Saturday, 29 November 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog 29/11/14 update: Bolt want's to teach us an ahistorical lesson on Racism: I guess we can only hope Andrew Bolt has his feet follow his mouth and leaves Victoria Congrats ALP and DAN

Protesting the apartheid way

 "I’ve warned many times that the anti-racism movement is becoming as racist as what it claims to oppose:"Bolt

This  lesson is coming from a man who supports Israel that has just passed a bill that no longer recognizes the equality of 20% of it's Arab and Christian Israeli citizens. A country whose laws differentiate citizenry according to their religion . Arabic has been delisted as Israels second language. However if minorities have any complaints in Australia according to Bolt their racist if Bolt takes  issue with  any minority he is not. He is simply a white supremacist.

Bolt promotes Black poverty as self induced never considering Blacks who fought in WW2 were ineligible for returned soldier loans afforded whites. They excluded from loans from banks. These  fundamental pillars of capitalism that allowed whites to progress materially and educationally and held them back. These laws and regulations excluded people for no other reason but colour.

 But Bolt wont tell you that because as a racist and supremacist he believes it must have been justified. The 35% of black Americans came from families that experienced economic disenfranchisement


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