Thursday 27 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 27/7/23, The Baddest MP, Pissed off on Holiday, Peter Dutton, A Photoshoot, Truth in Pictures, Israel an Autorcratic State of Chaos,


Investigative Journalism The Friendly Jordies- Peter Dutton

 May be an image of 1 person, newsroom and text that says 'David Marler @Qldaah It's now been revealed that Peter Dutton departed the country on leave before the scandal broke involving a 2018 AFP briefing to him about Mozammil Bhojani. #auspol AFTERNOON BRIEFING PM says Peter Dutton must explain Home Affairs contracts 1:17 onstruction union launches campaign calling for tax on company super profits f NEWS 16:21 VIC' 

Cut from the same cloth as Morrison Peter's on Holiday

Don’t wait for Peter Dutton to tell you what Peter Dutton thinks, he’s still waiting on his “Advisors”, they’re feeding him the bullets. Meanwhile the real history of the Dutton years in Australian politics will be that new lows can always be found and regardless of the question, No is always the answer.

Source: Dudded: Peter Dutton in No-man’s land – The Shot

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'He gave contracts to criminals, knowingly, used African communities to stoke fear, mocked our neighbors, tormented refugees, accused Ali France of using her disability 'as an excuse' and referred to the Biloela Tamil children as anchor babies. His name is Peter Dutton. LDEADSHT SHIT LDE'

 Image Image

These people are voting "No". Yes, they certainly are a group of  individuals but not quite like the Collective majority of like-minded Australians that believe in Democracy and a "Fair Go for everyone.


 May be an image of text

Did anyone notice the $20 + Billion Surplus that wasn't celebrated by News Corp, Ch9, or The West Australian? 

No not really an issue to report about. What about Peter Dutton's Nope Nope campaign against the Voice? Or how to be on holiday when the news about corruption breaks? There's a stench and it's buried under a carpet but not so deep it can't be found.

The housing crisis is what seems to have dominated our current news cycle. That crisis that began with the LNP and was celebrated as an indicator that the "Nation was getting wealthier". It was left to grow for a decade. Left to become the ALP and Albanese problem in their first year of government. It's LNP charity, a free donation, called Mainstream News. A quid pro quo arrangement to shred the ABC

Pope's cartoon actually reflects the Democratic nature of the ALP something not found in the LNP today. Fraser, Hewson, Turnbull arejust some of the names to have abandoned or been sacked by the Liberal and National Parties.

Elective Dictatorship? Is this by way of a polite description calling Israel not an Apartheid Fascist State in fear of being accused of being anti-Simitic? Jews in and out of Israel are protesting while Netanyahu is about to create a unitary executive but a specialized domestic National Guard trained to focus on Israeli Palestinians and other protestors as well. Compared with Israel Palestine is UNITED

The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that on Monday, the Israeli parliament or Knesset passed the article removing the power of review from Israeli courts on grounds of “reasonability” in light of the country’s basic laws. The measure passed 64-0 in the 120-seat body, with the far right wing coalition of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu unanimously in favor and the opposition having left the chamber in protest. The country was thrown into chaos.

Source: Chaos as Israel departs the Ranks of Democracies, Adopting the Hungarian Model of Elective Dictatorship

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