Andrew Bolt's Blog 3/5/16; Australia's Deadliest Creature; Bolt paints the nation black and not beautiful; Bye Bye Free Market "Minus Carbon" is not a legal product for sale; Catholics burn churches; ABC is the biggest producer of Australian Culture and Bolt doesn't believe that's substance; The Historic Economic Record;

This alarmist doesn't stop he really is a candidate for the ECU Extreme Care Unit of Mental Health ward. People just can't go on like this on a daily basis. Our credit rating is AAA, our debt to GDP is running at less than 40%. Government turn arounds aren't aren't 180 degree overnight turns they are gradual. Yes Bolt's mantra evolution not revolution. Bolt however is screaming and frothing about throwing a grenade into the fabric of government. Budgets are meant to be blue prints for how it is we all want to live. Australia is not the Titanic with Bolt climbing over women and children to save himself. From News Corp and The Australian.Budget 2016: Treasurer Scott Morrison passes the ideas test.
Bolt even resorts to cliches when really has nothing to say "But Andrew Bolt says it is shameful socialism is creeping into the Liberal party platform. " It's as if he stole a line from Trump or Cruz. Next we will hear him say Abbott can make Australia great again.
"Labor MP Ed Husic bravely holds his own on a panel with Chris Kenny, Andrew Bolt and Miranda Devine, hosted by Paul Murray. "4 against 1 and a Muslim at that Bolt was unbalanced. Particularly because "Miranda says Ed is a 'nice guy for a Labor politician'. " Yes Miranda even Josh Frydenberg thinks so they are close friends that give hope to what Australian politics can be compared to the Delcon view that Bolt religiously adheres to.

That's typically of Andrew Bolt opinionated but expected with little substance complaining and whining most of
the time. The better things are, the more he complains. You'd think if his life was so bad he'd get up and leave.
Even the Australian sees positives. Miranda Devine was so right.
Bolt was quite indignant when he claimed he didn't advertise himself. WTF is this?
This can't be the Pope that Bolt slimed and character assassinated for his lack acuity, the lefty Pope that doesn't know what he's doing. Could that be Bolt's Pope?
"The Pope has sided with Pell against those who have been trying to nobble his attempts to put the Vatican finances on a professional footing - a threat to rorters and the corrupt."
As usual opinionator Bolt thinks he has a resource here for his blog referencing CRUX. The link leaves rorters, and the corrupt unnamed. Who are they Bolt? However he certainly named and tried to shame Pope Francis as being morally incompetent. So does that mean Pell has been backed by morally incompetent boss? Hardly a commendation for Pell to be supported by a mentally challenged Pope given what Bolt thinks of the Latino or does this seesawing prove him to be a liar, hypocrite or simply an idiot?
Bolt's question, "Whose that with George ?"
Slagging and slamming the LNP PM it's not principles or sides that drive Bolt. It's just that single person Tony. Bolt hates Turnbull he misses Abbott in the role of PM. He shows and says adnauseum .

Bolt keeps telling us there is no Racism in Australia just citizens whose politics are askew. However any explanation of deviance he turns to cultural differences as traits to define the cause of crime. Indigenous and ethnic differences are central to his rational for why crime exists even though the police, social scientists and a wide range of other experts have said he's simply wrong. Bolt doesn't have much of a come back to the experts' denial of his vilification other than what other bogan's have said before him. Our authorities, Politicians and other Institutional leaders who are liars dominated by left wing ideology. They too as far as Bolt is concerned are not true Australians.
"How would anyone know who to look for when police refuse to reveal the most distinctive feature of the wanted man?"
It is difficult Bolt when most crimes are in the main committed in Melbourne by white males whose "ethnic " background is unknown. It is frustrating as Bolt has always said citizens have no color and should be treated as such. However when crimes do occur Bolt seemingly complains profiles and an accuses specific groups as the deviants. He stereo types writes it up and when he's wrong he never apologizes but it serves his purpose whether right or wrong to accuse particular ethnic groups as if they are the main offenders. If they complain the cry of reverse racism and victimology is heard.
That alone creates the stereotypes Bolt wants and is the coinage of his bigotry. The offender was black but was he Indigenous, African, Eritrean,Eithiopian, Somali, Sudanese, NZ'ers, Islander, Egyptian, or British. Did he belong, to live in and has been here are all filled in by Bolt real or unreal they are in the media and broadcast repeatedly. As Gobbells said repeat a lie often enough and people will come to believe it. For Bolt it's enough that somebody is identified as black and he's of and running a few random and particular cases are sufficient to argue all blacks need to be treated differently and with suspicion. With entirely a different set of assumptions to the rest of the citizens and that's exactly what racists do and have been doing in this country for 227 years.
A car was found at Gardenvale Station a predominantly white middle class suburb shouldn't be too hard to frame any black man there. He'd be a stand out as Bolt suggests a white person would in Dandenong. So Bolt's thief caught the train from Gardenvale to Dandenong but there's no direct line. Bolt's Australia is not colorless as Bolt says it is and he's living proof that he's racist is not implicitly either like most white Australians are. White crime, white alcoholics,white violence, white rape, white petty theft, white bad behavior are all ok. Add black and this world is a very different place.

