Tips fpr Monday, May 2
Andrew Bolt May 01 2016 (11:42pm)
Bolt's a liar about the smallest of things. He posted this tip message at 11pm however why would pretend it was 11.42pm?? He simply unbelievable.
Airbrushing Turnbull’s record
"But why disparage Abbott and diminish the successes of the government Turnbull leads? It makes no sense."Peter BH
It's the same government that no longer wanted Abbott as their leader that a hand full of conservatives can't accept. They are the tail that believe they can wag the dog and Bolt is cheering them on. He's little more then their Harry M Miller and we all know that PR man did time.
Bolt tried to give Pell and Abbott total makeovers. Air brushing seems a simple task even Bolt has it done in the make up room before his performance. However it's impossible to forget who Bolt really is. He is the bag of air puppet you see outside second hand dealerships.
Here is Bolt calling his troll who does 30-40% of his blogs being called "Reader Peter of Bellevue Hill:"Bolt. If you can believe that then you'd believe everything Bolt has to say. Whenever there are long blogs that actually seem to have been worked even if just cut and paste it's generally Peter BH. Whenever there is a semblance of logic in a blog it's generally Peter BH. It's not Andrew Bolt the difference between them is as wide as the grand canyon.
By the way the Pacific Solution was never Liberal Policy it was Labour Policy and it was the Malaysia Solution and Abbott rejected it. Even today it's never been explained why he rjected it in favor of Manus.
What we have here is what Miranda Devine clearly calls Conservative Delusion. The destruction of Turnbull in order to have Abbott returned like Ceasar before the election. So paint stripper is being poured on Malcolm first if that fails they are prepared to destroy the LNP as their ideological goals will not be achieved anyhow. If Turnbull wins and the odds remain in his favor these Delcons will not let go and still will try to have Turnbull relaced. In what way is this anything other than Devine's description of the Delcon spirit?
Credlin: Labor can win. Libs need discipline
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Polishing the walking dead for a living. The Bolt Report is like that nice Nigerian wh emails me all the time.
Credlin managed Tony Abbott so well she couldn't speak the "Plain Truth" if she tried. Didn't she read Tony Abbott's huge and I mean huge list of mea culpas in Quadrant? A list that included lies, lack of any collegiate skills between he and his back bench etc etc. Bolt spent a half hour on them last week asking why he was laying himself bare. If we could believe that was what he was doing after all he'd done it two or three times before. It's called "confession". Are we to believe that Credlin had nothing to do with Abbott's crash landing and the behaviors he Catholically confessed to? She was his manager after all. Bolt does that now Abbott's public confession is over we ritually are meant to forget and absolve what went before. Credlin obviously was so right with her advice and strategies why then was everyone was waiting for Tony Nutt to turn up and save them from themselves?
So Bolt having been proud of having Tony Abbott "that exceptionally nice guy" on his show. The guy who could never show the public his true self when it was required will now have the Svengali who was unable to turn the frog into the Prince Bolt promised he knew on, Peta Credlin. How on earth can this failed strategist offer any advice?
A very small cabal of people said they know Abbott and he's not what he seems. The trouble is we know if it walks like a duck, quack and swims like one it is one.Murdoch, Roskam, and the members of the IPA aren't united in their respect for Abbott but rather what he can do for them. Credlin , Bolt, Sheridan etc are also not united in their love of Abbott they are simply there to polish the turd. They are united not by Abbott but their misdirected prosperity ideology that dictates their right to be if not part of the 1% to rub shoulders with them as their tools. Their wealth is evolutionary and the natural proof that they were born among the elect who deserve their 1% rank.
Who is this new Miranda Devine and why is she playing the gender card?
"The strange thing is that Savva and Devine are the chief persecutors of Abbott and the alleged “Delcons” supporting him and Credlin, his former chief of staff."Bolt
They are paid writers doing their job Bolt. You seem to ignore that and are crying foul.
" How sad. As I have cried before, what have they done with the old Miranda?"
Yes Bolt has cried before and often teaming up with his mate Tim Bevis Blair wailing about the banshee fright bats. Butthead Bolt regularly attacks women journalists not for being journalists but because they women who act more like men.
Now as for Abbott he has openly said women are better off ironing in the kitchen than out in the men's world. When Miranda Devine calls him out for the obvious Bolt breaks into an all time sweat and froth calling for the "nice and sweet" Devine and screaming victim. Bolt it's a male world and when you write about your family you more often than not refer to your wife as a piece of luggage in your life taking her here and there. There is no sense of sharing whatsoever. You may have apologized but your still the belly dancer's minder. The fantasy of your own making and apparently one never shared. I'm sure your wife doesn't share your view of marriage as you being the primary character "the minder" about which her life revolves either.
If Devine freely expresses herself pointing out where the Gender cards are being played or by whom, by even you Bolt it does not mean she's doing the same. She is an opinion writer doing what she's employed to do and it seems you can't accept that and are looking for someone "sweet" you feel you have lost. She is there and has been all the time you just can't see it. A hard cock has no conscience Bolt. You don't know what the card even means. Here is a lesson without the "meow".
You do know we’re broke, don’t you?
Stop exaggerating and being an economic Alarmist Bolt. Governments and Nations are not families an any bookkeeper will tell you that. However we certainly have been mismanaged for the past 3 years and even more so since that "nice man" told us he'd fixed the economy back in 2014. When he said back then we weren't aware he was using a boxing term and that he had knocked it out KO'd it. Back then the World's best economic experts voted Wayne Swan the the Globes best Treasurer. There you were the mouse that roared among those experts telling Australians " it's a lie " "it's a lie"
Yes we have fallen from No 1 to 10th all at the behest of Tony Abbott and Malcom Turnbull when Tony said he'd "fixed it". Now your calling Abbott a liar and trying to go back to the conservative tongue in cheek alarmism of LNP in opposition and early Abbott government years. Remember Hockey telling NZ there was no economic crisis and all you good old boys back telling us there was. "You know you talk a lot of bullshit don't you?"
1 "But the idea that governments should aspire, as households often do, to
have zero debt is deeply flawed and runs counter to how the most
prosperous economies have done things for centuries."
2 Any increase in tax will harm the economy
3. Australia’s government is too big — smaller government could help fix the budget
"There is a dangerous air of unreality to" to Bolt's crying Wolf all the time. Doesn't Bolt wish Australia was as well managed as Victoria?

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