Monday, 18 April 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 18/4/16; When the elite can do no wrong; Bolt's advice to lie or not to lie; Bolt's cup always half empty; Miss adolescence and become a wowser Bolt did; Wowsering about fast trains comes easy for Bolt he prefers going Dutch; The unproductivity of Bolt's mind is visible: Bolt won't have anything said against Rupert Murdoch who agrees with Bernie Sanders. This has Bolt's head spinning; Bolt's sexcapades behind the bike shed must be stopped by prohibition not information and education; Greed and Graphs; Selling Green isn't Green; Extortion in Lebanon makes Bolt happy; Bolt wants to destroy one of our best exports ,education; Ipsos


Holding Depp hostage

So much for Border Control."Tres awkward. Embarrassing.  Barnaby Joyce is avenged, but I feel rather sorry for the losers:" Bolt's supports celebrity dog smugglers over harsh treatment recieved. But has no sympathy for anonymous dog smugglers that is those Indonesians who smuggle desperate asylum seekers he regards as dogs even when they turn out to be 15 year olds. Obviously the celebrity elite  need differential treatment even when wrong. What a popularity suck  look at me"tres with it" John.




Turnbull’s early election could be confirmed tonight. UPDATE: Is confirmed

Is this the scoop Bolt promised us last week or is it that he is insisting we should VOTE LABOR ? "This will be a terrible day for Turnbull to effectively declare his early election"

Here we have Bolt speaking for Turnbull rather than quoting the PM or having any interest in what ha and his cabinet think. "This has happened faster than Turnbull wanted, giving him a de facto election campaign longer than he wanted with him starting further behind than he wanted." 

Bolt is even offering deceptive advice to Turnbull make the election May 21st

 "That would cut the risk of a long (11 week) election campaign, sure to bore and anger voters. It would also let the Government dodge delivering a Budget that is going to be terrible, with no money in the till and a still-huge deficit."

Why because by revealing the budget it will be made clear that Turnbull inherited Abbott's budget and Abbott's costly policies after Abbott himself declared the budget "fixed". Of course the truth could always come out and say Abbott and Hockey lied and it wasn't "fixed "blaming Labor and the world's best treasurer Wayne Swan again. What's better hiding a lie or facing up to the truth? Bolt goes for the liar's way out of course it protects Abbott's fictional legacy.




Aston vs the collective again

Is Bolt a white knight along with Aston  who run together against the media collective  who are deployed to defend what's wrong? All Bolt does is complain 24/7 He even complains when an issue of free speech comes to light arguing the defendant Fraser is right to be prosecuted????



Travelling patrol boat show

" This doesn’t seem a very efficient way of building a bunch of boats - moving the construction between two cities half-way through. Is this a way to share the work between electorates or to save taxpayers money?"

Bolt is obviously a shipwright ,engineer and quantity surveyor rolled into one and given the economy of scale $3bill  for 12 small vessels for 400 jobs to transition to a $35 bill and 2,500 job project he prefers delayed why? The Dutchman would prefer to hold up the A project in favor of the interim project because it might cost 2% or less than a meal tip for a shift to W.A Anybody guess that when Bolt goes out to dinner in a group he prefers going Dutch because when the rest of the group tips he will seem to be but not be a tipper too. He's as mean as a sewer rat is this guy who claims to be the model Australian who feels he knows what we ought to be because he's always really been on the outside looking in. He has never really joined and celebrated this country has he just criticized it as an unhappy,ungrateful immigrant would. There's no larrikin  in Bolt  he somehow missed adolescence and became an instant wowser.





Where’s the train?

Whatever happened to the scoop Bolt promised last week the one that every media group around the world was involved in and kept secret some 400 journalists kept secret so secret in fact that Andrew Bolt knew nothing about. That's goes to show just how much of a parochial outlier he is. He bragged that he could come up with something and came up with nothing. Yes the fast train remains a reasonable concept for 2,500 Km where 95% of the AUS population live. and 99% of Australia tourists travel. Bolt doesn't like  the natural shrinkage of the coal industry nor the any expansion to our tourist industry. He prefers no train, the destruction of the Barrier Reef , the subsidization of coal and the irresponsible carnage to the landscape we pay for and never accounted for in the cost of electricity. So to expect Turnbull to speak on issues Bolt wants to hear aboult is ludicrous. But it does show how self centered delcon conservatives are. 




