Monday, 1 December 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 1/12/14 pm, Abbott has changed in 7 days; Snakes might shed but their still snakes; Confession is a Catholic rite but all is not forgiven in politics; Abbott wants to teach Andrews to break promises.

Does Leyonhjelm want his conservative supporters to be equally absolutist with him?

Abbott has proven he is not a skilled negotiator. He commands by threat and power. However his bullying and roughhouse tactics are fine when in opposition but are not the modus of a sitting government unless totalitarian. Abbott obviously gathers headbangers around him but they aren't the  all clones he'd hoped they'd be. He once king hit Hockey and it seems he might do it again.


Glenn Lazarus taken to hospital

Why don't you dance on the man's grave Bolt you have had no shame in the past.

Campaigns matter less, performance more

One from Peter that usually does Bolt's work for him when he can't be bothered which quite often really.  Peter uses an old cherry of  a saying

Abbott changes

Here is another lot of work from Bellevue Hill Peter not from Bolt.

People who change their direction on a coin have been often regarded as psychotic or bi-polar. However in this case I'd hate to tar the mentally ill with an Abbott brush. These changes are certainly confected and not natural to Abbott which make him as trustworthy as a rabid bull terrier or  the boxer punching with eyes shut that we know. The rose tinted glasses are Bolt's or Peters. For Bolt this is Abbott's Lazarus moment but instead of rising up to the fore he should go the way of Glenn Lazarus to hospital. The man can't be trusted. He just tried to get Daniel Andrews to break election promises is that a man who understands truth?

"We wanted him not to treat people like idiots and to stop denying he’d broken promises."

He is a charlatan who makes it up as he goes. Catholics believe in confession say do anything you want confess and all is forgiven.
 "Abbott needs to give people, especially his critics, a reason or excuse to give him another look, another chance."
This however this is contrition by proxy on Abbott's behalf. It's certainly not coming from Abbott . The crocodile tears are Andrew Bolt's. Abbott might even stop blaming Labour for the deficit blow out and the spike in unemployment. He just might bring the world economy to the fore front of what's stopping him from being a winner. But he can't because labour had to face the GFC and they did it brilliantly.
"Where’s Labor’s plan? Why is it actively sabotaging the rescue of the economy? Why is it putting its ambitions ahead of the interests of the Australians who need jobs for themselves and their children?"
When Labour was saving this country's arse  Abbott was doing nothing but deriding them at every move. They never offered any plans  in opposition even when they did they weren't  plans they were slogans. Bolt is doing absolutely nothing but being an apologist for the same PM that Abbott was yesterday as he is today. Have him answer the question asked but never responded to. The one about about his dual nationality.

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