Saturday 31 October 2015

Andrew Bolt's Blog,31/10/15; Bolt's "if this true " blog. They are all mostly not; Lebanese and Muslim guilt by innuendo; Bolt argues Abetz for PM; Chris Kenny's says Abbott was murdered in Paradise; Imagine their History of Australia;





Turkey’s Erdogan regime arrests, silences journalists. Critics bashed

Is Bolt as naive as he seems? Erdogan has been a coalition ally who runs a basically Sunni country whose primary problem is a pop of over 30% Kurds plus bordered by Kurds who instictively support the PKK who want their own independent and who are in opposition with the Turkish government.  While Turkey and the Kurds have an interest in common for the moment it's tenuous. Both want to get rid of Assad and ISIS however given  the choice Erdogan would prefer ISIS to the Kurds so he did nothing when they fought each other in Kobane.

America doesn't want to create waves  in Turkey they need to ensure Turkey is on side so the coalition will be seen to be uninvolved in Turkish politics.  Fox News has an audience broadcasting to 30% of the population. Bolt's omg shock horror what's going on seems little more than public  posturing for the sake of News Corp's current interest in the country. Basically Erdogan has taken over the press on the assumption the coalition need him more than he needs them. There was no press freedom in Turkey and there is even less now. Welcome to the politics of the Middle East. 

Turkish media denounce 'biggest crackdown on press in republic's history'

Below is a link that clearly shows the tha lack of press freedom not just in Turkey but the whole Middle East

 Turkey Country Report freedom-press | Freedom House

"The prime time news on FOX TV is currently the most watched show in Turkey and is hosted by Fatih Portakal." Rupert has a large investment there. If he is regarded as left wing wing press how much of a right wing extremist is Erdogan?

 Turkey Country Report freedom-press | Freedom House




What will the Left say now that Obama has done as Abbott advised?

How amazing is that circumstances change in a changing world . The Republicans have been calling for an escalation of the US war in the Middle East as a defining  political difference from the Obama and Democrat policies. Abbott mimics them and has doe so for years. However Andrew Bolt leapfrogs Tony Abbott over the Republicans He was a Tea Party camp follower when he was opposition leader and PM. Now as far as Bolt is concerned Tony Abbott is back to being the leader of the world yet again. Will he be like Caesar and will we jump and shout to bring in back? No!! 

Oh by the way according to Bolt

" President Barack Obama has authorized a contingent of fewer than 50 commandos to deploy into northern Syria ..."

The war is about to turn because Tony Abbott said so? Now even ISIS has been forewarned. We have always suggested Abbott and Bolt were ISIS assets.

" Will Shorten sneer that the US is at too “great distance” to “say they’ve got the answers to Syria”?Will the ABC sneer at Obama’s “firebrand” announcement?Will Cassidy sneer that Obama knows only to “Fight. Fight. Fight.”?Will any of the above praise Abbott for his prescience? "

Will Abbott be invited to give leadership advice to GOP after all he is the Oracle of Delphi according to Andrew Bolt. He 's always been bigger than Jesus and the Pope when understanding the commandments.





"Race-hate fear as Muslim woman hit"

What is it that Bolt would suggest was going on in the Northern suburbs when gun shots are heard and along with the sound of a foreign language. He often throws in a Muslim name not connected to the event and leaves his readers to decide. Here we have a clear case of a woman wearing a hijab being assaulted. His associate masthead says "discrepancies have been noted" while also posting the above banner which for convenience Bolt omits. The police down played the religious possibilities of the incident which usually Bolt jumps up and down about saying the Islamist aspects of any event have been gutlessly denied. Here in the reverse case he's crying out Muslims are trying to politicize the an unproven event. Bolt's can't have his cake and eat it too. He simply will go out of his way to blame Muslims for anything and everything.

" Mar­iam Veiszadeh, said that while it was important not to jump to conclusions, a religious or racial ­motivation could not be ruled out."

