Andrew Bolt's Blog,4/7/16; Why bring him back it's his policies that failed and his personality; Country people weren't listened to by Abbott and they let him know; Kick people often enough and they kick back; Pls Mr Turnbull watch your back;
Don't get scammed. Bolt's book is being advertised for much less than the $29.99 from book stores. Some for $17.50 postage free. The man can't be trusted. Menbers of the IPA get it even cheaper unless he's scamming them too.
The primary activity of governments is to legislate if a government sits on it's butt for 3 years it's just an unproductive economic millstone around the neck of Australia. Tony Abbott lead the least effective government since John Gorton. What's Bolt doing? He's trying to have Tony Abbott recalled to lead a government today in even a worse set of circumstances than previously. Gillard and Rudd both with minority governments negotiated more bills than Tony Abbott ever did. Gillard way way more. So Bolt the economic rationalist seems not to care about money spent, the cost or effectiveness of an Abbott government let alone suggest how Mr nope nope nope will better his negotiation skills in this more hostile environment. In the case of a hung Parliament who will Abbott negotiate with, Katter? How many times had we heard Bolt say "Abbott has learnt his lesson he will now change". The man's a dickhead who as taxpayers we subsidize he's a News Corp tax deduction 30% Company tax we could otherwise call revenue.
Babbling Bolt. When will governments ensure that media campaigns by private corporations are declared as donations to political parties. Given the costs of these campaigns are tax deductible as are the wages of those that run them aren't a minimum of 50% of Australians unwillingly to continue to subsidize them? Even if I have never bought the Herald Sun, listened to 2GB or watched Sky news. I make up the shortfall in taxes that the country doesn't get from News Corp coupled with the pollution of reason babble Bolt spreads. It's mental abuzak and it's not just confined to elevators. It's an insult to civilized man.
The truth is now out as predicted in 2015 there'd be a call to bring back the plastic fantastic Caesar. It was out on the day of the election and at the closing of the polls. Bolt's cry and banner here " Bring Back Abbott" That's what this has been about all the time but now just watch the IPA, News Corp, Spectator, Quadrant and Catallaxy headlines. Andrew Bolt said Turnbull was worse than Abbott that all he did was usurp Tony Abbott's job and policies. He also said this election wasn't about personalities but policies and he's right. If Bolt that's true and this election was fought on Tony Abbott's policies why call for his return? The return of a perfectly shitty PM who delivered us policies we clearly don't want. Tony Abbott wouldn't have a mandate anymore than Turnbull to move forward. Was this a personality or policy election Bolt?
For all Bolt's huffing, puffing and frenzied threats to tear the house down what we are seeing is the News Corp and IPA cry " bring Abbott back" which is part of the Corporation's business model and the IPA's policy drive. For Murdoch it's to get as much control of the Australian media market as possible by the destruction of the ABC. Abbott is the only politician who has already made that pact with Murdoch. He lied about it and so many other things when Labor lost power in 2013 and Abbott began his tenure with $200 mill of cuts to Aunty Then he banned MPs of the Liberal Party from even talking on it. It's the Australian peoples media. It's their job to ask questions of any government and in doing so inform us and Abbott who also worked for us refused the ABC access why? His preferred media to the electorate were his sponsors. It was not because he was what Bolt calls a "perfectly good PM". The question "what now" is best answered by Labor winning because 1 they are united. 2 In doing so they will put an end to this stupidity we are seeing now. 3 The DelCons having shot themselves in the foot with the support of an over active News Corp and IPA will have to wait what might be another 8 years for a shot. 4 Murdoch, Abbott etal won't be around to continue this insanity. 5 Bolt may also have been put to bed.
"True, Abbott ideally needs months more to repair the image that a
smart-arse media tore to shreds, feeding off his sometimes dumb
mistakes. But who else but Abbott could hope to fix what Turnbull has
just smashed?" Bolt
Bolt forgets and doesn't dare remind us Abbott tore himself to shreds globally not just by what Bolt calls local media. There wasn't just his grant theory of some Australian conspiracy. The whole world was laughing.
"Turnbull, a man of the ABC Left, then ditched the Liberals’ base,
Liberal principles and even the Liberals’ party colours to campaign on
virtually nothing but a fantasy tax cut for business." Bolt
Here is Bolt denying the Libs threw Abbott out. They chose to replace him with Turnbull but keep his policies and Bolt just can't get his pea brain to admit we voted against Abbott's policies.