Parliament recalled: Governor General first target

Bolt demeans the GG why because he only shook hands with Turnbull and Shorten or is he defending him for trying to obey protocol? We are after all Australians free and easy not as anal as Bolt that is obvious. He's the working class boy who believes he's part of the elite.  Bolt believes Labor had a vested interest in turning the GG's recall into a farce? Believe me the media  and those like Bolt who translate flies on the wall as having some symbolic prescient to what was happening  that are the farce. Obviously the media are thoroughly bored  when they need to focus on the minutia in order to fulfill what they regard as productivity. Bolt isn't even there and he feels some need to amplify stupidity which make him twice the fool.




The Fairfax mantra: socialists good, Republicans axe murderers

Bolt won't have anything said against Rupert who agrees with Bernie his head must be spinning.

" This abuse is analysis?" No it's not analysis it's commentary unless you believe Bolt's rantings are analysis. If so then you will consider it analysis. When Rupert Murdoch declares America's biggest problem at present is the widening income and wealth gaps which need to be addressed why didn't he lump Murdoch in with Bernie Sanders. How is it his CEO remains a godly man to Andrew Bolt? Why doesn't Bolt say of Murdoch "Why doesn’t Fairfax correspondent Paul McGeough simply say that he loathes and despises any candidates not as far to the Left as him and Bernie Sanders?: "Economic elite back Rupert Murdoch's inequality fears 

 Equality at risk in the West, says Rupert Murdoch

Is Murdoch defending Trump and Cruz or Bernie Mr Bolt ?




Peeking in their pants

" Isn’t this just the progression - or decline - you’d expect from a society whose citizens are obsessively absorbed with themselves and particularly their own genitalia?" " There is a childishness afoot that promises nothing good."

There are things that not even adults of proper morals should talk about let alone children. Self examination is dangerous and a strict age hierarchy of knowledge allowed in any society.  Myths of the cabbage patch and band aids over the naval as contraceptives are far far better than the truth. It's why the sexual molestation by priests of children should have best been kept secret so as to maintain the myths and traditional beliefs.

 Secrets of taxation and the trickle down effect born of the goodness of the hearts of the wealthy are as vital as are those of sex marriage. Remember the good old days when protestants married protestants and Catholics Catholics and never the twain would meet. The days when everyone clearly new their place and social climber was a term to dampen ambition. Bolt remembers them because it was part of rural Australia in the 60s where everybody had their place and kids like Bolt still wore jerkins and yes "peeking in pants " " I'll show you mine if..." was the go. Puff the Magic Dragon was a hit in those days. Everything was hidden in those days and particularly the truth. Sexting has taken the place of the bike shed Bolt

 There was once appropriate clothes for women children and men , appropriate books, appropriate food, appropriate information. The world has changed kids today know more than their parents  about a wide number of things and have access to a world of information which Andrew Bolt simply wants to STOP. He dreams of a Stepford Wives world. But when you force knowledge and experimental experience behind the bike shed Bolt ugly things happen.




Column - Drowning in greed, and not just the bankers’


"Have you thanked the rest of us?"

See, it’s not corporate greed that’s drowning us in debt." 

" Look at yourselves, still demanding even more handouts your children will have to pay for, as the federal government’s gross debt soars to $500 billion next year."

It's quite clear Bolt is a highly paid but unproductive worker who identifies with business and the wealthy. In fact he brags about it. Why is he blind to his place in a Capitalist structure? He's not a Capitalist he's just a drone in the system like the majority of Australians or the 99%. Yes he's blind. bribed and believes because he can spend,  afford art, opera ,Peter Jackson suits  and overseas junkets. He believes he is on par with the business and wealthy classes when in fact he's just being used in this increasingly Orwellian world to do their bidding. He works for their current PR company News Corp.  He even is fed the data to project to us from where News Corp."as calculated by The Australian"

You give pigs extra food they don't save it they eat it and want more who increased the debt cap to $500 bill from $300 bill Abbott and Hockey. Who declared the budget was fixed in 2014 when Australia wasn't in financial disaster Abbott and Hockey. Who continued to spend with borrowed money Abbott and Hockey. Having survived the GFC and regarded as the best economy in the world with the best treasurer Wayne Swan, having heard Abbott saying he and Hockey had clearly fixed the economy in disaster in 2014 the graph below clearly shows they have been spending like pigs at the trough.

