Monday 13 November 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 13/11/23, Protesting Genocide, Israel evacuates Hospitals bit by bit, Finkelstein unravels Israeli propaganda, Didn't bother Dutton vs Airbus Albo, Media shame in reporting an accident, ACT response to Rape,


May be an illustration of text that says 'WERE SHOWING A BRUTAL MEDIEVAL SOCIETY How THE CIVILISED WORLD BEHAVE'S mow'

 More than 10,000 people rallied in Melbourne’s CBD in support of Palestine on Sunday, the fifth weekend in a row.


Protesters rallied to protest against Israel’s bombardment of Gaza and call for a ceasefire.

More than 45,000 pro-Palestine protesters rally for fifth weekend in a row

A Palestinian man looks at bodies covered in blankets after the al-Buraq School in Gaza was bombed.

As the death toll from Israel's obliteration of Gaza topped 11,000, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said "far too many Palestinians have been killed"—while the United States' armed aid to Israel continues.

Over 50 Bodies Pulled From Rubble of Gaza School Bombed Amid Israeli Assault

As the death toll from Israel's obliteration of Gaza topped 11,000, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said "far too many Palestinians have been killed"—while the United States' armed aid to Israel continues.

 Israel simply says "Evacuate" How do you evacuate severely sick people from hospitals Israel it seems does it bit by bit

Reuters reports that Al-Shifa hospital complex has been forced to cease operations after its final remaining generator was hit in a bombardment. As I write, dozens of premature babies in incubators are in danger, and two have reportedly died.

Source: Israel’s War on Gaza’s Hospitals and Patients: al-Shifa Bombed again, as 20 of 36 Hospitals Go Dark


Super-Genius Ben Shapiro Exposes Anti-Israel Lies (#3)

Ben Shapiro asserts that “In 1917, the British promised the Jews the entire area of Palestine.” (at 1:41)  The 1917 Balfour Declaration states that “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,” whereas the Zionist movement lobbied the British to deploy the phrase “reconstitution of Palestine as a Jewish State.” (emphases added; see Isaiah Friedman, “The Question of Palestine,” chapter 15)  If the British opted for the preposition “in” rather than “of,” that’s because it had not “promised the Jews the entire area of Palestine.”  Meanwhile, Mr. Shapiro skips over an obvious perplexity: shouldn’t the people of Palestine not the British have been deciding the fate of that territory?  Here’s how Lord Balfour reasoned it:

The weak point of our position of course is that in the case of Palestine we deliberately and rightly decline to accept the principle of self-determination. If the present inhabitants were consulted they would unquestionably give an anti-Jewish verdict. Our justification for our policy is that we regard Palestine as being absolutely exceptional; that we consider the question of the Jews outside Palestine as one of world importance, and that we conceive the Jews to have an historic claim to a home in their ancient land; provided that home can be given them without either dispossessing or oppressing the present inhabitants.

Put simply, in the grand scheme of things Jews were more important than Arabs.  But Balfour at least possessed the lucidity of mind to recognize the “present inhabitants” in Palestine.  Mr. Shapiro doesn’t even notice their presence (see #2). He’s of the school that “There were no Indians.” 

How Australian is this? By mid 19thC the British had come to recognize that Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders existed. That Indigenous people existed in all their settler colonies. However not so the squatters of Australia. Despite The British Native Protection Act our Squattocracy unlike other colonizers ignored that Act and simply did what their own conscience dictated. Without any formal authorisation by the Crown  they ran vigilante groups and requested the formation of The Native Police to protect them more than protect the natives. Lease agreements acknowledging native rights were as broken as frequently as Israeli cease fires, and the illegal occupation of the West Bank. As a result Australia remains the only Colonizer today apart from Israel without Consitutional recognition or treaties signed with the peoples whose land they invaded. The Sami, Innuit, Maori, Native Indians etc have been given special recognition that Australia's don't.

In Australia Aborigines and Torres Strait islanders have a 65,000 continuous living claim in this land and still no recognized unified voice. Israel's claim isn't even a continuous living one but a 3000 year historic unverified one and the Australian government recognizes it. Racist we were and racist it seems we always will be. 

Even British history seemingly didn't change as history tried to suggest when pointing to the 19thC Native Protection Act.

"I do not admit that right [for Palestinian Arabs to dictate the future of their country]. I do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a great wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, or, at any rate, a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." - Winston Churchill

Can't wait for the likes of NewsCorp to express its outrage at Peter Dutton's lack of respect and patriotism.
Peter Dutton Missing in Action ( From Twitter and The National Times)
Peter Dutton didn't bother to make it to Remembrance Day commemorations at the Australian War Memorial.
This is disappointing especially for a man who likes to wrap himself in the Australian flag and profess his patriotism for the Nation.
It's even stranger that Anthony Albanese cops criticism for attending the ceremony, with Liberal supporters on Twitter resorting to personal abuse and other name calling.
It's just that if you are a leader and you don't show up, it says something about your priorities, wouldn't you think?
What would you have said if the PM didn't show up to remembrance day ceremonies, there would be an outcry from the media ? 
Can't wait for the likes of NewsCorp to express its outrage at Peter Dutton's lack of respect and patriotism.
 May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'While Morrison is overseas posing for photo-ops Albanese is getting on repairing the damage Morrison caused to relations with one our major trading partners. of The National Times MemeFactory aapphotos'May be an image of text that says 'GRACE METHODIST CHURCH 8 MEN HAVE AS MUCH WEALTH AS 3.6 BILLION PEOPLE BUT SURE THE SINGLE MOM ON FOOD STAMPS IS THE PROBLEM IN MEMORIAM REV.AND MRS.A..D.'  
 Look Mum Capitalism Really Works

Television News last reported it without declaring it a major tragic accident or that the car wasn’t “parked” but was a derelict unused car in a backyard. Was it because it was an event in a remote community?

Why is it when events like this occur in say Melbourne greater detail is given? It would seem by this report it was. Yet, television news made it seem it was more than just a tragic accident.

“It appears it is a tragic accident with the children, who have somehow gotten into the vehicle and have been there for some time,” Det Sup Shadlow said.

Source: Two Qld boys found dead in derelict car


AFP parliament house

Seven federal politicians, which could include the Prime Minister, had complaints of sexual assault made against them in the period from the 24th of February 2021 until the 30th of June 2022 which is the year-and-a-half period after Brittany Higgins’ allegations first became public knowledge.

Yet the Australian Federal Police failed to charge any of them which is consistent with how the federal police operate a protection racket for federal politicians.

Source: Seven federal politicians could be rapists according to complaints made to the Federal Police. Is Canberra the rape capital of Australia?Kangaroo Court of Australia

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