Tuesday 18 April 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 18/4/23, Peter Dutton should be asked, Dutton's Bullshit, Dark Secret, Israel assault on Easter,



“Given your call to send the AFP in, was there a time when you, as the Minister in Charge of the AFP thought of doing that yourself?”

Source: The Obvious Question That Peter Dutton Should Be Asked At The Next Presser… – » The Australian Independent Media Network

 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Asking the Opposition leader to justify shocking claims that should, by law, be reported to police, if true, isn't attacking; it's being responsible and holding him to account. Of course, the latter is a concept that's simply incomprehensible to LNP sycophants... OPINION Andrew Bolt 37 minutes ago Labor and ABC attack Dutton for telling truth Labor MPs and the ABC have lined up to trash Petter Dutton and save their Voice from looking exactly w”a a radical power grab and substitute for real realhelp for Aborigines. 8:41 PM Apr 2023 6,311 Views'May be an image of 5 people and text that says 'MF MFW @MEWitches How in the goddamn fuck do we live in country where the Leader of the Opposition can pretend he gives tiny flying shit about child sexual abuse when he went to rock spider Pell's funeral and openly said Pell's arrest on abuse charges was a "great injustice"??? #NewsCorpse 2113 ma Opposition Leader Peter Dutton arrives for the Cardinal George Pell service at St Mary's Cathedral. Picture: NCA NewsWire/ Jeremy Piper'

White pigeons on a red background surrounded by barbed wire, a symbol of the opposition to the dictatorship and restrictions on the freedom of dissidents.

Dutton falsely advocates legislated regional Voices – that’s not on offer. Dutton’s purpose is to confuse, and block Aboriginal constitutional recognition. All for benefit of his ‘real constituents’ – the miners, frackers, industrial pastoralists and water-thieves.

Source: The dark dark secret – Pearls and Irritations


The Arabic press is reporting violent assaults Saturday evening by Israeli police against Palestinian Christian worshipers in Jerusalem attempting to make their way to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for the “Saturday of Light” commemoration. The police attacks took place at the entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in response to Christians objecting to the barriers the police had erected to keep crowds away.

Source: Assault on Religious Freedom: Violent Crackdown by Israeli Police on Christian Worshipers in Jerusalem

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