Sunday 15 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,15/10/23, Invasion Days 1788; 1901;,2023, IRONY; Now Preferred Historic Asshole; The third Invasion; News Corp appoints Abbott as Governor;

AUSTRALIAN SHAME 1788, 1901, 2023  are the dates fixed in time to remind the world that this Great Southern Land was RAPED and INVADED not once but Three Times

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

 Boiled down to its essence, the international reaction to Australia’s emphatic ‘No’ at Saturday’s Voice referendum was disquieted in word, and – potentially, for us – disquieting in deed. Unfairly or not, we’ve been lumped in with the UK (Brexit) and US (Trump) as countries prepared to shoot themselves in the reputational foot to hang on to what’s seen as a chequered past.

The scathing foreign response to Australia’s “no” vote on Saturday may have lacked nuance, but they could be onto something. It appears many non-Indigenous Australians do have a racism problem, can’t deal with being challenged on that and – like the psychiatric patient who won’t accept s/he has a problem – have little interest in changing their ways or better-harmonising with First Nations people, much less our Asia-Pacific neighbours. 

The consequences could be dire. “Reputation counts,” McCarthy wrote, explaining that “nations with internal divisions are generally seen as less reliable partners … than those without significant social and economic fissures.”

A chorus of chagrin greeted news of a ‘No’ vote at Saturday’s The Voice referendum. But the damage for Australia – especially in our own Asia-Pacific region – could go further than a bruised reputation. Andrew Gardiner reports.

Source: “Stuck in a colonial past” – the world condemns Australia’s “No” vote on The Voice – Michael West


 Tens of billions of heavily armed United Nations troops have amassed off Australia’s north coast in readiness for a promised nation-wide takeover should the Voice referendum be successful.

UN Warships Arrive on Australian Shores in Preparation for Post-Voice Takeover

May be an image of text

We came to this country, kicked the inhabitants off, murdered them, raped the women, enslaved workers (unpaid) massacred tribes including children, took their land and used it and its bounty for our benefit ... and now we tell them again to fuck off. Aren't we wonderful. 


 The No campaign has abruptly embraced the concept of ‘the truth’, right at the moment vote-counting

No Camp Claims It Received More Votes, in First Factually Correct Statement of Campaign

So if – as looks likely – it’s defeated, then I’m sure we’ll hear from Mr Dutton that it was because of Labor and that Albanese should step down because…

Because the Voice was defeated?

But wasn’t the Voice a bad thing?

And if it’s Albanese’s fault then shouldn’t all those people who voted against it be giving him three cheers?

Or was Dutton’s stance against the Voice just a cheap attempt to gain a win against Labor by taking the low hanging fruit of ensuring that a Constitutional Referendum is defeated?

Trying to find a consistent pattern to the Liberals has been difficult over the years, but I’d have to say that Dutton has raised it to a whole new level. Let’s take their position on the repeal of 18C. Georgie Brandis asserted that people had a right to be bigots and the general position of…

Source: Three Cheers For Albanese For Stopping The Voice! – » The Australian Independent Media NetworkMay be a graphic of text that says 'PREFERRED PRIME MINISTER 13/10/2023 18% Undecided 31% Dutton -1 51% Albanese +1 The National Timer Meme'

Voice derailed by fear, outrage and 'Trumpian schtick'

“The post-mortem of the Voice referendum should find the shallow nature of mass media did not by itself reject the invitation offered by the Uluru Statement – but it sure as hell did not help.

Individuals Price, Mundine, and Thorpe presented as representing 3.8% of the population  when they don't. They were in fact acting for and chosen by the LNP and acknowledged as spokes persons for a divided Indigenous Nation. Politicizing an invitation 5 years in the making as something created by the Government

Voice derailed by fear, outrage and ‘Trumpian schtick’May be an image of 5 people, the Oval Office and text


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