The LNP  have cut spending on Education, Health, ABC, ATO, but increased it on Defense, Border Protection, and National Security "WANT to see the greedy bastards who really are stuffing up our country, taking money that’s not theirs? No, it’s not the bankers." Bolt Why is Bolt's Moodys graph so different to that of the Australian Bureau of Statistics? Is Bolt trying to sell us something by not using our own source of information? However notice the change in spending since July 2014 when bravely Abbott and Hockey said the economy was "fixed" and that the borrowing cap needed to be raised to $500 billion from $300bill. Moodys were co- conspirators in the creation of the GFC with the banks like Lehman Bros and Goldman Sachs. However Bolt prefers their graph to ABS our government's and public statistician why? He's trying to sell us misinformation.A Very Short Conservative vs. Liberal Economics Lesson

 Swan named world's best treasurer - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

 Australia Government Spending



Green seeming

" The IPA"s Chris Berg has a new book coming out, The Libertarian Alternative, which has this lovely illustration of the Left’s craze for seeming, rather than doing:"

As usual the IPA has got it arse about the demand drives the "free market" and attracts the wasps to it. The privatization pirates seem to be supplying what the market wants and selling a pup. VW and Audi being perfect examples of lies that became unstuck. Their lies paid no consideration to the reality that what they were selling was for their gain and their gain only profit for them at the expense of the enviroment. The IPA and Bolt applaud the that cost we the taxpayers have to pick up the bill for. Yes any marketeer can seem to be selling the worst as the best and they go under when found out. It's why the biggest coal mines are declaring bankruptcy. Keep laughing Bolt





I hate to say it, but the CFMEU is right - and maybe the government wrong

Believe me Bolt is cadging he doesn't want lawyers to get anymore business than they already have. Corruption in the unions was covered by the laws we already have. That was blatantly clear when the law acted against Kathy Jackson Abbott's great white hope. Union workers are entitled to choose their representatives as are shareholders of corporations. There is more corruption and loss to shareholders and ordinary Australians perpetrated by shonky businesses than unions. Phoenix companies have been shredding the accounts of their clients and contractors for years and who has acted to stop them? No Bolt has never waged war against them an any workers behalf. Only personal vendettas against people like Palmer. That's not principled at any stretch of the imagination. Does Bolt really expect anyone to believe he's done any reconsideration after this length of time other than to say he's changed his mind in order to attack Turnbull. Supporting  ABCC is supporting Turnbull and he can't have that.


This will cost Channel Nine plenty

Bolt was so eager to tell us Ch9 were guilty of attempted kidnapping. Now he happily admits they were guilty of orchestrating and financing the event. Why because News Corp possibly paid for information from Adam Whittington who claims to be the Chief Planner. No mention in any of this is that the case  has turned to one of extortion by the the father of the children."Moghabghab said Faulkner had agreed to relinquish custody but was told by Elamine’s lawyer: “We are not in a hurry to talk about this’’…  Bolt is very Golum like here rubbing his hands together at the prospect of a Ch9 conviction and payment to the father.. His non journalism has always been one of safety behind a desk. He once tried to be a freelancer in India but he was a failure then too.



Who let them in?

" GANGS of thugs, including suspected Apex members"

A few days ago Bolt was anti- Africans then anti-Asian and now anti-  immigrant youth . The man is definitely ultra- racist he doesn't focus on crime statistics in the general population because they would reveal he had a racist focus. To bolster what he says he calls the police and politicians liars. He would love it seems to get the headlines and destroy the education industry as it was once harmed by the publicity of crime specifically aimed at Indians. 

Bolt's Patriots send us a message.











Ipsos agrees: neck and neck. Newspoll: Labor leads

Turnbull /Shorten 54/27: What was Abbott at his best?  However Labor needs 38 primary votes to win they only have 36.


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