Friday 13 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,13/10/23, Collective Punishment, Heart to Heart, 47to 25%, Every Picture tells the Story, Condemnation, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity,

 May be an illustration of text 

 What we are witnessing is the "Collective Punishment "of over 1M Pelestinian Children and of the 2.3M rest a majority of elderly. Added to the Israeli bombing is the witholding of Food, Water, Medical supplies and Power. That building in this cartoon is Gone!

 May be an image of text that says 'That's a big gap! Somebody could get hurt! People already are. It's really limiting us Maybe, with your helpi we could fix it That would take o of effort... and time.. and money Is it really affeching us? Is it iworthit worth for just a few? They Should just leavn to be careful. I'm ባot even convinced there is gap wilcox'May be a doodle of text that says 'WE MAY NOT GET THIS CHANCE AGAIN IN my LIFETIME, OR YOUR SHORTENED ONE L Goരin'

Final thoughts 

As was explained to me by a voter that changed their mind about voting, No: “Who am I to stand in the way of a chance for Aboriginals to make their lives better?”

Indeed, how can we deny an opportunity that does not affect the vast majority of our lives in the slightest? Voting No will ensure more of the same, which clearly has not worked. Voting Yes will finally allow Indigenous Australians some control over their destinies.

Source: Heart To Heart – » The Australian Independent Media Network

May be a doodle of road and textMay be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Forty-seven per cent ofvoters nominated Anthony Albanese as their preferred prime minister in October, compared with 25 per cent for Peter Dutton.Credit: Fairfax Fairfax' 

There was an unprecedented landslide vote against the LNP coupled with above poll indicates what the country thinks of Dutton one would think he'd accept that size of abandonment by his party's once voters would encourage a more amenable approach to this referendum which was promised well before the last election which the Liberals lost. 

Dutton seems more at war with the ALP than any thought of service for the Australian Nation. His cry of "reverse racism" and "division" erases any concept of Australian history history as we know it. That since 1788 we have been divided simply by regarding Indigenous Australians as a dysfunctional minority of heathens who 83% of today he regards as "racists" for wanting Australians to vote Yes and change that course of Colonial history and blinkered we are still on.May be an image of text that says '"SOME PEOPLE ARE GOING TO LEAVE A MARK ON THIS WORLD, WHILE OTHERS WILL LEAVE A STAIN." -Eleanor Roosevelt'Image 

 Not all White people are Racists but all Trumpists, KKKers, Christian Nationalists are white and are all offended by statements like this. Dutton is offended by this  and his reply "So what"

Australia’s Shame: We have built and invisible and silent wall, the effects of which are well documented in our social statistics but more often mis-told and explained in the history of Australia. Dutton claims the right to protest in defence of truth but denies the right of Indigenous Australians a Voice to speak and be heard. There is no reverse racism dividing us Colonialism built the Wall

The political class internationally, with one voice, put out statements supporting “Israel’s right to self-defence,” a right they grant to the oppressor but deny to the oppressed.

Those are the people who need to be condemned.

Source: Craig Murray: Condemnation

International law experts and human rights groups are denouncing Israel’s announcement of an intensification of its longstanding blockade of the Gaza Strip.

‘A Massive War Crime’


Families react to Palestinian family members having been killed in Israeli airstrikes during recent fighting between Israel-Gaza. October 9, 2023. (Atia Mohammed/Flash90)
With Israel cutting off food, water, and power supplies, the dehumanization of the strip's population is complete — laying the groundwork for what's to come.

Operation ‘A Thousand Eyes for an Eye’ is underway in Gaza


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