Wednesday 8 November 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 8/11/23, Forgotten about Climate, Dutton has an Indian Joke, Aussies that didn't make 65,000 years, Children , Massacre of innocents, War against News, Asylum Seekers, Is Trump winning?


"About that climate promise"

 May be a doodle of text 

Running to find Tony to tell him the joke

May be an image of text

Nothing seems to have changed in the subsequent century and a half. Humans are still killing other humans because of their differing gods or how they look, or the things they believe, and the children still fall first. We are only more efficient at our killing. Bullets and bombs are more deadly than swords and arrows, and if Israel is attempting genocide, we may not know until it is a fait accompli, but we will be complicit with our billions in military aid. Hezbollah, backed by Iran, may also be prompted to enter the war, and Israel could be more endangered and seek increased American support, maybe even troops. What then? Will the American president not call for a cease fire? When will it be too late? Or is it already?

There are parents on both sides of the conflict who already have an answer to that last question.

Source: The Second Casualty – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Concept of crisis in Gaza, Middle East.

The UN is calling the Israel-Hamas war a ‘graveyard of children’…. an adult conflict, in which the young are suffering most.

The UN is calling the Israel-Hamas war a ‘graveyard of children’…. an adult conflict, in which the young are suffering most. What we see on our TV screens every night is impossible to watch. Did Netanyahu see the young lad who had just carried the decapitated body of his friend from the rubble. If so, what did he think? He almost certainly thought the same as Natali Bennet the former Israeli prime minister who said to a reporter on Sky News: “Are you seriously asking me about Palestinian civilians? What is wrong with you? We’re fighting Nazis”. 

In other words, there are no civilians, there are no innocents, all Palestinians, including children, are the antithesis of us, all deserve and need to be exterminated. In fact, in this logic, there is no entity that can be called Palestine, there are no peoples to be called Palestinians. This is not just the slaughter of innocents, it is the annihilation of innocence, it is the breeding ground of the next generation of retributive violence and of lives lived out of pure hatred.

It is past time that truths were stated with utmost clarity.

Source: Massacre of the Innocents – Pearls and Irritations


 Israel doesn't need our help asylum seekers do and now!

Refugee Action Coalition Media Release PNG refugees have been left without income, food vouchers for at least the last two weeks – in some cases longer. Some have had their power cut because they cannot afford to pay for electricity. Transport has been cut. Medical appointments at PIH (Pacific International Hospital) now have to be…

Source: No money, no food: PNG refugees can’t wait another week – » The Australian Independent Media Network

I want to use today’s letter to reassure you.

First, as I’ve noted before, polls a year before an election are not predictive of outcomes.


Source: Trump v. Biden: How worried should we be? – Robert Reich

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