Monday 2 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with Real, 2/10/23, If you don't try you ensure failure, Aussies are sleepwalking,












Dutton promises to change Indigenous Australians but on the advice of Warren Mundine and Jacinta Price. 10 generations of White men have tried and proved it didn't work. They tinkered with a broken system but didn't change it. All First Nations people ask is to be listened to and be allowed to change themselves. If Dutton practiced changing and not just improving himself for the media we'd have a chance of success in creating a fairer nation,


 We have been marginal Listeners for 250 years as is witnessed by our failure to be a truly inclusive nation.

 The history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples advocating for the right to be heard

 Australia is sleepwalking down the road to white supremacism
 "Lost in the mist of the right’s fusillade of historical denial and absurd lies over the Voice to Parliament these past days came an ominous portent of what such racist pandering might ultimately provoke.
The No campaign, Sewell said in the same video two weeks ago, had “really galvanised” the “entire right wing and the majority of the country”. This “pissed-off energy” gives the alt-right “a couple of options”, he told Davis, “and one of those is to transmute this energy over to the Jewish question, to transmute it over to focusing on white Australia and white power”.

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