How much more sensible does Miriam sound and the Headline in the Australian 

"Race-hate fear as Muslim woman hit" compared with anything said by Andrew Bolt 

The daily Mail Offered this..Melbourne man 'punches Muslim woman outside a library ...






Unions are for officials

Link Paywall to the Australian Judith Sloan works for the IPA and Catallaxy Files

Does Bolt actually publish anything? Is he merely the publisher or servant for the largest extreme right wing views. The Catallaxy Files the IPA blogspot is the example here. Backed up by the Center right Australian.

"The real point is that trade unions in Australia have become less industrial organisations committed to enhancing the welfare of their members and more political bodies used by ambitious university graduates to secure political careers or well-paid positions at the Fair Work Commission and other government agencies… It is noteworthy that there are now more former union officials among federal Labor parliamentarians than was the case 20 years ago."

Is there any difference to MPs their degrees and in particular law degrees. The increased numbers of people they employ and the qualifications they have I'd suggest that instead of government not public service but MP's staff has grown exponentially. Further that their qualifications certainly don't represent the electorates they come from. Many if not most haven't had jobs outside of politics worth speaking of. Abbott, Pyne, and Hockey are just three that come to mind.

As for the observations offered by The Australian

"It is understood lawyers for the royal commission want to question all three about alleged serious irregularities in NUW accounts and misuse of union credit cards."

If  the hypothetical irregularities suggested here as serious as seemed but not proven surely it's a matter for the police and the organization to deal with them. After all isn't that what the Liberal party were allowed to do when their entitlements were in question. Half the party were allowed to refund moneys taken illegally. All the Australian then goes on to tell us is the assumed reputations the people named had. However the same can be said of  the Liberal Party some of those involved had extremely powerful reputations as well. However what is of concern is that an $80 million dollar Royal Commission wasn't called to investigate their illegal misuse of funds.




Abbott haters would rather Europe be destroyed in the name of compassion

Bolt's UPDATE proudly announces how the UK media The Daily Express praised Abbott's speech failing to mention that the Express financed UKIP the Uk's anti-Immigrant Party that failed so badly at the last elections. It's the equivalent of Abbott being supported by Andrew Bolt in Australia. No more accurately News Corp. Name a world leader who was as regularly uniformed as this." Hitler advised that a politician should never be photographed in his bathing suit."



Shakespeare presented mercy as a quality most valuable to the most powerful, strongest and highest people in society.

 However not as far as Abbott is concerned Come by boat your an illegal fly your ok.

The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:



On The Bolt Report tomorrow, November 1

Bolt ficticious "best selling author" how could he be because Andrew Bolt told us he was.

 " Ian McHugh fact-checks some of his claims about climate change. And did Plimer plagiarise?"

 Political influence

In 2009, Plimer was cited by the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia, Tony Abbott,[61] in dismissing the IPCC and its findings:

I think that in response to the IPCC alarmist — in inverted commas — view, there've been quite a lot of other reputable scientific voices. Now not everyone agrees with Ian Plimer's position, but he is a highly credible scientist and he has written what seems like a very well-argued book refuting most of the claims of the climate catastrophists.

— Tony Abbott, The Sydney Morning Herald

By 2011, Abbott had modified his position and stated that climate change is real and humanity makes a contribution to it.[62]

In early 2010, Plimer and Christopher Monckton toured Australia giving lectures on climate change,[63] and Plimer's views came to be associated with Monckton's claim that the international left created the threat of catastrophic global warming. On this association, left-wing columnist Phillip Adams commented: "Praise the lord for Lord Monckton! For Ian Plimer! For [conservative columnist] Andrew Bolt! Not only does this evil axis of scientists tell lies [about the Greenhouse Effect] but they've also doctored the weather to frighten people with huge droughts, cyclones and tsunamis to prove what they now call 'global warming'."[64]

Get Fact: how accurate is Ian Plimer's new book?





