Australians confused after Ardern resigns without sticking around to utterly destroy party
Murdoch's Tucker Carlson took a swipe at Ardern calling her a Chinese puppet. This ignorance stands out when he claims she did nothing for the country
Greg Sheridan writing in The Australian wailed,
“All her economic instincts were bad, all her strategic instincts were bad. She had a great desire to undo productive economic reform and remove or shut down the engines of economic growth for what should be a nation of limitless opportunity.”
James Macpherson on the Bolt Report claimed,
“Jacinda Ardern wants to be remembered for being empathetic and kind. Well, she won’t be remembered for building a strong economy.”
The Daily Mail’s Guy Adams opined that,
“Back in New Zealand, where this progressive superstar has never been quite so popular as she has overseas, voters are facing a cost-of-living crisis, spiralling crime rates and soaring inflation. Housing is increasingly unaffordable and the economy is on the verge of a recession …”
The Flat White column at The Spectator asserted,
“Labour is aware that a failing economy is bad for the polls, with Ardern previously overseeing a pay-cut in solidarity.”
Economic Freedom
Finally, the rankings on economic freedom compiled by Heritage Foundation in the USA give the Ardern administration huge bragging rights.
Heritage ranked New Zealand the top economy in the OECD in four of the last five years. Global ranking has fluctuated between second and fifth.
If the right wing media read these numbers when the Nationals were in office, they would have proclaimed them from the mountain tops.
As the world is thanking Jacinda Ardern profoundly for her 14 years in New Zealand’s Parliament and more than five as prime minister, a large number of white male scribes have joined in a frenzy of extraordinarily bitter attacks. Alan Austin reports on her economic performance.
Could it be that Ardern is young, female, candid and honest, widely-respected abroad, genuinely loved at home, an open and proud socialist, and a winner? In other words, the direct opposite of Donald Trump, Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson? Could it be that they cannot abide her succeeding in economic management where their heroes have all dismally failed?
Is this why they must shamelessly falsify the record? Because falsify it, they have.
Michael West Media – investigative journalists – always independent
Murdoch's Revenge

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