Monday, 11 April 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/4/16; Bolt loves "capture value" it sent Greece broke; Bolt is a Delcon he believes he's a kingmaker; Who cares; Bolt's in the playground again hogging the see saw;


On 2GB, 3AW and 4BC tonight - huge news, as soon as I think of it

Searching for a headline to call a scoop "as soon as I think of it"  Bolt says or manufacture it,  Propaganda v truth, business as usual for Bolt. Can Bolt beat 400 journalists delivering a worldwide scoop real news and information? The Panama Papers was a scoop. Another scoop 30 Syrians only have been resettled here in 9 months Canada has taken 30,000 "it's too difficult for us" says a Liberal MP. However the LNP promises are easy in an election year. Australia a country without Christian principles.



Turnbull’s new idea: a cheap high-speed rail link

Abbott blocked the the uniform carbon fibre NBN policy proposed by Labor that would have put us in good stead for the next 100 years saying it was too expensive and useless because something new might be invented. How intelligent keep fixing your old car because a new one might be invented. He appointed Turnbull to supervise the building of the Frankenstinian monster  that was always going to be out of control not just for Turnbull but for Abbott himself. Now Bolt and the conservatives find it expedient to blame Turnbull for Abbott's folly. We have dropped from 30th  in the world when Abbott blocked Labor to 60th for speed  x10 times slower than elsewhere but Abbott told us back then that was fast enough for downloading movies. His cheap alternative  is more expensive than Labor's now and already needs all the copper wire replaced. We are now 20 years behind those ahead of us and Abbott's NBN still won't be finished until 2019 if we are lucky. Yes the conservatives say Turnbull is running the Abbott government well as far as the NBN is concerned they are perfectly right.

"Capture Value" wasn't this the proposed promise of profit offered university students to pay for their degrees. By taking out loans on the basis when they graduated they would be more valuable in the market place 3-4 years down the track for having done the degree which cost $50,000.  It seems for some 4.7 years after graduating most are of no value in the market place and can't get jobs. The only value accrued is the interest on their debt and the pressure the lender now want's to place on them to pay. If one looks back at this scheme one might just consider it political predatory lending on a generation that is supposed to be countries future. We haven't invested in them at all just put them in debt. The LNP no the IPA government which this is in fact wants to privatize tertiary education  entirely.  Which will no doubt do to the CEO packages what happened to Medibank a hike of $5mill. raising the costs to $100k. Will they suggest selling these debts on factorizing them to a more predatory market? Bolt loves this idea of "capture value" because it has the word traditional attached but notice how he's failed to really explain it!!

 Question how do you realize the appreciated land value when there is a train line on it, tear up the line to sell it? Sounds very much like banker's talk to me. A smart package good for someone but not necessarily all.




No, the Bible and the Koran really are different

Listening to Bolt quoting the bible "If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. " Is akin to someone projectile vomiting in your face as they are telling that they really love you. The man really is a bucket of medical waste.

Bolt simply takes messages out of the Koran and selectively interprets them to suit himself. If Islam was in history  as violent as the Christians the Israelis ( Jews), Buddhists or Hindus there would be little left of the human race because when it comes to cheek turning there hasn't been any. Nevertheless Bolt excuses Christians for the millions dead this century  by saying the bible has been changed. It has back to the old testament it would seem and the Jews try to tell us that the 27,000 children killed since 2000 were never out of revenge. We just witnessed a  wounded Palestinian being  summarily shot in the head by an IDF soldier  as a biblical example of justice. However if the leaders of Islam even try to say the Koran has been misinterpreted Bolt knows better shouts bullshit  and turns his back as our Christian culture says we should. He does it to the indigenous, to scientists to anybody who he choses to disagree with and calls it reasoned debate. 

 Bolt turns his cheek  and turns his cheek 180 degree so that all you see is his back and he no longer has to listen. Yes that's the basis of our  of our Christian colonial past which continues to blame others  for our misgivings without any soul searching. Idiots all ready to judge and interpret the words and texts of others as experts but not to listen not to turn the cheek 90 degrees and listen as maybe the bible intended . Truth be known Bolt is a coward  he talks war supports barrel bombs  and supports the worst of Republican war mongers Ted Cruz and Donald Trump whoever Rupert supports but he'd never offer his sons up for the job of sending more troops.. 

What war and oil achieved in 1991 along with the death of 1 mill Iraqis



Column - Beating Shorten should not be this hard

Bolt may not have a dog in the race but he is sure as hell trying to make it a dog og a race "The split widens - and not that this has nothing at all to do with Abbott or his supporters:" However 5 MP's state their opinion in a party the values individual opinion and Bolt is damning them as would a collectivist who on any other day he would  condemn. But know his preference is to condemn the PM. As I've always said Bolt would at any time deny principle for sides.