It's not enough to minimise the existence of International Corporate Crime as the IPA does in articles defending the corporate law firms like Moseck Fonseca against unscrupulous whistleblowers but they are also market protectionists refusing to open carbon as another product to the free market why? The economy will open us up to real corporate shysters and fraudsters. I was lead to believe these right winger rejected any form of protectionism outright and that the free market was a heaven sent gift. It seems the reverse is true. Their free market is closed to ideas where their notion of freedom dissolves to just bla bla of self interest.
"Here is New Zealand’s latest experience with
such schemes which allow business to buy a certificate from people
overseas who claim they’ve cut their own emissions by so much that their
certificate allows the buyer to emit a little more - at a modest
Here lies the the bullshit claim of morality and good governance in the corporate world that's as corrupt and fraudulent as the shysters they warn us of, bribes, tax evasion, the selling of illegal products, the protectionist use of trade agreements for manipulative advantage only, pollution and destruction of environments etc all for nothing more than profit. Social responsibility is put aside where and wherever it can if it intrudes simply by the fact they believe they are too big to control. VW, BHP, Leighton Holdings, Lehman Bros, Hardie Industries etc etc etc The list of corporate criminals is insane and here we have an argument an ETS will put us in the hands of con men
"This is a con. All seeming to cut emissions, and no real doing. Our money would just be trucked overseas to simply seem green."
What happened to the non protectionist free economy? Corporate crime was small some 70 years ago but today it's powers the world it has the financial power to control countries, politicians and economies and the LNP & the IPA want to deregulate the crime that already exists and protect it from any new demand and supply needed by closing the doors to their free market.
Get serious Australia what commercial contracts have we signed with the Iranian people? Advocates like Bolt call for none but still expect spending cuts. Who can't be trusted?
The KKK didn't just use innuendo to keep the candle of hat alive. They acted under their covers of course.

" Fifteen percent (15%) prefer some other candidate," Bernie Sanders who is among the "other unnamed candidates"? The Report doesn't say.

