Wednesday 27 December 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 27/12/23, Jesus wa a Palestinian Jew, Guernica to Gaza, News, 250 dead in 24hours, Is there any Palestinian Jews? Israel locks the UN and any other observers out,

 Leunig Away in a manger Republished with permission

On December 10, 2023, Spain, the only Western nation with the moral fortitude to express its outrage at the Gaza carnage, held a solidarity event in the Basque city of Guernica’s market square, the same square that was bombed by the Nazis and Fascist forces way back in 1937. An aerial view depicts a massive Palestinian flag (the size of the entire square) in mosaic form the tesserae of which were held by citizens, trade unionists, artists, anti-war and anti-fascist groups, along with a large depiction of Picasso’s image depicting the mother, her child in her arms, crying to the high heavens.

And for a whole minute the sirens blazed in solidarity with Gaza’s mothers and children.

Viva Espana. Viva Palestina.

Source: From Guernica to Gaza –


 Palestinians mourn relatives killed in an Israeli airstrike

More than 100 peo­ple killed in an Is­raeli strike on Mag­hazi refugee camp with fam­i­lies still trapped in rub­ble.

Published On 25 Dec 2023

‘En­tire fam­i­ly gone’: Is­rael kills 250 Pales­tini­ans in 24 hours


Archbishop Alexios of Tiberias visits Saint Porphyrius Orthodox church in Gaza City, which was severely damaged in an Israeli airstrike on Thursday. At least 18 people were killed [Abdelhakim Abu Riash/Al Jazeera]

Since October 7, Israel and its allies have tried to put the war in Gaza within the “war on terror” framework, actively comparing Hamas to ISIS. Many who instinctively equate Palestinians with Muslims have indeed fallen for this false narrative.

But the brutal war Israel has waged on Gaza has not targeted “only terrorists” as it has claimed. Instead, it has massacred Palestinian Muslims as well as Palestinian Christians in what legal scholars agree amounts to genocide.

The Christian community in Gaza has lost at least 21 members so far. This may sound like a small number, but given they were only 1,000 before the war, these massacres threaten to eliminate the Christian presence in the strip for the first time in almost 2,000 years. Proportionally speaking, the death rate of Palestinian Christians is double that of the entire Palestinian population in Gaza.

And yet, the leaders of Christian-majority countries in the West have remained shockingly silent on the plight of Palestinian Christians. United States President Joe Biden, a devout Catholic, has said and done nothing to protect fellow Catholics in Gaza, who have also been targeted by the Israeli army.

This falls in line with decades of unwavering Western Christian support for the racist Israeli state, which has threatened the Christian presence in the holy lands for decades.

Source: Why does the Christian West ignore Palestinian Christians’ plight? | Opinions | Al Jazeera

 A man speaks with a worker of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) agency outside one of their vehicles parked in the playground of an UNRWA-run school that has been converted into a

 The UN is made up of some 190 nations only Israel America and Chechia voted against the resolution for a ceasefire and Israel call them all hypocrites. How is it and why can less than 6M people be allowed to threaten the rest of the world? Israel has proved itself to be a Terrorist Nation not just a Terrorist Organization

 Is­raeli For­eign Min­is­ter Eli Co­hen ac­cus­es the UN of ‘hypocrisy’ as his coun­try faces crit­i­cism for war tac­tics in Gaza.

Is­rael de­nies visas to UN staff as it hits back against Gaza war crit­i­cism

Published On 25 Dec 2023

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