Friday 8 December 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL 8/12/23, Truth in Pictures, Dutton's 7 years as Minister for Detention, Dreyfus Respects the Law, Fossil Fuel Doctors, USA Ashamed and Guilty,


A Rabbi called them vermin to be killed like rats

Isn’t this a case of the dog wagging the tail the only political strategy the LNP pursues whether in opposition or in Government which has been a total disservice to the nation for the whole of this century. The ALP in the meantime does what is required of responsible management without media support. How on earth can we believe the likes of Dutton and Cash the need to go the way of Price and Mundine so heavily promoted in the media before the referendum but gone immediately after.

While the government has included the judiciary in the process of seeking re-detention, the process has a distinctly punitive flavor, constituting a form of secondary punishment. It is also especially discriminatory, applying to non-Australian citizens. Yet again, the non-citizen is being treated as a non-person. As Michelle Peterie and Amy Nethery pertinently observe, “Australians with the same criminal histories and risk profiles will not be subject to the preventative detention regime under this legislation.” A potential legal challenge, for precisely that reason, maybe in the offing.

Source: Actuarial Justice: Released Refugees and Secondary Punishment – » The Australian Independent Media Network

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Mark Dreyfus didn't hide his lawyerly disdain when Sky News reporter asked whether the government owed an apology to people that had been subjected to 'misdeeds by those freed from detention. Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP'

As the political clock ticks relentlessly, there is little time for substance over optics in parliament Katharine Murphy for the Guardian and The National Times

Source: National Times – As the political clock ticks relentlessly, there… | Facebook


With the figures of science essentially excluded from these hot air gatherings in favour of industries that see them as troubling nuisances best ignored, the prospect for local and domestic reform through informed activism becomes the only sensible approach. There are even heartening studies suggesting that climate protest can warm frigid public opinion, the only measure that really interests the vote getting politician. Unfortunate that this seems a last throw for much of humanity and the earth’s ecosystem.

Source: COP28: Where Fossil Fuel Industries Go to Gloat – » The Australian Independent Media Network


A premature Palestinian baby in an incubator

Killing babies isn’t a crime abortion is in America

“What kind of weasel-mouth defense of Israel is that?” asked one observer, who quipped that “…deliberately killing babies is a war crime in Ukraine, but for Israel it is self-defense.”

Source: US Official Won’t Call Forced Abandonment of Gaza Newborns a War Crime

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