Andrew Bolt's Blog, 15/8/16; What Bolt doesn't say: White boys offended and I'm mad as hell; When Bolt tiurns it all Green; Malcolm's Table, I come from Kew I shouldn't be made to drive through Collinwood every day to Uni; We are just pranksters they are terrorists;
Most violence is sexual why is Bolt fixated on the non hetro violence in the world. Because if he did it close to home he would seem to have no argument against leftist queers. Hetrosexuals don't seem to make a great issue Bolt either why is Bolt so fixated?
Bolt defends the obvious sometimes and turns selective events into unsubstantiated trends. However stats prove him so so wrong. The deaths of LGBTIs is just one case in point when in fact seeming to defend them he is in fact doing the opposite. There are more deaths due to heterosexual mores broken but Bolt seems to consider that unimportant in his scheme of things. Given the number sexually motivated deaths in the world why aren't we promoting Safe schools and safe environments?
Facts show more LGBTIs are damaged , killed and commit suicide in Christian countries than Muslim. Bolt will nevertheless report that 2 Muslims were killed here and 3 there when the violence against LGBTI's goes unreported in the West. That which was amount to some 1600. When the FBI, and the CIA denied Florida was a terrorist crime Bolt want's to suggest that a very disturbed person known to be a bisexual non religious American who happened to be born Muslim with a drinking problem and enormous guilt issues is representative of 1.6billion people. Further that the silence of of most Americans particularly those that Bolt wants to say are more emotionally attached to the event shows what. They don't see the same things Bolt does? They din't make the same connections that Bolt makes. That they see there are Breviks and Omars in every community that crime isn't religious as Bolt wants it to be that in multicultural settler nations there is no more crime and if there is the greatest damage done to people is institutionally. It's done and ignored in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and families and is done by Insurance companies, etc to unprotected for nothing more than a few dollars

"Yet more evidence that the Black Lives Matter movement is actually a cover for racists."
How conveniently Bolt obfuscates details of a trend in various different localities of the USA a trend so statistically significant that racism does become a factor exposed and differentiated from the normality of expected crime in a multicultural environment. Not all violent deaths of Afro Americans by police are racist but the rates of death by police of this community who are only a small% of the population is X5 more likely than the the majority whites and coupled with the fact that Afro Americans are less likely to be armed. This says otherwise particularly when women and children are involved. Yes Black Lives do Matter.
But then focus on the 7000 others killed by police in the in the country and one just also come to the conclusion that either the police are incredibly badly trained or American gun laws also play a major role particularly when the police are ever so more equipped to kill than the rest of the population. By the way being a cop in the USA is about 30th on the most dangerous list of occupations. Bolt doesn't mention that.
Logic dictates that any death by cop of an African American today given the publicity of MSM media and in particular Fox News to the fact that Black Lives Don't Matter is going to have a reaction greater than ever intended and is going to throw fuel on the fire of producing front page news in an up and coming election of 2 of the worst candidates America actually needs at the moment.
Worst not because they are right wing extreme or left wing extremists but because neither are offering any sort of radical change in the progress of poverty, the progress underclass survival, the progress of police militarization, the progress of profiling, when in fact all of this progress ignores the institutionalized moral bankruptcy of the institutions and 1% that control the direction the country is in fact moving in for thir profit. Rupert Murdoch made a bundle on these riots despite his personal observation on the disaster that might lay ahead because of the widening income and wealth gaps. Bernie Sanders stood up and said it needed reversing and was heard by an educated , indebted but unregistered youth . Trump has won the hearts and souls of those who are worse off but live with the desperate hope in a man that can't deliver. Bernie Sanders was fighting for America and unfortunately Clinton has won the minds of a citizenry who fit Einstein's definition of insanity repeating the same mistakes expecting a different outcome.
QED Bolt can't see the nose in front of his face.

When Simon Lagree had his foot planted on his slaves neck for 200 years and the necks of their children's children did he ever forsee a future where a complaint heard from a slave would have hurt his feelings so much? Being predjudiced hurts, How Racist is that that the downtrodden now can show him no respect.
However according to Bolt who never really gets out that much other than to heavily screened functions like News Corp Award nights and and pre ticketed book club meetings Australia is seeing the light and that the under privileged progeny of Simon Lagree are now gaining champions from the it's alright to be a bigot movement. Have you read Andrew Bolt's Blog recently?
Simon Lagree's progeny are being sued by the grandchild of a slave and they believe in the suing there is a clear case of racism no not reverse just plain old fashioned racism and exclusion. Bolt hears the sounds of thunder the voices of his Australians standing up crying "we wont take it any more" Money and opportunity inherited isn't anything unless those lower on the social ladder of this country don't show some respect."How could we have let ourselves be so muzzled? How could we have so lost our pride and our freedom?" says Bolt. Bolt is standing up for all those poor upper class kids who today he claims feel increasingly aggrieved as are the those poor children of the upper classes of the Indian Caste system. Bolt understands their plight and suicidal feelings. Bloody women are trying to emasculate men as well. There is no such thing as positive discrimination other than inheritance privilege power and that silver spoon I deserve.
A German Board room... Not Abbott's board room

It seems Bolt is a Green everything the Chairman of a board says is the equivalent of a Green paper there is no collegiate atmosphere in his bard room where ideas are called for in any relaxed manner. No there never is in a fascist board room in which only one voice is heard and the need for control is paramount. How quickly are the days of Abbott and his obsessively controlled PMO gone. Bolt misses them along with the monkey pod room. What would Bolt have made of corporate board meetings. He's obviously never been to any particularly meetings modelled on German boards where law dictates there must be equal numbers among bosses and unions and men and women. Now that sounds like a Turnbull wish.

This is not Andrew Bolt's Blog it's his Troll's

Is Andrew Bolt saying post WW2 Germany was worse off because Hitler's agenda was shredded. He was the the only politician with vision. It seems he is except it's Tony the Fuhrer Abbott in his case . I guess those good old boys that raided the Gosford church won't be among those cheering Malcolm that's the sort majority that still has a warm spot for Tony.
I guess Peter BH is projecting an image of Andrew Bolt bunkered in a fortress somewhere hating his Monday blog. Bolt is becoming uninvolved in work and prefers protected celebrity somewhere among a huge number of fans off a low base. He's building a break away movement shhhh.
This is not Andrew Bolt's Blog it's his Troll's

Section 18C doesn't deal with powerless prejudice or abuse of the majority by a minority Leyonhjem is simply wasting everybody's time. Yes it the blind man being taken to court for yelling at the sighted. " The Fairfax journalist responsible for the boorish racist insult is angry white male Mark Kenny." Bolt Bolt delivers Kenny his own boot for extra measure. He also references Rowan the unmade bed Dean for good measure ""Tony
Abbott says his government should have pursued less ambitious reform of
section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act," Abbott. This is what Bolt quoted Tony Abbott of having said in his blog on the 13th does it sound anything like what Dean is sating here? That Abbott said "that he was wrong, as PM, not to have amended Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act." They both can't be right can they. Peter from BH obviously thinks they can

Any extreme right group which allies itself with Pauline Hanson is simply an ill mannered bunch having so good old Aussie fun. It's unfair of the media to associate them with Pauline Hanson claims Andrew Bolt.
However any Muslim that calls out Allahu Akbar in public is automatically a brother or sister of ISIS that's the way brother Bolt rolls. The extreme right are just badly portrayed and misunderstood by the leftist media but even more so is sister Pauline says Klansman Bolt
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