Sunday 3 December 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 3/12/23, Anti-Protest Agenda, Outraged about the Ukraine silent on Gaza, The Assassination Factory, Israel claims 'we are discriminate" and kills children, Lehrmann at LNP Party,


Anti-protest laws highlight political hypocrisy across the board

Naive Demonstrators were  Set up for a publicity and political STING

1 The Israeli Embassy 2 The Protesters 3 The Pawns were The Families 4 The Police 5  The media News Corp 6 The Australian Jewery Town Criers

The activists were acting on information that the Embassy of Israel was hosting an event at the hotel. The details of the event weren’t known to them. Only who was hosting. I am led to believe there were, in fact, embassy delegates there, with a booking — it’s just that there also happened to be families at the hotel, either attending another booking or simply staying there.

The protesters said:

“As always, our protest was directed toward those who hold power — the Israeli officials playing politics with Palestinian lives.”

They held their rally at about 10 PM to an audience of barely anybody. We’re told that families of hostages, returning to the hotel after an event elsewhere, felt unsafe and retreated to a nearby police station. That’s terrible.

Now we know it was a mistake that this happened and certainly not a case of any activist intentionally attempting to “organise a demonstration against grieving families”, to quote our Prime Minister.

So you are welcome to find it tasteless, but you can also put to bed any discussion of suppressing peaceful protest. Correct? Because now we’re only talking about an incident with bad optics that was a mistake — an action undertaken based off of a lack of information. It’s not a case of intentionally targeting families. Now we know this.


But knowing this doesn’t seem to have changed the breathless media coverage on the subject. The Australian quoted WACA as clarifying what its intentions and planned targets for the protest were, before moving on to quote Executive Council of Australian Jewry CEO Alex Ryvchin competing with others to have the most lurid quote regarding the protesters.

“Indistinguishable from Neo-Nazism,” said Ryvchin. “A cancer on our multicultural society,” said Zionism Victoria president Yossi Goldfarb. “A full-throated anti-Semitic movement,” said Anti-Defamation Commission chair Dvir Abramovich.

A protest against the families of Israeli hostages has been turned into a political stunt, providing our leaders with a reason to call for increased anti-protest laws.

Source: Pro-Palestine rally gives politicians fuel for anti-protest agenda

 A street protest of doctors carrying props of infants in body bags

 The stance of medical organizations on Israel’s massacres amounts to complicity in genocide.

Why were West's doctors outraged about Ukraine but silent about Gaza?

Smoke rises after Israeli airstrikes in several location in the Gaza Strip, October 9, 2023. (Atia Mohammed/Flash90)

Permissive airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an artificial intelligence system have enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest war on Gaza, a +972 and Local Call investigation reveals.

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

More than 32 Palestinians, including two infants, have been killed in 200 Israeli bombings, Friday, since the resumption of the Israeli bombing of Gaza at dawn.

Source: Updated 2: Israeli Strikes Kill Dozens Of Palestinians, Including Children, In Gaza | – IMEMC News


Owner reveals why Bruce Lehrmann was at Liberal Party Christmas drinks in multimillion-dollar mansion (By Samantha Maiden)

Source: National Times – Owner reveals why Bruce Lehrmann was at Liberal… | Facebook

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