNP government for his poor messaging, and go it alone clumsy approaches in the past. He claims he operated 'in Australia's interest" without expanding on what that "interest" is. Somehow it seems as if he even blaming us Australia as well. Yet, how often have we seen him not operating in "our interest" but only his. The pre-election promise of a Federal ICAC springs to mind.

Australia didn't go blindly into contracting France to build "deisal fueled subs" the LNP demanded it when France offered us the world's best nuclear powered ones. Shouldn't Morrison stop acting like Trump and actually show us his documented communications with the Heads of State of France and the USA? After all Trump didn't. He tried to hide the official communication with his "Perfect Phone Call with the President of the Ukraine. He tried to hide it. If Morrison was communicating with the French and US Heads of State in an official and not personal capacity everything should be documented and on the record. Si ought to be easy to see who the liars actually are!! 

French President Emmanuel Macron says Scott Morrison lied to him before scrapping a $90 billion submarine contract. In a sign relations between Paris and Canberra have not improved despite Mr Morrison’s attempts to talk to Mr Macron at the G20 summit in Rome, the French leader did not hold back when he gave his thoughts on the PM’s conduct. Mr Macron was pulled aside by Australian reporters who asked whether he thought Mr Morrison had lied about his intentions.

 He replied: “I don’t think, I know

 Emmanuel Macron says he ‘knows’ Scott Morrison lied over submarines

LNP behaviour in NSW, Victoria, and The Commonwealth is certainly consistent and it shames the Nation. They are all the same transactional jerks. Lads without principles. Matthias Corman another example a staunch anti-carbon tax advocate when in opposition to Gillard is now declaring an international carbon tax is essential, a must for a warming planet.

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