Wednesday 15 May 2024

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 15/5/24, Fossil Fuel Subs, Free Sport, Dr Strangelove, Iran , Real Journalists are dead, Genocide is Real, Israeli Occupation

 May be a doodle of ‎text that says '‎DON'T BE AFRAID... DON'T BE SCARED, IT'S GAS! ילשו 运 GOLDING GOL DING‎'‎The Dirty Budget: fossil fuel subsidies up 31%. What’s the scam?

The Dirty Budget: fossil fuel subsidies up 31%. What’s the scam? 


Say goodbye to free sport on TV, say hello to paid streaming

  No more Ashes, no more AFL or NRL Grand Finals, no more Olympics. If you no longer watch TV with an aerial, seeing big sporting events for free may soon be a thing of the past.

Say goodbye to free sport on TV, say hello to paid streaming

Displaced and Refugees

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina let his inner genocidal maniac loose on Sunday, defending Israel’s total war on Palestinian […]

Lindsey “Dr. Strangelove” Graham, Critic of Putin’s Atrocities, Urges Nuking of Gaza’s Civilians

With every missile that Israel fires on Gaza, every US veto of a UN Security Council ceasefire resolution, and every arrest of an anti-war protester on American university campuses, Iran’s rejection of the US-dominated world order gains more credibility in the Muslim world.

The ruling clerical regime in Iran has built its foreign policy on the pillar of anti-Americanism, rejecting what it frames as the “injustice” of US domination and “bullying” of other countries. Washington’s continued support for Israel’s war on Gaza in the face of an increasing international backlash has only reinforced this narrative.

While the US has tried to backtrack and signal that humanitarian considerations should guide Israel’s conduct of the war, the damage to US credibility has been done. Many around the world – and specifically in Muslim countries – do not see the belated US warnings to Israel as genuine.

And Tehran’s message of anti-Americanism is resonating with large segments of the public in the Muslim world.

In one regional opinion survey in late October, for instance, just 7% of respondents said the US had a positive impact on the war, compared to 40% who viewed Iran’s role as positive.

And in December, the highly respected Arab Barometer reported that approval ratings for the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had surpassed those of the Saudi crown prince and Emirati president.


Gaza War is Bolstering Iran’s Standing in the Muslim World as Anti-Americanism Surges

Palestinians mourn dead relatives in Gaza


The Genocide in Gaza Is Real—We Can See It With Our Own Eyes 

 Residents of Gaza’s Maghazi camp are still reeling from an Israeli massacre that killed at least 70.

 Growing up in Gaza, I have seen plenty of destruction caused by Israeli attacks. But what I saw that day went beyond anything I’d seen before. It was mass destruction in every direction. No buildings, trees, streets. Just piles of rubble, and tracks left by Israeli tanks.

I arrived at our neighborhood and I could barely recognize it. No house or street was left untouched. Neighbors searched through the rubble for bodies of loved ones. Others cried next to their destroyed homes. Everyone was so overwhelmed with pain and sorrow that we choked over our words.

I stopped in front of our house; it was still standing but severely damaged. Several walls had been destroyed by artillery. Two missiles had gone through the roof. Bullet holes covered all sides of the house.


A plume of smoke from an Israeli airstrike rises from a horizon of destroyed buildings

Israeli occupation forces ransacked my home


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