Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog 2/12/14, Mark Scott praised by Maurice Newman; Two faced Bolt and Israel; Palmer in civil case not like pollies who were criminal; Bolt on throwaway bullshit;


Another blow to the Abbott Government - higher education changes blocked

Hardly suprising given it's general popularity and unfairness has been fully discussed for most of the year. Given that it wasn't a pre-election promise it should have been abandoned. However Abbott the intransigent personality and lame negotiator refused to see the light.

Saving lives or saving Labor? Not a King-sized dilemma

Peter of Bellevue Hill Bolt's paid or unpaid ghost writer I don't know. But he does more work on this blog the Bolt who takes the $$. Peter Spends his energy digging up old unwanted bones like a dog to share with us. The activity of searching for these bones might excite him the hunter. however these kernals of exception can be found on all sides of the political coin. The only rule proved is that attention to this sort of historic finds  leaves us all seriously unflabbergasted. Each politician and /or commitee leaves someone dissatisfied and at the moment it's very much the Lib/Nat coalition.


Government workers get Labor government that will make non-government workers pay more

Bolt plays one economic song the same song  which 2 living Nobel prize economists declared as infantile and dangerous. The song 'cut spending and reduce company tax' is one Abbott sings  and all countries that applied it during the GFC went into recession. Australia didn't under Swan & Australia's economy was rock steady and growing.

 Since the coalition have taken control unemployment has escalated. Work has been casualised to such an extent we have been Americanised.  You know American workers are earning $11 an hour the same as they were 10 years ago without benefits. Their kids have to borrow to get an education that guarantees them no return. Capitalists don't invest for no return and they can manipulate risk. Workers can't.  The wealth gap has expanded so much in the US that even Murdoch is saying  something needs to be done. If he is saying it and he pays no tax I think it needs serious listening to. Meanwhile our politicians' wages have soared way above inflation yet we don't hear boo from them taking a 10% cut. They aren't lifters that's for sure.


How Mark Scott framed Tony Abbott

What do you know Bellevue Hill Pete  Bolt's pretend to be reader/worker doing it for his man.

Mark Scott was highly praised by Maurice Newman even recommended by Newman for a second term as CEO of the ABC,why? Because of his platinum management skills. Skills so far in advance of this governments capabilities. Will he leave the ABC in better shape than when he arrived, most assuredly. Can the same be said of Abbott and the Liberal Party? I'm sure the silence to that question will be deafening.


And what’s today’s sign of change?

How astute, a personnel change is needed according to bleacher Bolt. The Lib party is not a sinking ship which law  requires the captain be  last to leave. It's a Party and no matter who the leader is if the Party is not bopping you get rid of the leader first as he chose the dead weight in the first place.

As for the moronic comment about "throwaway societies are happy to get rid of first term governments." 55 plus years of two term governments is hardly a throwaway society. The Liberals weren't just barnacles they were trash. Go through Bolt's fashionista trash and  you'll simply nothing serious.

 As far as Costello is concerned he was gutless in the Howard years had he been staunch and not left in a hissy fit he might have been PM. He has always been a  wannabe. Leader from the bleachers since then.

Have the Greens really got nothing better to do than bash a Barbie?

Straight from News Corp's Daily Telegraph...no news but Bolt loves this stuff indicative of what he finds funny



Yet another dud green scheme from Labor

Nick Carter, The Australian News Corp wrote Bolt's blog  contribution. It's is the deniers prayer that just keeps on lasting. The denier's ship is a ghost ship it had so many barnacles on it that it sprung leaks and sunk a while back. It lives on in history, you know like the the memory of a once   desperate this bowel movement.

 The Republicans in the US passed a bill recently disallowing  research scientists in the US like NASA &NOAA to pass their research on to the EPA. Yes you heard it no information to be forwarded to the Environment Protection Authority. That's Bolt's wet dream for us a board of deniers.


Clive Palmer goes feral under questioning over the missing $12 million

I'm sorry the question of fraud is serious when politicians  are they ripping us the tax payers off.  What rules have they put in place to protect themselves rather than ones to protect us is what's important. We saw a lot of coalition members scurrying like bugs when it was discovered they had their noses in the trough. All those payments  were handed back so quickly. Peter slipper wasn't afforded the same privilege he was truly stepped on but by his own team. That is Abbott's forte.  

Palmer's case is totally different in that we aren't  involved . Bolt would like us to believe we are that's why he is such a gutter commentator. He gets upset by anybody sleeping on the left.


Brilliant one day, unfair the next. Gittins spun

Well that's about this is as exciting as watching paint dry. The constructed unchecked context revelations by Andrew Bolt. 

Real two facedness is Bolt's stamp. How about this example. He claims to hate any sort of Tribalism or Racism and is a foghorn supporter of Israel.  However Israel has just passed a Bill declaring it to be a Jewish State and not primarily a Democratic one making Muslims and Christian Israelis second class citizens.  Bolt's gone silent. How about Slandering Rbobert's-Smith our VC holder in order to make some pissant point against Jacqui Lambie. When caught out by Smith Bolt made  no attempt to apologise. Bolt is Abbott through and through.


Government workers get Labor government that will make non-government workers pay more

Amazing no comment that the Victorian electorate had anything to do with this election. It was the unions. Bolt always undermines the intelligence of the voting public. Never mind that this comes from a simple and uneducated man. A man who stereotypes unionists as thugs in blue singlets. Bolt is a class traitor a suited  wannabe elitist.

 He doesn't like the fact that the unionist's he's speaking about have an education university degrees in fact something he lacks. Yet Bolt is the true working class lout who pretends to have scaled great heights in an occupation regarded lower than night cart workers. Listening to opera, quoting the great philosopher Jack Russell doesn't make him smart just pretentious

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