Andrew Bolt's Blog 10/5/16; Political Graft or taking back?; Political distortion: Bullies in the playground; Natural allies; Medieval thinking shames Australia;
Bolt's advice "always back self -interest" and he does strangely enough it's little or nothing to do with Australia's Democratic representational political system. Who let him in I bet he has 2 passports for self interest of course.

The greens all have it and it's broadcasters like Bolt that drove a disenchanted electorate to them in the last election and it seems he will not scare them this time either. Both parties are vying for their support. The normal distribution in elections is a Bell curve a broad bipartisan movement to the center. However what we have since Abbott the bellowing of the two extremes of the left and right destroying any opportunity of any consensus to be reached. Of course the Greens will take the opportunity to make the best of it. They wouldn't be a political party if they didn't. Bolt's not a commentators dish cloth if he didn't comment on their opportunity. He doesn't in fact he condemns for being in the position they are in. One really needs ask why does anyone listen to his promises to be informative and all he is is an unconvincing conservative performance.

When there is a shortage of truth or facts Bolt will always run with speculation, misinformation. However no mention is made that Tony Abbott is definitely not going to assist the Turnbull coalition. "
Tony Abbott and his local volunteers won’t be heading from his
electorate to assist her campaign this time. The divisions are playing
out across the campaign. 7.30 has obtained an email from Liberal state
director Chris Stone showing resources from the seat of Warringah will
be directed to Karen McNamara in Dobell, a key Abbott backer at the last
spill, as well as two safe Labor seats. 7.30 has learned volunteers
will now be supplied "
When Abbott said he'd support the Party in it's election campaign he failed to mention that he'd only take the battle to safe Labor seats. In a leaky boat the conservatives are turning this election into a Clayton's election. The one we didn't need to have.
So we have a party in divide even worse than Rudd and Gillard because everyone saw what that did and yet they are going down the same path.
Too kind for Bolt

What Bolt is saying is let those boat people die in detention, be raped in detention be assaulted in detention and we will deny it. Let the courts reveal the injustice, the lies the POW treatment handed out to them and we will hide and deny it. Whatever anybody says Stalin like management of these people, Pol Pot like management is the good Australian management model. That is secret management that needs to continue we need to show this is a shit hole for migrants not just boat people. Despite the fact that 90% of these boat people get to be found to be genuine refugees we must keep going.
Bolt and the conservatives are symbolically stoning these people with their medieval mindset and walled Australia. Children are included in this celebration of cruelty.

It's real Bolt it's real and more than anyone in the media you have endorsed VOTE LABOR

When Waleed Aly says his Gold Logie "celebrates Australia" is it any surprise Bevis Blair and Butthead Andrew Bolt name and out Mustafa? They make no mention of Dimitri he's Greek and there are too many of them here already. Yes they out and name the man and show the mentality of the worst of Australia. It's strange bulling bogans like Blair and Bolt complain when we focus sights on them. They then immediately claim victimization. How many migrants in this country have anglicized their names over the years to make everybody feel more comfortable? One might ask whether in fact i the name shown on Bolt's birth certificate is it Andrew or something more Dutch?
What real pricks these two arseholes are. Yes times have changed is what Aly was saying because his name is Waleed he and his parents didn't find the need to hide it and there he was there holding the Gold Logie. A celebration of Australia and how far we'd come turned sour by two racist lowlifes. Where was Bolt on Logie night anyway hiding uninvited to his industry function?

"the Age of Sookery — where children are encouraged to play the
victim, seeking quotas and other nanny-state interventions to succeed in
life. There will be no talk of ending Australia’s pill-pop culture,
where newly invented ailments such as “anxiety depression” have become
an all-purpose alibi for errant footballers, welfare slackers and those
claiming to be freaked out by the prospect of a democratic national vote
on same-sex marriage." Latham
What a load of codswallop this is. Identity politics has never been the interest of the left as it masks the true nature of the wealth and income gap in our social fabric the contradictory nature of our social structure due to the division between Capital and those with only their labor to sell. All the identity divisions work in the interests of conservatives trying to distort and obscure the true economic nature of society. The fact is Bolt usefully hides the reality around us dividing us by race, gender, ethnicity, religion etc when in fact we ought to be united by our divisions along class lines and the debt slavery that has evolved over the past 50 years.
One adult could support a family back in the 70s 2 are struggling now. Our seeming increase in lifestyle is not reflected in the increase of our assets but the increase of our debt. Australia is the most personally debt ridden country in the world and our banks the richest and scandalous. That tells you something. The banks were once there for your savings they aren't any more because they are gone they don't give a shit they don't profit on savings. They are there for debt and debt management at much higher interest rates. They are there for keeping Companies Corporations and Nations in debt and what it was they did to Greece if Greece revolted. The best way to keep Nations in debt is war. Yes your personal debt counts but is minimum to the debt war achieves. That is debt on a grand scale and keeps us all in debt slavery. That's why the microcosm of our lives and identity politics is useful bullshit a distortion when Bolt and Abbott say we are in debt and it's bad they are right but not for the reasons given.
The truth is our kids are falling out of the trees with real mental problems caused by stress anxiety, depression,psychosis these are real and it's across class divides. The rise of private mental health institutions and rehab centers is not just cosmetic. I suggest Latham visit State Mental Health wards and their revolving doors. See just how many parents and families have broken up or are caring for their kids in their 30s +++ who have never recovered from breakdowns in their teens and twenties. Just how little help these families are given when cases are serious because even the health workers the professionals cherry pick the easy ones. If all emergency services ran on the model of Community Mental Health cherry picking easy cases the state would be burning, ambulances stopped and policing a disaster. Signs of anxiety |

Some 8 years ago $1.6 mill in a term deposit would earn you $96,000 @6% The fact that the Reserve bank could drop the cash rate to 1% next month will have term deposits offering rates of 2% interest or a return of $32,000 for self funded retirees. Given that not many Labor voters have super funds holding over the capped amount it is a risky business on Turnbull's part capping the funds. However it's not the tax the Libs are after it's the freeing up of the funds and driving investment into more risky areas that seems to be their want.
People a decade over 60 are uncomfortable taking risks. They remember Storm , Pyramid and other schemes ready to vacuum their savings away. However they also don't swap voting patterns after so many year. They just might if forced to downsize and if there is a flood of $3mill ++ Eastern suburbs properties on the market there will be an accompanied downward shift in upper market of dwellings and an upward shift in those between $1.5- $2mill or shift upward shift in units which will really bite pockets as well.Trapped every which way and all those years of savings gone because of a forced and unwanted change. Half a million lost in a blink is not petty cash.

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