Sunday, 22 January 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 22/1/23, Australia Day T, Peter Dutton, Rich's Weapon- News Corp,

 May be an image of text that says 'EVERYONE VS BILLIONAIRES Over three million people living in poverty in Australia Richest 1% of Australians have earned more than $2500 a second for over 10 years Dealing with the worst cost of living crisis in decades, with no boost to the JobSeeker rate Own corporations that pay less tax than you'

May be an image of ‎text that says '‎Tน שאל INVASION DAY JANUARY 26 The photograph Mr Rathman uploaded to Facebook of Û his 'Invasion Day' t-shirt. Source: Facebook‎'‎

 The ALP's Not So Secret Weapon

He didn’t go to Garma. He walked out of the Apology. With his approval rating already in the toilet, Peter Dutton foolishly continues to spawn discontent over an Indigenous Voice To Parliament, writes Belinda Jones.

Source: Dutton’s indifference to Indigenous Australia deadly for approval rating

Chess pieces. Gold king winner surrounded with silver chess pieces on chess board game competition. Ultra wealth concept Image: iStock

We are at a crossroads. The Ultra High Net Worth Individual (UHNWI) class is creating a new international feudal order, assisted by the professional enabler class including politicians in pursuit of their money. One of those enabling mechanisms is the media. In Australia, News Corp serves as the strongest weapon in the creation of their desired world.

Source: The Ultra High Net Worth Individual’s strongest weapon: News Corp – Pearls and Irritations

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