Saturday 16 December 2023

Fighting Fake News with Real, 16/12/23, Murdoch Destroyed the News,

 May be an image of cleats and textMay be an image of text that says '1948, meeting of the UN General Assembly to draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... Ok, So far we have: "Article All humans are born free and equal..." Hmm, don't know- isn't that a bit too... political? Witzox'

Murdoch’s vast empire of toxic right-wing propaganda, from the British tabloids to the Wall Street Journal to Fox News, has poisoned the brains of millions and made the world dramatically worse.

 You can tell it all ultimately comes from Murdoch, because it’s exactly the same across the pond in the pages of The Sun, and it’s exactly the same (albeit with a few refinements of vocabulary and style) on the Wall Street Journal op-ed page. 

Rupert Murdoch is probably the most important media figure of the last century. But I don’t think the scale of his influence on our lives has yet been appreciated. He helped to give Britain Margaret Thatcher, and he helped give America Donald Trump. Having owned over 100 newspapers at various points, plus major book publishers and television stations, he is the William Randolph Hearst (or, if you like, Charles Foster Kane) of our time. But what’s strange to me is that one man could be so influential and yet so little noticed. We notice Carlson. We notice Trump. But we wouldn’t be noticing either of them if it wasn’t for the wizened Australian man behind the curtain.

Source: How Rupert Murdoch Destroyed the News ❧ Current Affairs

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