Sunday 14 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 14/8/16; Sunday and Bolt's away Peter from Bellvue Hill's is in charge; The Bernardi Bomb in the broad church; yes but everyone's corrupt; It's alleged 16 year olds are smart; It's Fidel's birthday;


Rio Olympics

Pauline Hanson.

Hanson supporters dressed as Muslims storm church

Yes they Bolted in and had what they called fun



French-speaking, Raspail-loving handwiritng sleuth wanted

Bolt's bad faith he's open to forced assimilation as long as it's not applied to him.He 's open to bombing others but not others bombing him. He's a zealot an extreme psycho terrorist. Hear me but I won't listen to you.


 Amazing isn't it how Bolt takes a work of fiction described as "gives bilious voice to an emotion whose expression is increasingly taboo in the West, but that can grow only more virulent when suppressed: the fierce resentment felt by majority populations when that status seems threatened." and as recently as October of 2015 condemned the novel as "the favorite racist fantasy of the anti-immigrant movement in the US." as his prescient predicator of the future his personal existential threat which he extends to western civilization. The problem for Bolt we don't sense the threat he happily imposes on indigenous Australians and neither do multicultured settler sovereign states.

 Conservatives have been doing this throughout history sending people to war on the basis of these invented "existential threats" Vietnam and the Domino Theory being a perfect past example used in the past. Afghanistan another and then the invasion of Iraq what had been developing since before 2000 and culminating in GW Bush's opportunity to use 9/112 as his excuse to invade and grab control of the oil in Iraq . After all Bush was always a failed oil man. Bush however was merely the organ grinders monkey the instrument of a performance planned years before with the help and support of Israel and the Saudis. All this talk of a threat is an excuse for extreme right wing conservatives to gain political control.




Book confronts China. And Bolt Bulletin released

The contents of Bolt's book is as photo shopped as the his ads





Fruity news from the global warming front


Simple answers to a complex issues is what Bolt throws into the Science hat of global warming. It's a tactic used by anti warmists just to produce doubt not expand scientific debate. It's the main reason scientists get on with peer reviewed science and don't waste their time with the trite arguments originators like Bolt throw into the ring. Imagine if doctors had to deal with and pay attention to Christian Scientists each time decisions to operate where put forward. That would be progress in terms of Bolt's intellectual and conservative framework.

We need to CO2 the planet according to Andrew Bolt because in some limited circumstances it has benefits but if over supplied it can kill . Yes the world is getting warmer which brings more rain and in selective areas it has increased crop growth. But to say the planet is getting beneficially greener is an exaggeration. It's what Andrew Bolt's anti warmist likes to promote and he'll reference others with no qualifications what so ever as well. It's certainly not doing it in Louisiana at the moment."Warmer temperatures may make many crops grow more quickly, but warmer temperatures could also reduce yields. Crops tend to grow faster in warmer conditions. However, for some crops (such as grains), faster growth reduces the amount of time that seeds have to grow and mature. [1] This can reduce yields (i.e., the amount of crop produced from a given amount of land)."Climate Impacts on Agriculture and Food Supply 

No Boltonians have no concern for the finer scientific facts


  • As CO2 levels rise, so do carbohydrates in plants, increasing food’s sugar content. While carbon-enriched plants grow bigger, scientists are finding that they contain proportionately less protein and nutrients such as zinc, magnesium and calcium.
  • A meta-analysis of 7,761 observations of 130 plant species found that overall mineral concentrations in plants declined by about 8 percent in response to elevated CO2 levels — 25 minerals decreased, including iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium.
  • New research found that as atmospheric CO2 rose from preindustrial to near current levels, the protein content in goldenrod pollen fell by 30 percent. Bees and other pollinators rely heavily on goldenrod as protein-rich food for overwintering. The loss of pollinators could devastate many of the world’s food crops.
  • Research into the correlation between CO2 concentrations and the nutrient content of food is in its early stages. More study is urgently needed to determine how crops and ecosystems will be altered as fossil fuels are burned, plus mitigation strategies.Rising CO2 is reducing nutritional value of food, impacting ecosystems
  •  Climate Change May Turn Crops Into Junk Food





Tick, tick, tick, Bernardi


This Is Not a Bolt Blog it's his Troll's Peter BH's

The Liberal Party has always prided itself with  saying it was a faction less broad church of individuals  however the conservative minority insist that is the last thing it is an are inviting the majority to piss off. If these people formed their own party they could try to take over One Nation and is they succeeded in doing that then who could they form a coalition with? No that's what they tend to do is like the Tea Party in the GOP they intend to stay put until they have destroyed the party. When that has occurred they will take on the world make this country what South Africa once was. The problem is look what Pauline Hanson did with 100,000 votes

"The feeling is that these guys, led largely by Cory Bernardi, are ready to do something that is quasi-separate,” said one senior Liberal this week."




