Saturday 28 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 28/10/23, The argument isn't about the "Death Count", The truth is old, Albo might be better than Dutton but.., Billionaire's Rights = An Oxymoron,

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Is there a call to sack Pope and The Secretary of the UN? There Sure is! But not to sack Netanyahu

‘Appalling’ = Why has Biden cast doubt on the Palestinian death count?

In fact, Thursday’s report noted that the current 6,800 death toll does not include people who have been killed but were not brought to hospitals or registered at morgues.

On top of casting doubt over Palestinian accounts, the Biden administration has consistently rejected any independent investigations into suspected Israeli war crimes, including by the International Criminal Court.

 “So if you cast doubt on Palestinian numbers and support no investigations — not even foreign journalists entering Gaza — what you’re really saying is: The death count does not matter because we’re going to support this regardless. We’re going to find ways to justify it,” 

Biden is turning into an Anti American President just as Netanyahu is turning into an Anti Semitic one

 The only way the Australian Government will take meaningful action on climate change is if the US invades it, the PM has confirmed.

Australia Will Take Action on Climate Change if US Declares War on It, Government Says

May be an illustration of text that says 'Why should we pay women on a higher salary more maternity pay than others? Why Should well-off schools get So much government funding while other schools struggle? Because they're ysed tit. Because they're used to it Why should mine owners get bigger profits without paying bigger tax? That doesn't Seem fair Because they're used to it Ger used wrlcox'

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not arguing against big rewards for entrepreneurs and inventors. The possibility of making a bundle has elicited innovations that benefit us all.

The question is one of scale. Do entrepreneurs and inventors need the incentive of billions of dollars? Wouldn’t, say, a hundred million do?

The social costs of billionaires is substantial. Billionaires have purchased right-wing extremists on the Supreme Court, bought and either destroyed or subverted news organizations (such as the former Twitter), and turned their relationships with politicians into patronage troughs.

All of this has undermined the common good.

If capitalism were working as it should, billionaires wouldn’t exist. Shawn Fain is correct.

What do you think?

Source: Do Billionaires Have a Right To Exist? | The Smirking Chimp



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