Wednesday 6 December 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,5/12/23, Truth in Pictures,The Shovel, Bigotry of Difference, Dutton the Alpha Twat, Anti-Semitism generated by a self-interested ultra-Zionist,


May be an image of map, water and textMay be a graphic of 1 person, blimp, oil refinery and text

 : “If you ain’t better than a n*****, son...who are you better than?”

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best coloured man, he won't notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

Climate Protesters to Dress Up as Neo-Nazis, in New Strategy to Avoid Being Hassled by Police


Hey has Trump stolen Peter Dutton’s politicking or the other way round? Was Abbott in both their ears?

As Johnson put it so concisely and so eloquently, the Trump con is all about convincing these people that they have “somebody to look down on”. Trump has given them a few targets: Muslims, “illegals”, the LGBTQI community, “Libtards”, coastal elites, soy boys (that’s me) and pretty much anyone north of the Mason Dixie line.

Source: Washington burning: Trump’s bitter path to the White House


 The Alpha Male Duh?

Just remember once upon a time when the LNP had a more intelligent group of member's of parliament, than they currently have. That group chose Scott Morrison to be a better leader than Peter Dutton. I rest my case.

 T'S the Albanese roast by the MEDIA as USUAL,NOT long ago they were trying to praise the softer side of DUTTON,HYPOCRISY AT IT'S BEST

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

 I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet: His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

Is it possible to be an Antisemitic Jew I believe so.  Netanyahu has proved it is. He has raised global anti-semitism to tsunami levels. Zionists both Jewish and Christian celebrated the 1914 Belfour Declaration. A Declaration that was not just crooked; it was a contradiction in terms. The national home it promised to the Jews was never clearly defined and there was no precedent for it in international law and was opposed by the people of Palestine and again violently in 1948. 

 Jenna Price writes

Netanyahu has given people reasons to unleash their antisemitism. I pray he has also given Israelis the power to unleash their votes against him.

Why is that knowledge good news? It means Israelis must be several steps closer to ditching Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the man who must accept not just significant responsibility for the devastation and murders in Gaza, but also for the continuing despair of what remains of the Jewish diaspora. The man who pretends to be strong but is not. The man who could not even defend his own country despite considerable advance warning of the attack.

Hello. My name is Jenna Price and I’m Jewish. It’s a line I use when I find myself facing raging antisemitism. It interrupts the conversation and warns antisemites I’m about to take them on. You’d be surprised by the number of people who think it’s hilarious to make jokes or tropes about Jews. I don’t share your sense of humour, if that’s what you call it. I don’t think it’s funny when you mock Aboriginal people or Indian people or people of Muslim faith. You are a bigot and a racist.

I’m appalled at what’s happening to Palestinians. I’m appalled successive Israeli governments have seized land that was not theirs and dispossessed men, women and children from their homeland. I’ve moved from being a person utterly wedded to the two-state solution to being one who despairs that there will ever be a solution of any kind, except a horrific one. Netanyahu’s popularity, and that of his party, Likud, is in the basement. Now Israel is in the most precarious position it’s ever been in: a brief reminder Israel exists because of the Holocaust.

Source: Israel war: Hamas plan revelations must force nation to ditch Benjamin Netanyahu

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