Thursday 17 March 2016

Andrew Bolt's blog, 17/3/16; Fairfax Chairman says Bolt hasn't a clue; James Patterso promotes diversity that backbencers deny; Extremists of all kinds find debating easy they don't; Bolt simply approves of the dismantling of small business and corporatising Australia; Reality TV, Panem is the USA not just a metaphor but there's no Mockingjay; Bolt is telling us to VOTE LABOR; Trump has Bolt's favorite source Breitbart imploding; Wayne Swann was the best Treasurer;


Do they want the sack as well?

Bolt believes he knows the story because he saw it happen at News Corp. Journalists are being sacked throughout the industry and simply blamed it on the ABC. The fact is when computers can do the work work of journalists nobody is safe. The structure of advertising has been totally changed and it happened so fast that management wasn't prepared for it. News Corp was never interested in news and had restructured well before lessons learnt in the USA and UK.  Roger Corbett explains the errors made and the need for restructuring. Nothing to do with the ABC.

News Corps scale and moves into sport, entertainment and cable TV has made it's print media and particularly it's news division totally unnecessary. However Murdoch sees it as a worthwhile expense to generate a sphere of influence for the wealthy and political classes to provide misinformation and opinion in their interest rather than news or information. Today MSM is dominated by the need to generate revenue news is a product that generates the least profit for them.

Bolt has never appreciated real journalists because he's never been one. So no sympathy from him. Just stick the knife in and twist it. Of course there's a reaction Bolt from sympathetic companions who feel the pain.

Fairfax throws weight behind media changes




The Liberals need warriors, not worriers. UPDATE: Wilson smeared


" Memo to the smearer: if you need to resort to this to bring down a great candidate, you cannot have much faith in your own." Bolt

 In your 'own' what Bolt? Your conclusion makes little sense. However a professional slimer bagging out another slimer for sliming is nonsense. But coming from Bolt no sense does make sense.

  Defying Bolt  FactCheck Q&A: have any refugees who came to Australia gone on to be terrorists?


More tension between Turnbull and the Treasurer he’s destroying

Bolt's on a mission to get as many Liberals as possible to VOTE LABOUR if that's not his ambition it's to bring Abbott back. However there seems very much a ha ha I told you so element to his attack on Turnbull. But you sense it's simply not thought out. Bolt was always anti- the pumped up against an increase in GST but you wouldn't believe that given his sliming of Turnbull for not following through with it. He was critical of Morrison's chase for revenue rather than spending cuts. However here he seems sorry for Morrison rather than critical of him. The only thing you can be sure of is he hates Turnbull and will say anything to undermine the man. So Murdochian



ABC helps grind Fairfax into the dust


Roger Corbett has simply denied anything Bolt has had to say

" Despite some reports that Fairfax has prepared to shut down its major newspaper publications, Mr Corbett said: "I can categorically reassure that we have no plans whatsoever to close down any of our newspapers, our major newspapers, at this stage.

"I think there might have been a hope in News they might be able to coerce us somehow directly or indirectly to move out of the papers and that they would be a gain for them. That's not going to happen."Fairfax throws weight behind media changes

The ABC has no Newspapers and Faifax is not as large as News Corp and both of Australia's largest print media are hemorrhaging $$. Their problem is not delivering news in the tech age but loss of revenue. The Herald Sun has solved it's problem by offering no news which means it ditched it's journalistic staff long ago. Name any readers that buy News Corp papers other than The Australian for news anyway? There's not a great deal that do  "News Corp’s UK tabloid newspapers, however, are vicious, morally bankrupt packages of sleaze and sensation." Doesn't that remind you of Murdoch's papers here?

The ABC demands quality of service that we can switch to when dissatisfied.

" We see this very clearly with Sky News in Australia, part-owned by Rupert Murdoch. Sky’s 24-hour news service is excellent on many criteria. But would Sky News Australia be so watchable in the absence of the ABC?"

The ABC holds other news deliverers to provide a standard that isn't seen in News Corps local mastheads. It's a service to Damocracy.

 "The ABC makes do with an annual budget of A$1 billion to serve a population of 22 million. That’s about 40% of what the BBC gets, per head of population. Given the quality of the ABC’s output overall, that’s a good deal for the Australian taxpayer. Don’t let any private media proprietor tell you otherwise."




