Wednesday 25 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with Real, 25/10/23, Killing for Country, Terrorist Individuals vs Terrorist Governments, Israel Needs Hamas, "Mowing Grass"- How Colonial, Jews against Israel, Aid- PR Stunt, AUKUS, Dutton's "truth";

This is the bedrock of Australian secrecy. Thousands of little stories that never made the newspapers or official reports. The First Peoples of this continent have, despite the catastrophic ruptures of forced relocation and child removal, nurtured their ancient and family storytelling; those who came later failed to even tell their stories to their children. This fostered a century of silence that made it possible for myths to flourish unchallenged, as the referendum “debate” has demonstrated in recent months.

Source: ‘I can’t argue away the shame’: frontier violence and family history converge in David Marr’s harrowing and important new book


May be pop art of textOpinion

 Gaza City bombed by Israel

 Liberation vs Containment vs Dispossession vs Genocide vs Apartheid. There is no Equivalence when one is the world's 4th biggest military power

U.S. media outlets dodge being evenhanded with the “terrorist” label—applying it to organized Palestinian killers of Israelis and not to organized Israeli killers of Palestinians.

Hamas Is a Terrorist Organization; So Is the Israeli Government 


Israel Reap what it sows. No Peace, Hatred,

All these developments have disheartened and disillusioned the Palestinians, who have lost their faith in the international community. From their perspective, decades of peaceful resistance have only resulted in further hardships and an uninterrupted expansion of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. Israel’s 75-year-long illegal occupation of Palestine and the associated atrocities, along with the 17-year siege imposed on Gaza, have failed to evoke a significant response from the international community. Nevertheless, the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel have drawn the world’s attention to the gravity of the issue. In this context, one can find an explanation for the increasing popularity of Hamas among Palestinian people.

Source: Israel’s Role in Hamas’ Creation and its Retaliatory Genocide in Gaza –


Mowing the grass’

For too long, Israel has believed the Gaza imbroglio could be contained. However, the population has grown so large, this is no longer the case.

With a growth rate of just over 2% per year, its population is expected to be three million by 2030.

Gaza is also incredibly young, with a median age of 19.6, compared with the global average of 30.5. Almost half the adult population is unemployed, and Palestinians in Gaza are four times more likely to be living in poverty than those in the West Bank. This is a recipe for social upheaval and radicalisation.

As two Israeli journalists, Efraim Inbar and Eitan Shamir, noted in a perceptive analysis of Israel’s 2014 Gaza war, the Israeli military describes its assaults on Gaza as “mowing the grass” – acting to punish Hamas severely for its aggressive behaviour and degrading its military capabilities.

The aim was to achieve realistic and, therefore, limited political and military goals. It was part of a long-term strategy of attrition, which would have a temporary deterrent effect in order to create periods of quiet along the border.

Source: Even if Israel can completely eliminate Hamas, does it have a long-term plan for Gaza?

 Jonathan Ofir, an Israeli-born Jewish musician, conductor and writer based in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.

From Glas­gow to Lon­don to Barcelona, many Jew­ish pro­test­ers take on abuse to join pro-Pales­tin­ian ral­lies

“Israel claims Jews as its national asset, and it weaponises us, as Jews – both as bodies in the demographic battle vis-a-vis non-Jews and particularly Palestinians, and ideologically as born representatives of the Jewish state – [and] seeks to do that to Jews worldwide,” Ofir told Al Jazeera. “That claim, in turn, makes [us] the human shields of the state, as it assaults Palestinians under its settler-colonialist agenda, be it through ongoing ethnic cleansing, through siege or through seasonal massacres.”

Naama Farjoun “I left [Israel] because I could not bear the burden of being a privileged [Israeli] citizen in a racist state,” said the mother of two, who said that she was daily angered by the “Israeli occupation and discrimination of my Palestinian co-citizens”.

‘Not in my name’: The Eu­ro­pean Jews con­demn­ing Is­rael’s war on Gaza


Israel was so vocal when the BDS movement developed around the world begging to be allowed to export because of the harm the movement would and was causing its citizens. The siege of Gaza’s 2.3 million human beings is doing more damage than any Boycott Israel ever experienced.

The 20 trucks of humanitarian aid that entered Gaza are just a distraction from Israel’s continuing murderous war on the Palestinians.

Source: A PR stunt amid a massacre in Gaza | Gaza | Al Jazeera

AUKUS, Happy Days

AUKUS isn’t over

But wait, there’s even more The United Kingdom Government has just signed a design contract for the AUKUS submarine that, on publicly available information, does not include a requirement to engage Australian industry. It’s the wrong time to inject Australian industry components in the AUKUS submarine after it has been designed. We’ll have missed the boat. So, Paul Keating was wrong when he said AUKUS was the worst deal in all history. He missed the mark. It’s actually worse than what he said. It’s looking like the dumbest deal ever. What Keating did get right, though, was a second statement “At the Kabuki show in San Diego [to announce the deal] a day or so ago, there’s three leaders standing there. Only one is paying. Our bloke, Albo. The other two, they’ve got the band playing Happy Days are Here Again.”

Source: Correction Paul Keating: AUKUS worse tha

Dutton gets it wrong with Labor asylum seeker claim

We can't forget truth isn't part of Dutton's process division is the aim. Lies are merely tools of the trade. He doesn't believe it's wrong to lie in politics or probably elsewhere. It's easier than truth Trump is living proof as are the Republicans. You don't have to be the Government to rule the country.
Peter Dutton claims that 105,000 asylum seekers have entered Australia since Labor took government. But as AAP FactCheck reveals, these figures are false — in fact, most entered Australia under the Coalition.

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