Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog,3/12/14, Saved by the Senate; Don't change policies change the lies and sell, $500,000 nothing to do with Bolt, DAANCE or DANTS, Students saved from debt govenment says it's not our fault,


Labor, Greens vote to reward boat people yet again

Here is Bolt putting a fresh and new spin on old policy as he suggests Abbott must do. How old is this spin it goes back to Howard. We heard this back when Christ's dog was a pup.

ABC 7.30 mocks Pyne for pronouncing “Wang” correctly

Now that's trivia. Pyne went to a Catholic school and did some Latin. If not he comes from Adelaide.  FAC  in Latin is correctly pronounced Fuck. However when  I arrived at Melbourne High it became pronounced Fake and I was never asked to read out loud again after my the disturbance my repeated Fucks got. However in Adelaide it's DAANCE in Melbourne DANTS. Should we make an issue of it NO FAC'N WAY  


Jacqui Lambie hijacks Phillip Hughes’ tribute for a political stunt

Andrew Bolt's love affair has made Lambie a media star. She's every where and no longer the laughing stock Bolt tries to make out she is. She is fast becoming the girl with a heart. I can now see what Bolt sees in her.


Palmer adds to his bizarre conspiracy theories

These Palmer deflections don't do anything to reduce the attention and size of the Bolt leftist conspiracies he maintains are against Abbott by all Australian print media except News Corp. The ABC, the warmists, the Indigenous, anybody even the moderates in his party are a danger to Tony.

Implacable in purpose, better in delivery

Bolt's asking the government to change it's LIES but stick to the same goals...clever. "Real Leopard he is" says Yoda. Unfortunately like Bolt the don't change their spots.

Too hot, too cold - an unworkable Senate

How come it worked for Gillard who the Liberals condemned for being a negotiator. They labelled negotiation as a weakness. Now they don't know how to do it and blame everybody else for their failures. Nothing in this universe is their fault so ergo the universe is out of control. Where is the double dissolution? They don't have the balls.

Liberals demand more talk before action

It's not the Abbott way is it. Bolt and all conservatives praised the Credlin way earliy on. Tight, controlled, party perfect pitch, no slip ups. Strong intransigent uniformed (if  only they dared). Servicing the electorate not providing any service to it. 


It costs $500,000 to show you’re innocent

It shows the price of law and how unaffordable it is to individuals but still economical and an affordable  risk for Corporations. It certainly not a risk Bolt would have  taken on his own he would have apologized. Even the decision to defend it was not made by Bolt. I wonder if the same  would have occurred if Ben Roberts- Smith had pursued Bolt's slurr? Would it have been commercially efficacious to run a defense against a VC holder.

  The case was thrown out because it was regarded as 'trivial' $500,000 certainly isn't trivial. Should the lawyers have been paid according to the size of triviality? All it does is send yet another broadside across the bows of SS citizen telling them don't even try to fight corporations it will cost. It's a show, a show of legal pomp and performance that in the end is declared a waste. I guess Barrow will be thrown into today's version of debtors prison and Bolt be allowed to walk away  and gloat.

News Corp however was protecting a piece of commercial territory and not Andrew Bolt. It was protecting their right to sell bullshit and advertising one at the same time. Small but constant lies can't be seen to be as illegal because if seen as a totality of lies their papers would be shut down. I guess it  protects their right to call themselves News papers when they are clearly not.

 It will be interesting to see if their UK cases are seen as trivial. See the links below.

  Sun Six Conspiracy: News Corp sacrifices journalists to

  UK Charges News Corp. Journalist in Bribery Probe - Wall



Why did the ABC protect Labor from the blame for these horrors?

Bolt's just an echo. The ABC produced a programme that allowed them to talk to sailors who are no longer in the defence force and therefore no longer obliged to silence. With the new laws being passed these sailors in future will be liable to jail terms for speaking up. Unlike Bolt's blog TV programmes aren't 2 minute noodles or instant coffee they take time to produce.  Bolt is simply attacking the ABC for not doing the impossible being there and shooting it live. As it's not an instant product they must  according to Bolt  been SUPPORTING LABOUR!!!

 What schoolboy drama it becomes in the hands of Bolt. The new laws and the way they are  framed  will prevent the ABC   revealing anything about any government. They wont be Brandis laws but more Scott Morrison laws who currently heads the department of no information. The Abbott government would prefer all departments to be like that, a scrutiny free zone.

 Bolt doesn't want the ABC to be the arm of government propaganda. As it would put an end to News Corp. Thank you aunty for being informative any wonder there's 84%  voter  support for you and less than 3% like Bolt.  The stats are same with global warming deniers or the Fossil Fuel supporters3% against and 97% for the science of warming. Bolt has delusions of being a Don Quixote of sorts. He is either paid or suffers dementia both is the most likely.

Another blow to the Abbott Government - higher education changes blocked

Another stopping of a regressive Bill  that would throw universities to the dogs. Research no longer an exercise in discovery but a factory of profitability and not a place of learning.   1200  CSIRO research scientists have just discovered that. Donations by corporations or public crowd sourcing wanted. Well the public crowd sourcing is a certainty  it's our taxes. However a Myers of degrees shopped  only fir their promised commercial value with no guarantee is not that appealing.

 How many Universities and how many lawyers can we churned out not with one or a double but  a  triple degrees yet no guarantee of work. Why because the work is not there however the guaranteed  debt that is. Bye bye liberal arts who needs erudite well rounded humanist bankrupts when we can produce unemployed lawyers.

 Debt is good because debt ties you to the market place, and will in the long term drive down the cost of wages. Accountants, lawyers, doctors and dentists don't join unions. however the can be corporatised. Just like the corner milk bar went by the way of 7/11 and Woolworths

 Has anybody noticed the increasing number of short term loan sharks advertising recently to those that the banks wont lend to,  who need to borrow to live. That short term 30% interest market is growing. People who were once promised a single  job with benefits and now find themselves with 3 casual ones and none.

The Bolt plan will eventually force us all into corporate socialism.


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