Bolt's banner is a contradiction real Journalism isn't there to support and cheer it's there to question the ideas that are most prominent How often do I hear John Roskam on the ABC. How often do I hear Tim Wilson on the ABC I've heard Bill Shorten, I've seen a true mix on the Drum Nick Cater and his wife are regulars. "It seems the ABC just wants a diversity of appearance, not substance:
" It even entertained Andrew Bolt for 10 years on the Insiders
The ABC is far less of a Carousel of Right wing guests than the Bolt Report that's on Sky News at the moment. That's a title drawn to decieve because there's no news on the Bolt Report when Rowan Dean opens his mouth all Bolt can do is nod and agree. Bolt's like a kindergarden teacher asking his collection guests only positive questions. Nothing is there to challenge opinion only there to reinforce. There's no news with Gerard Henerson and Michael Kroger looking like savants as if providing information. There's no variety of ideas a carousel of repetition. The ABC is a true Australian variety and yes it does pay attention to provide a mix. Something Bolt doesn't do but simply tries to tell us the ABC doesn't either. After all Bolt was on Pickering when has Bolt had any one so diverse on his show other than years of same olds same olds?
" How can we fund this kind of stupidity when the Budget is so deep in
debt? Or put it this way, no wonder the money has run out when we’re
funding this kind of self-indulgence:
Monoculturalist Bolt pretends to be a sophisticate a producer of Australian stories, Australian History Australian rural concerns News and jobs in our Cultural enviroment. Who produces purchases or supports Australian Culture no "indulgence" as much as the ABC does? They even produced a program with Andrew Bolt in it and he was so chuffed to do it saying he wished to do more programs like that. Who would indulge you Andrew Bolt. Of course your Television logic extends to out of date UK and American television because it's cheap nothing Australian. Who does Australian anything if it weren't for the ABC? Murdoch's library? The self-indulgence you speak of celebrates this country you claim to be so proud of you'd flush it down the drain. What a hypocrite you really are. You run a current affairs program that's little more than a repeat of your blog. no news ,no information just a sell without knives or fork give- aways.
" Can you imagine a Labor party that’s tougher on spending than the Liberals and offering bigger (albeit still tiny) tax cuts? " Bolt
For the Record
"In a similar vein, in the last 30 years, there have been 10 occasions
when the tax to GDP ratio has been below 22.0 per cent of GDP and all
10 were under a Labor Government. To put simply, the Howard government
was a high taxer, while the current Labor Government is a lower taxer."
terms of government spending, there have been only five years in the
four decades leading up to 2012-13 when real government spending was cut
in real terms. None of those cuts were delivered by a Coalition
government. All five times that there has been a cut in real government
spending have been when a Labor government has framed and delivered the
budget. There were three years during the Hawke government in the late
1980s where government spending was cut in real terms and there have
been two occasions in the current Labor administration where such cuts
have occurred."
There is one truth if governments are running their business on surplusses they aren't doing the jobs we pay them to do. Hospitals ,Schools, Roadworks aren't their to be profit businesses they are there to provide us all with the best possible outcomes we can share. Norway does it with it's resources fund it's education system and it's health and welfare systems and yes it's citizens pay more tax than we do. Why is it we feel duty bound to follow the USA as a model when on every social level that country is failing. Obviously the Scandinavian countries all AAA rated are too socialist for the likes of Andrew Bolt.
"What’s wrong with that? Apart, that is, from the fact that Labor does
indeed embrace a “pure ideological solution” when it comes to, say,
global warming or same-sex marriage."Bolt
Pls explain Mr Bolt how same sex marriage falls into a pure ideological Socialist Plan? When the success of traditional marriage is failing in our current Capitalist Societies with high divorce rates increased Welfare needed and 2 adults rarely present to raise and socialize the kids because they two are working just to maintain a hand to mouth existence. The burden of family debt escalating and the younger generation unable to buy a traditional home. How is same sex marriage a Socialist Dream? Given males earn some 20-30% more than women it looks more a Capitalist one to me. Even if you called for the return of traditional arranged marriages Bolt the shrinking of the middle class won't stop. Research shows children raised and socialized in same sex marriage are guaranteed mor stability better education prospects and less latchkey situations and you call that a pure ideological circumstance.
As for Global warming Science isn't a purely ideological exercise and scientists of all persuasions agree on the fact that man made global warming is a fact that needs to be addressed. They also agree that it's the fossil fuel industry that's the largest producer of greenhouse gases which are the consequence of how we go about producing energy. Fact is knowledge does have it's consequences and investment $$ are being divested from fossil fuel industries. Those $$ aren't working class dollars either but the $$ of the capitalist classes. How does that fit with your pure ideological stance when there is a LNP in government? Some how you seem to want to force money into fossil fuels in a free market which sounds very socialist to me.
Typical reading Bolt on economics $400 mill over 10years amounts to $4bill and not $19.5bill. As well as a tin ear I don't think Bolt absorbs or really reads all that much. He spends his days rehearsing for his performances which won't win any popularity or excellence awards.
"Labor faces a $1.6bn hole in the funding of its promises over the four years of the official budget estimates.
"The funding gap swells to $19.5bn over a decade…"
However I'm sure Bolt has his hand deep in his pocket he is after all the reverse of what a good Capitalist and citizen is meant to be in a moral society. Proud of paying taxes and having a charitable heart. Bolt is neither he is more a Dickenzian version of Scrooge who believes those who can't afford to live as he does or find charity have room available on the streets. A AAA rating one 12 countries in the world to have one proves him wrong.
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