Wednesday 9 February 2022

Fighting Fake News with REAL 9/2/22; John Lord, Biloela, Andrew Bolt's fake arguments;



Why is it people like Trump can gain voters’ attention but those on the left don’t seem to be able to do the same as Whitlam and Hawke once did? Their enthusiasm was contagious. I dare say it’s to do with the a shift in the media more so than the politicians. Bill Shorten and Albanese have both been regarded as as inspiring speakers in the ALP. Plibersek has a great media presence next to them Morrison Frydenberg look incompetent. But the media guarantees that, that in fact, won’t happen.

My thought for the day We live in a time where horrible things are being perpetrated on us. The shame is that we have normalised them and adjusted accordingly. (John Lord)

Source: The government is falling apart… let’s hope the voters are paying attention – » The Australian Independent Media Network


Scott Morrison and the Biloela family

Media staged politics is at the expense of humanity and everything decent. Morrison's cruelty will be on display. The ABC has seemingly been given some money back that was taken away and will be again should Morrison win. The Biloela Family will be used Morrison's cruel plan to advertise "I'm not the man they say I am" despite the fact he is. They have been held captive for just this sort of event. We have to remind ourselves, Morrison, simply looking to stop a small % swing. So Religious Discrimination stays, ICAC goes, humanizing Morrison a priority according to the polls will be a must on the agenda. There will be very Australian not a French polish coming our way. However, what lies beneath won't change.

The good news: I’m quietly confident the Biloela family will be “home to Bilo” before the election. The bad news: They should have been there years ago. The despicable news: The timing of their release is being delayed for political theatre, the staging of a “Liberal moderates acting tough, achieving change” pantomime.

Source: Michael Pascoe: Here comes the window dressing (Cheers, Biloela family!)

 May be a cartoon of fire, outdoors and text


Why Whoopi Goldberg is a such a racist

Whoopi Goldberg isn't just a fool or a history know-nothing when she says the Nazi Holocaust to wipe out Jews "wasn't about race". She is actually a racist, with an anti-white movement behind her.

by Andrew Bolt Racist

Andrew Bolt is an anti- historian who has been an outright racist, it would seem, all his life and a Fake friend of the Jews. His argument CRT, the Woke Left and that " whites are victims" of "a new racism" is the same old same old dressed up to sound different. However it's childish stupidity "call me a bully and your a bully" argument still seen in primary school yards. According to Bolt the study of racism in history is racist. The historic evaluation of Colonialism is really  " the new form anti-white racism " that has crept into our schools and known as CRT.

Largely Bolt whose origins are Dutch whose famil connections are from the Aalsmere famous for being WW2 most racist town in the Netherlands which now is regarded as the wars most racist nation which persecuted Jews so severly that less than 20% of Dutch Jews survived. That was a fact hidden in Dutch history for over 40 years. Bolt it seems wishes it still was as he never talks about it. That revelation is an example of CRT in practice and it was done by the Jews in 1980s. It seems Bolt's view of history is that if Jews to call the people of Aalsmere "racist" then they are racist no matter the historic record. For Jews to call Germans racist is racist despite the fact that today the Germans acknowledge their bigoted past. As far as Bolt's concerned the non-Jewish Dutch of Aalsmere are today's victims and not the Jews. Whose the idiot?

Bolt's language has changed but his arguments haven't budged. Basically he claims whites are the new victims of racist blacks Indians Chinese and the left. His is the old escapist argument of  "equivalence". Everyone is a racist. Racism therefore doesn't really exist and Bolt has preached that for years". The past is the past and we are all equal and history as written shouldn't be questioned.

To teach otherwise or th critically examine the past is racist. Any critical examination of history which Bolt calls "teaching CRT" is dangerous. It's not because CRT or CT is in fact a method a process and not necessarily a fact. It's a search and re-validation or not of the past.  The term Woke was simply an affirmation that Black Lives Matter when history and today's behaviors suggest otherwise. All Bolt's been arguing for decades is  any "new" examination or revision of history is dangerous" It's racism which it's not but it does however question the foundation of today's white privilege.

Any study of history is the study of systems of beliefs and patterns of behaviors that have over time become institutionalized what is experienced as normal today. Patterns of behaviors often contradictory to our spoken beliefs. What you, I or Bolt think is unimportant if our  behavior patterns show we were and inherently still are racist. Whoopi Goldberg certainly isn't. 

Bolt's denials and arguments are racist as the KKK. Bolt's while expressed differently they are the very same bigoted racist arguments he was rattling off a decade ago. They were racist then and are still today. He says he's a "friend  of the Jews" that's what the Dutch said for over 40 years until the Jews applied CT or CRT proved otherwise. Bolt's just as  FAKE.


Andrew Bolt is a creator of right-wing sensationalism in order to report it. Yes, the media did report "a claim" that was made. A claim that they weren't making but Bolt likes to infer they did why? They were the ABC of course.

An anthropologist in Canada made a hypothesis to be tested and never maintained it was  verified. So what is Bolt inferring here that has any relevance to his suggested truth? The only actual accurate report that we can see is Bolt manufacturing of misinformation, fake news about ABC. Something we are used to. If he got that basic fact wrong what has he actually written that is right?

Google merely refers Bolt's tale to one source and that's Andrew Bolt. All the cross referencing sources lead back to Murdoch media and guess what, back,yes to Andrew Bolt, an ever so neat circle. The Canadians aren't aware of what Bolt's saying. Nobody has ever heard of him. But that's no surprise to us down under is it?

Is there any truth in the fact that the Catholic Church has a history of child use and abuse?  Of course there is. Is it written in the Catholic historic record? Not on your life yet Bolt declares that is proof positive there wasn't a "stolen generation". 

The Dutch said the same of their post WW2 records which showed they were heroes who saved Dutch Jews. Critical examination by Jews after steady examination proved 45 years later that only some 16% of Dutch Jews survived and Dutch history was totally false and hid the true story. That they were in fact were worse than the Germans in the treatment of their own people. My point being Andrew Bolt's approach to history is very Dutch and very a very blinkered closed shop.

" The media last year reported that the unmarked graves of 215 Indian children had been found on the grounds of a former Catholic school in Canada. The news triggered angry protests: church burnings, toppling of statues, accusations against Queen Elizabeth, national mourning and an attack on church leaders by the Prime Minister. But uh oh:" ( Andrew Bolt )

Justin Trudeau hoaxed by the biggest fake news in Canada

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