Bolt's Blog 29/11/14, Peter (from Bellevue Hill) is the work horse on the largest pieces so Peter's Blog, It's the Week end; Or Bolt is leaving;,

And another woman raped on Nauru not to be talked about by Morrison. What to be done added to the never ending investigation in process. A white wash on it's way. More case of faux psychiatric hysteria and self harm. Send it to the investigation.
By the way the Australian Navy took control of the boat in International waters. So any boats can be boarded for any reason and towed wherever Immigration want even if they don't intend to ask for asylum.
Bring on a Double dissoloution and let's make things interesting again. . At least we will see Abbott reshuffled out.
Have you read the Herald Sun recently? Nobody said the ABC had to be perfect. Read Martin Flanagan in today's Age
In fact Bolt links to it below.
It's definitely not Camelot is it. Abbott's office is working yes but only for Abbott. Anybody he feels wants his job will soon find his head on the block.
I know Bolt's name is on this blog but it now seems the work of Peter( from Bellevue Hill). I presume he is getting paid by Bolt for his efforts. Bolt is as disingenuous as Clive Palmer.
Because commentators like your good self never applied themselves to any script other than the Federal one. Lucky for Napthine had you thing would have turned out far worse. Having said that races are only wo after the finishing post.
Read Flanagan he is a writer Bolt merely shovels shit. What more can one say
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