Phelps on the Liberals going to the dogs


Like the Dylan Voller story this is a Yes/But tale from Andrew Bolt blaming the dogs for not being able to run fast enough so their butchery for entertainment is fully deserved. So according to the Liberal defense of the Grey hound industry the logic is such that because all professional sport is systemically corrupt why pick on the Grey Hound Industry. The drug industry has been saying that as well take the money and the profits out and you'll clean up the industry. Listen and what we have is the voice of Cory Bernardi in the guise of a NSW  Liberal MP " The sort of people who enthusiastically support the greyhound ban are exactly the same people who want to shut down the live export trade, shut down horseracing and harness racing and, in many instances, believe that ownership of pets is abhorrent. The precedent that this establishes is very dangerous."

"We are a party of the rule of law and laws which are rules, not touchy, feely opinions. Social licence is a hammer used by the cultural Left to attack that which is legal but which they dislike—coal, coal seam gas [CSG] and mining—a vague, imprecise tool where any demagogue can claim to be the authentic voice of the people. “So you don’t like something; well let’s ban it.” Why? Because it has lost its social licence. But who determines social licence?" Or is it Andrew Bolt he referring to as a demagogue.



What kind of fools are we?


One might well ask why Bolt  prostitutes "free speech" He presents rumours and allegations  as fact that the facts are yet to be proven escapes him. Nothing gets in the way of a story to embarass  others not on his team.  Principles like truth are just thrown aside.

" MATT WORDSWORTH, PRESENTER: Counter-terror police are investigating whether childcare subsidies, allegedly obtained by fraud, have been funneled overseas." Subsidies of $27 mill collected by a 22 year old mastermind since 2012 when he was 16. Everything is alleged and Bolt's terrorist is out on bail "innocent until proven guilty.

According to his other source Assad was only an employee who it's claimed "Australian Government paid Assad more than $150,000 in the past financial year for more than 20,500 hours of childcare." Given Ali was only an employee he didn't run the company. Does the Government only pay $7.50 an hour to Childcare workers? Isn't that what's caused a fuss with 7/11 staff being so under paid? Bolt seems to want to believe but really doesn't have a clue

However Bolt never raises the question of money laundering as a Jewish activity which went on for years until people were in fact found guilty. It did happen and might just be still happening still today.

 A Jewish Rabbi  on social welfare was diverting  millions of dollars of cash and I mean millions through a Sth Yarra bank in the name of charity to Israel. Only the cash was from the sales Australian diamond merchants were doing under the table to avoid GST. Millions of dollars were sent by this Rabbi with some 6+ kids. Whats more the whole family was  on social welfare at the time. The diamond dealers of Sydney and Melbourne 's brows were rivers of sweat as they all ducked for cover and negotiated deals with the ATO in exchange for charges being dropped. That  actually did happen and weren't just alleged but these are things that don't interest Andrew Bolt

Here is an immigration fact that bolt doesn't talk about. 30% of refugees start their own businesses and are extremely entrepreneurial. The most current successful small businesses and entrepreneurs  providing employment for Australians are those  refugees Andrew Bolt hates and degrades the most. Lebanese, Somalis Iraqis Iranians and Syrians However that's something you would never hear from Bolt. That refugees are more likely to be  small business owners than Australians are.



Howard remembers

It's not your ability to remember trivia but what you will be for that's important. Blair believes Howard ought to be remembered for his memory of Blair's wife wow!!!

Happy birthday Fidel Castro your memories and legacies will never be forgotten.


Conservative trivia night what else do conservatives do when they can't answer the important questions. Like who do you blame for the false intelligence you claim to have been given that made you send us to Iraq in 2003. Oh you can't remember. Hello Mrs Blair. Fun night was had by all avoiding memories.  Hey did you remember Fidel's  90th Birthday? Now that man has left a legacy

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