Abbott joins backbench revolt

What a disconnected stream of consciousness from Bolt no real logic just a space filler something to with sides it seems. However isn't Bolt always saying he's a man of principle?

James Patterson calls for schools to be able to make their own choices according to parental values.  This seems diametrically opposed to the back bench revolt declaring the Safe Schools program should not to be a matter of choice at all but dismantled.  There actually seems to be a conservative push for nothing other than political opportunity to create division by advocating against anything in this case advocating diversity and free choice in the area of sexual matters. It's seems diamerically opposed to what their  James Patterson below is proposing greater choice and diversity. There appears to be a conflict of principles here.

Bolt however comes up with 2 options and 2 options only that both align with his boss Rupert Murdoch  reinstall Abbott or VOTE LABOR



James Paterson defines the battle

Simply put it sounds like teaching diversity in schools is a positive arrangement when it comes to education but not so in protecting kids from sexual bullying. Heterosexual values are absolutes.  Generational choices need to be reduced selectively limited to keep schools safe. In a society where true meritocracy doesn't exist and who you know counts for more than what you know values overide education. It's not uncommon to see people from the same schools doing the same courses and working in the same industries together. Law , Finance, etc.  Patterson certainly doesn't hide his light under a bushell when saying " cross-curriculum priorities were more aligned with progressive views than Liberal or conservative ones.""“This will not only allow schools and parents to select a curriculum which reflects their values,". It's  values which are more important to our current social structure than knowledge .


Another “debate” of the Left

What Bolt calls the strength of Conservatism " One advantage conservatives have in public debates is that the Left has little experience in arguing with people who disagree with them." is equally applicable to the extreme Left. This sort of strength is certainly not a virtue of the extreme right alone. He should see the crowd in Korea that's ready to welcome him.

 Blinkered argument between non listeners is not a debate. The IPA doesn't invite people to debate. Catallaxy files does not print arguments for the left.  However Bolt was a panelist on the ABC's Insiders and Gerard Henderson still is.  If the Bolt Report was a real forum for debate and not little more than a Sunday Unity of the Mind love in it might still be on air and not trashed by the Insiders in ratings. So this criticism of the Guardian by Bolt is simply what his religious Unity of Mind Show wasn't a real exchange of ideas as opposed to a series of sermons.

 Bolt's model of an assimilated state  American student Otto Warmbier sentenced to 15 years hard labour in North Korea  

 American student Otto Warmbier sentenced to 15 years hard labour in North Korea

How is it Bolt will go on for weeks ad-nauseum telling us Melbourne is in great danger from the Sudanese and the police are too soft but spends little or no time or effort on the Italians and Mafia in Melbourne or the bikie gangs? Theirs is not juvenile crime Andrew Bolt. Obviously however there's not enough cultural difference in  real violence that's ok it's Australian and they are not black.

Joseph Acquaro killing: Purana detectives join hunt for lawyer's ...

La Porchetta boss was 'warned over hit'



Turnbull’s plan to make milk cost more 

 Australia's economy is dependent on it's productive engine  made in the main of small business. What is Bolt fighting for but the corporatization of Australian business even if it means selling it to overseas buyers. The price of milk will go up because we have just sold our biggest dairy farm to the Chinese. That's 1 billion liters of milk either exported to China  at x4 the price or now kept here at that price. The competition that Bolt doesn't want protected is when small business supplies Coles and becomes dependent on them Coles demands their recipes to move forward or stop supply. Coles moving forward means  creating their own home brands to compete. When Woolworths taxes it's suppliers for all the discounting it needs to compete with Coles to maintain it's bottom line. All these tactics simply means the end of small business. Yes the price of milk will go up. One wonders why a Chinese company can do what an Australian company couldn't and needed to sell?




Column - The real appeal of Donald Trump

Andrew Bolt is a pro columnist whose English often makes no sense. What is Bolt saying here? Trump is along the way to becoming president or has a long way to go? Such a clear thinker is Bolt we don't see anything.

 " Donald Trump is a long way to becoming president of the United States after his smashing primary wins yesterday."

Don't you want to see a Trump here in Australia is what Bolt is saying and in the same breath saying  "True, I have no faith in this loudmouth’s ability to deliver some of the wild things he’s promised, even if he manages to defeat the Democrats’ Hillary Clinton in the election."

