Andrew Bolt's Blog, 16/11/14, The Herald Sun is Bolt's source of NEWS;Abbott's too embarrassing to blog about; Bolt threatens Putin with Punishment Park; Obama I'm Bolt I can't drop the Cbomb on the barsted for what he did to Tony

Obama is a rude liar according to Bolt.
Remember when Tony told the world he was marching to Washington to tell Obama the realities of global warming just after he left Canadia I think it was or even before. It was all over our daily papers because News Corp made sure of that advertorial. The Canadia PM Steve Harper was his best friend and brother then.
Canadia now has an emissions reduction target of 17.5% the same as the USA. I wonder what has happened to Steve? The G20 is an International forum by the way not Tony Abbot's private party and if the players want issues on the agenda they are entitled to make them known. Obama is as a guest entitled to talk about anything he wants outside the forum itself just as shirtfronting the Abbott did at APEC. News Corp certainly ruled out rudeness then. Free speech free country, hey Bolt
As for Climate Change the Republicans just has to grin and bear it Obama doesn't need to pass any legislation in the US to move forward with his climate change actions. If the Reublicans try to stop them he has the right of veto. So Bolt your brain is still somewhere below your belt line.
As for a fake problem Bolt hasn't a single scientist of repute to back him on that. He's reduced to the cry of a frustrated and spoilt child when he can't get what he wants. This past two weeks he's dragged up all the dud nuggets to back his claims that warming is false. 4-5 weirdos against the consensus of all the worlds leading scientists and organizations working in the field.
One wonders what he and his kids talk about at dinner or more so in bed. They couldn't possibly admire the man if just does it just for the money. Any rational person couldn't believe he's for real could they?
He's not focusing on our PM is he. It's too embarrassing. Guess he is waiting to see what the official News Corp line on Tony Abbott is going to be. In the meantime he will deflect. Focus on Lambie and PUP as they seem to be the most important event in this country at the moment don't they. Tony who G what?
One would have to hope Putin reads Bolt's Blog and he is aware of the dangerous game being played. However Bolt from the bleachers hasn't given any indication of the consequences Putin can expect for not listening to blogger Bolt's warning. What is Bolt going to do to Vlad?
Bolt doesn't seem to think Indonesia's complaints about us entering their territory carries the same weight. When we do it repeatedly aren't we being arrogant bullies remember what Scott Morrison actually looks like? Of course were allowed to spy on the Presidents wife and steal sensitive documents from Timor. These are legitimate illegalities and we of course are legitimate bullies.
If we want to talk about legality was the US action in Syria, Yeman, Libya legal? Is the 40 year trade embargo on Cuba legal? US armed drones covering how many countries, are they legal Bolt?
A lot of the occasions that Bolt is referring to weren't even illegal as air space has not been compromised. Russia can fly where and sail where it wants I last heard.
I doubt if Bolt is really serious about lobbyists histories they all tend to be retired bureaucrats, advisers or even politicians from both sides of the fence.
The Herald Sun quoted as an authoritative news source and asking to be believed with regard unnamed tip offs is the head line. I'm afraid it's an immediate dead duck Bolt should have said the SMH or the ABC to be believed. But those lefities never know what's really going on do they.
Does the Labour party really seem disturbed by anything the Herald Sun and Andrew Bolt have pass off as truth or news?
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