Clive Palmer’s $50 million tax deal under investigation

I thought there was a statute of limitations on tax matters after 7 years. However Bolt's " hmm " is the lazy man's space filler a cut and paste merely there for innuendo because he hates Clive. It's easy blogging the way Bolt does it money for nothing if you have access to the News Corp resources Bolt has. It may not be $50 m but Bolt certainly get's paid for doing very little even when he does have a dog back in the race.




Scenes from tribal Australia

Bolt's excercise is to use his media resources to isolate incidents around Australia that show Migrants in negative terms.  He publicizes stereotypes and then profiles populations of people to suggest they are all the same "outsiders" who don't belong and who have no positive contribution to make to the country. Particularly the Coloured and Muslims. bolt is over the moon if he can find both in a single incidental event common to all of us but highlighted as exceptional by Bolt. 

Islander is a term that's generally used to describe Maori New Zealanders as it is Samoans and Tongans. It wouldn't be fit however to be seen to discriminate against our white NZ brothers would it. Samoa by the way was a part of NZ for 100 years. Strange isn't it Islanders tend to be traditionally English speaking ,very traditionally family oriented Christians whose culture   today is indistinguishable from Australian other than by poverty.  However they are colored and poor something else Bolt has a distaste for. 

Bolt never reports white crime ,yet it occurs  in greater frequency, unless  it can be seen to support his anti-Immigrant no his anti- multicultural stance even when the cultures are the same. For Bolt colour means different culture. His cries  reverse hatred against Australian culture which he seems to have extreme difficulty identifying if Islanders and NZ ers are similar to us yet says they aren't in the same breathe.  They must feel like Bolt who admits he's never felt truly apart of Australia as much as feeling Dutch. He no doubt has dual citizenship but doesn't leave.

 Why does Bolt hate this country so much when over 97% of us have a migrant connection that colonized and created a country the world once admired but since Abbott now sees us as intolerant and comfortable in our racism given the the attitude expressed in our media by the likes of Bolt. and the loud minority of extreme right bigots like the UPF and Reclaim Australia. If Bolt is too afraid to walk the streets he needs more body guards and security that only Abbott provides. 

Join the Delcon conspiracy

Again this is little more than and Ad however copy right of Bevis Blair's

Abbott must be number 7 he took his eye off the ball.


Bolt manages to paint conservatives into such a small corner that you wouldn't know they existed "if it weren't for Bolt" that is. After all he does believe himself to be the king maker. The wheels fell off that belief when Turnbull arrived without him.  For a moment he went off to sulk and even said he didn't care anymore as he no longer had a "dog" in the race.  Yes that's what he called Abbott his "dog" "One liberating factor is that I now don’t feel so much that I have a dog in the next election fight." Bolt Jan18/2016  He really doesn't even really give a rats for his tiny team only himself



If Shorten’s of the Right, where’s Fairfax?

This blog is little more tha an AD calling for subs.

"What do they call Liberal leaders? "

Being polite The IPA

Abbott and his PMO megalomaniac fascist whose interests are simply aligned with and whose indebted to  the IPA, the moneyed class, flags, uniforms and the monarchy . Turnbull aligned with the moneyed class and IPA.



Revolt: why does the Press Council have an enemy of free speech?

It seems Bolt wakes up in the morning with a hangover and his 40 years of writing experience alludes him. Why is his banner so obtuse? " the Press Council - a media watchdog - an academic who wants a government regulator of all the print media, with powers to recommend jail even for bloggers who are not balanced - at least according to a commissar inevitably of the Left." One minute Bolt's calling for the no demanding the ABC be balanced now he demanding that all media has the right to be unbalanced. He sure as hell is. Bolt who maintains he fights for  equality for all except the the ABC.

The APC has been called a "toothless tiger " and now a "draconian monster" Matthew Ricketson is just one man among 24 and Andrew Bolt has been called the "expert offender" of the truth. He believes and still does that he's a king maker very much shaken when Turnbull came to power in spite of him he here defending his right to what he regards as "free speech" even if devoid of truth but demanding that others not have the same. His attack on Ricketson is personal and yes he's hogging the see saw.

The Australian Press Council has 24 members, comprising:

  • an independent Chair and 10 "public members", who have no affiliations with a media organisation;
  • nine nominees of media organisations which are "constituent bodies" of the council;
  • four independent journalist members, who are not employed by a media organisation.

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