We have our Trumps and they are already in government. Cory Bernardi stands out as our verbal  Drumph but he hasn't the celebrity.  Clive has the celebrity but he's 15 years too early. We have always played catch up to the US. However what we do have is Rupert Murdoch and his business model is based on producing an Australian home grown Trump. Abbott just needed a Hawkish personality but it turned out to be anally beyond his scope . Abbott unfortunately neither had the guns nor bullets no matter how many writers he had he couldn't master the  presence of the Donald or the Bob. Bolt knows just how difficult that is. It's why he is the "I once anchored the Bolt Report" man

The reason why Trump is where he is is simple. It's reality TV and reality TV has now become the USA. Abbott, Bolt, and their ilk want an Australian Stepford Wife and a Trueman world experience a unified unity of mind like Nth Korea. Australians on the other hand want to feel  outrageous and not constrained to feel entertained and entertaining and it needs to keep on keeping on. Americans have been fed reality TV fLior the past 15 years it's more real to them than government which is so removed. It's simpler less complicated and reflects their social media FB and Twitter lifestyle and Trump is giving that to them now, reality TV and a circus  to attend where they all have a part. The American public have not found their Mocking Jay yet only their Celebrity Republican Leader in the Capital




The Liberals need warriors, not worriers

Remember when Bolt said the Conservatives should break away from the Liberals and start their own Party. He said he wasn't a Liberal he was a Conservative and proud of it. . Since then he's been telling us to vote Labor because the Liberals were a nowhere Party in total disarray. 

 It's what he's doing here but  calling the failing preselection of conservative  Tim Wilson a pox.  However it's now done under the pretext of advice Liberal's need fighters ( conservatives)  fighters like Tony Abbott was back in the day  when he was calling for the unity of mind of the party. Abbott simply ignored those or killed those he felt were against him Peter Slipper an example. A call  to war uniforms and flags symbols of that unity of mind the Nth Koreans talk about. Bolt cries out for it when he wants to rid us of the dangers of multiculturalism.  Who has that unity of mind those conservatives that can be found in the Monkey Pod Room. They don't flinch in the creation of 7 mill  Syrian children refugees when they take us to war. Why I Bought Four Syrian Children Off a Beirut Street

What Bolt is doing is bagging out the Liberal whose favorite in the current preselection and he's calling Wilson Trump style fighter. Wilson was of course a favorite on his Bolt Report panel. Well where is that panel now and has anyone heard any soulful cries that it's MIA? Bolt is giving us all the more reason to VOTE LABOR in bagging out the Liberals



The Left turns to muscle to stop Trump

" This is sinister, but watch the media blame Trump for the Left’s violence."

Who on the left has threatened violence Mr Bolt nobody!! Breitbart a favorite source has actually been trashed by Trump. Why because Breitbart began suing him. They have don a massive and rapid turnaround and imploded.  Breitbart Implodes As Trump Questions MountThey are now desperate to kiss and make up but Trump isn't listening.Breitbart suffers exodus after choosing Trump over reporter ..

The fact is Donald Trump is the only person threatening violence so much so he's declaring to start his own militias.  To date has been the only candidate to encourage violence. When a single protester was king hit and smashed in the face at a Trump rally who yelled to the crowd  "I'd like to punch him in the face too" Donald Drumph. Who manhandled the female Breitbart reporter for trying to ask him a question and is now suing him Drumph Security. When Breitbart complained Trump dumped them and the Breitbart board immediately backflipped causing an exodus of staff.  Reporter Michelle Fields And Editor Resign From Breitbart .

Who is threatening riots Trump warns of riots, pulls plug on Republican presidential debate. 

Who has cancelled televising the GOP debate because Trump won't be there Fox News. It truly is a $$$ circus



Is Turnbull about to spend like Rudd?

It was Tony Abbott who told us the "Economy is Repaired" the "Economic Disaster is Over" It was Joe Hockey in NZ that said there was "no Economic Disaster" Abbott then raised the debt ceiling and increased spending to another 1.9% of GDP. Let's hope Turnbull spends like Rudd spending was only 24% of GDP back then and that was because Howard tried to buy himself an election. Name a better LNP Treasurer than Wayne Swann Andrew Bolt even the world declared him the best.

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