Sunday, 30 November 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 30/11/14, News Corp's Boltless Blog; It takes Bolt hours to put on the pancake for his team of clowns report. The Abbott factor stopped any rally in Victoria. Where was the TEAM PLAYER?

Another costly barnacle being removed

Bolt sub contracts Peter(from Bellevue Hills) to do his work for him. Peter then goes straight to the News Corp team from the Telegraph to do the work for his blog.  Yet it's attributed falsely to Andrew Bolt blogger extraordinaire who is a total charlatan.

Anyway Abbott is offering to alter his University Bill to get it through the senate saving some students money by freezing interest rates. However the offer is not inclusive and only applies to young parents. I doubt if we've seen the end to these negotiations.


Billions of reasons for Joe Hockey to defy Abbott on the co-payment

Yet more work by Peter for Bolt and all from the Telegraph again Boltless

Joe Hockey is not the only one insisting the PM's office has got it wrong Julie Bishop is with Hockey on this. Even Peter prefers half stories to the truth. But then Bolt is applying for a job in the PM's office.


Clive Palmer crashes in Victoria

Victoria smashed it out of the ground for Australia. Laugh at Palmer you may but where was Abbott doing for the blue boys ....hiding!!!


What good is the Senate again?

 "Australia’s Tony Abbott has a Senate, and it’s stopping him from making the spending cuts almost every economist agrees are critical to saving the economy."

Amazing no shame to begin with an outright lie. I can quote 2 Nobel prize winning economists who would totally disagree with this proposition. Stiglitz and Tirole. I guess this blogger is also keeping up the high standards of Boltless blogging.


Blaming Abbott for losing Victoria ignores the facts

If Abbott wasn't to blame why didn't he attend the party? Because even he thought he'd do more harm than charm. He was significant in his absence. As for the pathetic excuses they don't wash. Usually on election day those behind in the polls tend to show some sort of rally. None was shown in this case in fact the gap widened. That my friends was the Abbott factor.


Julie Bishop: nuclear “obvious” if we want to slash emissions

Sounds pretty dumb to me when we are the sunniest continent on the planet  and the price of solar panels is skyrocketing downward and getting more efficient.

 Anti-clean and riskless energy seems just a pig headed stance on the part of this government who does not want to put energy production into the hands of the consumer as opposed  to privateers


Liberals throw away Victoria

Totally deceptive blog and yet another lie.

Victoria threw away the Liberals is what happened. Give the voting public some respect. Treat them like fools and you don't last very long. This is a lesson I hope Abbott doesn't learn. 

Believe the reverse Bolt Believe the reverse and leave round shouldered like a Leunig character.

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