Lest we forget
Tony Abbott was part of a government that invaded Iraq in 2003. Iraq has not seen a day of peace since. Those Christian invaders came to "liberate Iraq" it's been in a state of agony ever since.
What beliefs the election revealed
"government that continues to be led by someone as monumentally inept, in political and policy terms, as Turnbull…" McCrann
How fast have what were Abbott's policies become Turnbull's?
"He’s lost either all or most of Tony Abbott’s substantial majority." McCrann
When did Labor's own goals become Abbott's majority? Abbott almost broke Gorton's record of the least bills passed by 3 bills
" strategists on both sides agree Tony Abbott would have done better than Turnbull at this election:"Bramston
I'd suggest the army of strategists that politicians seem to have to listen to these days are the ones who are up close and personal to the army of lobbyists and media listen to the chatter and read the MSM headlines and ist it any wonder the ACT is over serviced like a mare on heat
Here we are back again about whinging wasn't it Bolt whinging for 7 months that , what he called a coup against Abbott, the Libs voted for a change of leader due to yes personality and Peta Credlin. Bolt used to tell us continuously that Abbott needed to change his style. Bolt even got embarrassed repeating that Abbott had got the message and was going to change into the fictitious character Bolt promised he really was. Even now Turnbull stands head and shoulders above Abbott on personality and the polls still show it. The biggest Lib mistake was started in 2013 with the constant lies that were put to the people under the guise of polly speak. The fear mongering in a country where it didn't for second jell with the reality of the day. Badly told lies never do.
The Liberals needed Turnbull to stamp the Party with his policies their policies and significant new ones. They needed to listen to the electorate and not their corporate donors. Even Bolt said that didn't happen and derided Turnbull for not being Abbott however he kept applauding the Abbott's corporate policies. Well we went to the election and as predicted we were staring at Abbott's policies drafted as far back as 2013 and even then they weren't Abbott's they were the IPA's. This vote was for those policies.
If Labor hadn't thrown the election away in the Rudd/Gillard years. This situation would not have arisen. Where Corporate lobbyists like Murdoch and the IPA were able to dictate government policy as much as they did. MPs would have been forced to actually listen to their electorates instead of telling what was going to happen. This election was more about that than it was about personalities. Yes and we got the message Bolt, Murdoch you and the ultra right didn't like Turnbull never had but that didn't matter. Just because he wasn't putty in the IPA's hands and didn't dance to Murdoch's tune was irrelevant . The problem he was given a massive burden of policy that even he couldn't sell and such a variety it drove voters to all the smaller parties in protest. Turnbull's personality is still in tact and so unfortunately is Abbott's
Pushing for the right's marionette's return
At least Wilkie was a Colonel
Bolt is the perennial deal maker asking "what's Wilkie's price " that question alone assumes people can all be bought and sold and they have no principles. It says more about Andrew Bolt than it does Andrew Wilkie. As for trying to blame Dan Andrews for the massive swing away from Labor? Bolt is just pissing in the wind. News Corp did it's best to make it happen but it went fizz. How much did they spend on the excercise of bull? They lost that as badly as did Tony Abbott's policies.
"the electorate is highly sensitive to threats to the household
budget after several years now of living standards not rising."Bolt
So Bolt agrees that since Abbott got in the income gap has grown and ordinary Australians have paid for it with falling living standards. That because they have been worse off since the Libs were handed power might just be a reason why the vote count is now neck and neck an the conservatives have definitely lost 15 seats. Bolt's 59 and has a job there have been a huge number of people in their 50's who don't and can't get one and the Libs bullshit them saying their needed. Further they bullshit us when people are offered part time employment and saying they have jobs. Professionals are untenured and only under contract. Take that security to the bank and ask for a loan. How do people advance if they have no security. Ask our indigenous Australians they have lived with the that experience for 200 years. There's no such thing as idle money making Capital gains for them nor is there for more Australians who are only surviving from week to week. But Bolt even wants their welfare taken away. If Bolt lost his job he'd fast come to the realization that he's definitely not needed. Is it any wonder Bolt tells Duncan Storrar to shut up and the ABC leftists for revealing some unwanted truths.
"Under the Coalition agreement, this entitles the more conservative
Nationals to more Ministerial positions. And they most certainly will
not want to be tethered to Turnbull’s toxic brand of Liberalsim, either."Bolt
That "toxic liberalism" was rural people simply were sick to death of Abbott's do nothing for the country that Abbott maintained. The NBN, Health, Education and Jobs all became toxic under Abbott's not the LNP policies and they weren't about to get better.
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