Time that Fair Work Australia had a broom put through it

The main premise of this post is "if this is true as it seems" The premise not only asks the question but provides the answer to it's obvious uncertainty and lack of knowledge. So why throw the baby out with the bath water? Do we close down our corporations like the banks when we find out their CEOs have been corrupt and intentionally ripped us off? No What we hear is MP Matt Corman saying " that's history get on with it " "we need to deregulate even more". 

Iceland deregulated when it found it's bank officials were corrupt it jailed them and has sold the bank returning Kr 30,000 to each of it's clients. Would our governments work so energetically for those who voted them?    First They Jailed the Bankers, Now Every Icelander to Get Paid in Bank Sale

Why should Fair Work Australia suffer for the actions of one man?





Why this silence about who’s shooting up Melbourne?

It's amazing how Andrew Bolt actually sees the The Age as the Tony Abbott's suppository of wisdom handing it out selectively The police commissioner using the term Middle Eastern drug gangs didn't intend bigoted columnists like Andrew Bolt to use that information to claim Melbourne is becoming Beirut. That a war of drug related gangs or a few families is the equivalent to the political fighting between religious factions. Bolt publicly when confronted by his bigotry denies it. He simply let's his apparent but intended ignorance to do the work for him. It's called innuendo. It wasn't so long ago we referred to Vietnamese drug gangs carving each other up with swords. Then it became Eastern European gangs and now Middle Eastern. Colombians are involved in the importation of Cocaine, Afghanis, Pakistanis Heroine, The Dutch pharmaceuticals. It does not mean swathes of their communities are criminals but as far as Bolt is concerned when it come to Lebanese it does however notice he fails to mention half are ChristianWhy the Racial Discrimination Act is as important as ever






Shorten wants vote extended to those young and stupid enough to vote Labor


According to Andrew Bolt whose job it is to push the post button the wisest leaders we have are generally the oldest. Eric Abetz being the cream of the crop. It would appear that Tony Abbott was simply too young to be PM and should have waited some 20 more years to mature. He simply let his heart rule his brain too often. Is that a silent call to bring back John Howard? Why was Malcolm Fraser regarded as a senile old fart? I do think the senility in this case rests with Andrew Bolt who pushed the post button.




Abbott haters would rather Europe be destroyed in the name of compassion

" The abuse of Tony Abbott by the media class is astonishing. His alleged sin? No more than to say Europe must save itself from an invasion that has so far this year brought nearly 800,000 illegal immigrants, mainly Muslim, to Europe, most bound for Germany and Sweden, with millions more on the way."

Firstly News Corp can't agree on the size of their invasion in the past 2 days they have claimed the invasion to be an increase of 2 % over 2 years and now Chris Kenny says it's over 1 year. Make up your mind please. Kenny says it's mainly Muslim others all Muslim. Do they even know the faith of all these asylum seekers? None however mention that maybe most of these refugees will return home when it's safe to do so.

This current link is from Chris Kenny. Yes that Chris Kenny that was invited to Nauru to tell us how detention on Nauru was like being on a "resort by the sea" Does Abbott really need or want to be defended by the likes of News Corp let alone Chris Kenny, Peter BH and Andrew Bolt whose job it is to push the post button?

"a narcissistic preference for seeming good, even when achieving evil." 




On hating Tony Abbott for praising Britain’s war against invasion

One thing couldn't have been more obvious than the world outside of Australia ignoring Tony Abbott's presence and speech. Andrew Bolt hysterical when anybody pointed it out here in Australia. However it's kind of Bolt to draw our attention to the fact that he noticed the attention Abbott got.

2 % increase p.a  is Abbott's invasion over 2 years is Abbott's justification for turning back asylum seekers, escalating the war by invading Syria and Iraq. Precedence being Falklands war by Thatcher and Bolt and Peter BH claim to see the logic. Australian immigration is over 1% per annum and we call it legal. So all Abbott is crowing about is definition and not an invasion. In what way is war justified when it's Abbott trying to justify the uninvited invasion of sovereign territory? It's certainly not justified by the Falklands that's for sure.

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