Friday 28 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 28/7/23, Peter Dutton Convenient Holiday, Paladin the Deal, Truth in Pictures, Sky News- NO News, No to Democracy,


Yet another bribery scandal pointing to maladministration of the Home Affairs portfolio by then-Minister Peter Dutton has emerged. Dave Donovan and Michelle Pini take a closer look at the murky details. 

Source: Overseas affairs with corruption: Peter Dutton’s latest hits

 Let ’em rot.



Paladin founder and majority shareholder Craig Thrupp.

Paladin majority owner Craig Thrupp defended the transfers which are under investigation by the anti-corruption watchdog.

Source: Paladin majority owner paid $1.2 million to his mother who was working at Home Affairs



May be a doodle of slow loris and text


May be a graphic of text that says 'ANTHONY ALBANESE SAY WHAT? " And to my mind, if people say, 'Iwant you to recognise me in this particular way, it would be somewhat contradictory to say, 'Yes, we'll recognise you, but we'll do it in the way that we want, not the way that you've asked for.'


Voice referendum will be history long before Sky News is held to 'account' for its lies

The word “News” isn’t even a cover any longer for these bought and paid-for propagandists, unregistered guns for hire Lobbyists. They were bought and paid for by one group of monied interests in a quid pro quo arrangement as far back as 1975. “Well support you as long as you get rid of the ABC for us”

Voice referendum will be history long before Sky News is held to ‘account’ for its lies

Source: “As… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Sky News spreading fear and falsehoods on Indigenous voice is an affront to Australian democracy Malcolm Turnbull and Sharan Burrow The Murdoch empire's disregard for basic journalistic standards in its no campaign for the referendum threatens to radicalise our politics รข Rupert Murdoch's Sky News could dramatically radicalise Australian politics in the way Murdoch's Fox News has done in the US'. Photograph: Mike Segar/Reuters'


 He also said the best thing that ever happened to this country the British colonised it

 Howard says the secret to a long life is to keep pretending it’s the nineteenth century.

John Howard Turns 200


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