Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/8/16; Dorian Grey; The Culture of Wealth has resources to deal with problems differently; Bolt is rebuilding and Muslimising the Domino Theory; Stop free speech in Safe schools:

Well it says it all in the above banner when Bolt is allowed to make public "free speech" threats to the APC and the HRC. He'd feel quite comfortable making threats to women and children to anyone he pleased if it weren't for Section 18C of the RDA after all wasn't that what Roger Ailes did except they were sexual. The Australian government sees fit to assess the context in which threats are made. So it's good to see ASIO just recently raided and arrested a fellow traveler of Bolt's who was a member of his much loved group of Australian patriots in Reclaim Australia. "PS: Is it not Orwellian that we should consider the Human Rights Commission today to be an enemy of free speech?" No it's not Orwellian at all to have arbiters of decency and rules in a democracy and particularly when power is distributed unequally. Bill Leak like Bolt applied stereotypes to individuals denying them their freedoms not just to complain but not to be heard only blamed in Dylan Voller's case. If freedom of speech was absolute as Bolt demands he wouldn't have been even able to attend the Company Awards night without calling for harassment in the work place. He attended the night because freedom of abuse had been reigned in. Does Bolt find himself as free to attend Industry Awards or does he just not attend. People would treat him as an individual he wouldn't be cast as a trend, a class and the mud would stick as it did in justice Bromberg's court room. Andrew Bolt was judged as a person who happened to be a law breaker. Voller wasn't. Bolt likes to believe he's not the picture of Dorian Grey unfortunately he is and as time passes outer and inner will become publicly visible. I guess he didn't win any house awards.
The Great Rowan Dean

This is not Bolt's Blog
It's taken from the two fingered touch typist The Great Rowan Dean who looks like an unmade bed compared to Andrew Bolt who looks like a never used one. Anyway Bolt introduces him in Barnum and Bailey fashion as once used to do to his mate Tim Bevis Blair. Bolt seems to have found a new BF in Dean. Who I'm told has been scouting about for a gig like Bolt's in the propagandashere. It's a hard task if you weren't first in line to try and copy Fox News..
This is where $$ advertise $$ in the media. When you have the resources and help to amplify your broadcast . It's why speech is not free but subsidised. Be thankfull for the ABC

Half a brain "get real fellas " are the words of Bolt's new commentariat talent. As for Bolt yes he has half a brain.
How do you get rid of a problem ignore it. How do you create a problem identify individuals selectively point to some people and create a "trend". However ignore the rest. No what Bill Leak wasn't doing and wasn't revealing was that irresponsible parenting exists across all classes in multicultural Australia. It's not just an indigenous problem and it's a problem handled and paid for privately but it's also part of a trend.
For gods sake you need to get a license to have a dog or a cat but not a child. What does Bolt know about parenting nothing particularly parenting without money. Australia is becoming more indigenous no in fact the indigenous are better off they aren't in debt to the extent the rest of Australia is because the banks won't lend them money. However poverty is on the rise and multiple families with kids are now sharing housing and resources to survive. It's what Bolt calls the evil of collectivism or survival in a culture of poverty. Latch key kids, drugs, petty crime and violence is on the rise as well and if there is a culture to blame it's the culture of poverty not ethnicity. However we can't afford to acknowledge it and so we diminish it by singling out only some of us who have been systematically singled out for 200 years.
What Bill Leak buries is the fact that the problem is Australia wide and is reflected in all forms of increasing domestic violence across all classes which the police still ignore today unless of course your indigenous, African, Muslim, from Dandenong and not from Malvern Kew MLC or Scotch where it handled privately. If violence occurs there it's dealt differently and with different resources in place but not necessarily successfully either, just buried more easily. There's profit in poverty at over 20% when you can't get a job. There's overcrowding when you can't afford the rent. The cost is always greater when you have a commentariat like Bolt Leak and Pholi with their commentariat boot on your throat and being poor is the crime..

This is not an Andrew Bolt Blog
McCrann's rant Turnbull and Morrison may be right but I hate them and they ought to have made unpopular decisions in order to just prove they are tough. Like Abbott did when for no particular reason he stood up and "fixed " the economy. McCrann believes the banks are free to do what they want even cause the GFC if they want and when they hit the wall the taxpayers are there to bail them out as they did in the USA. It's blind irrationality that sticks to ideology rather than evaluating the problem in front of them. Keep raving MCrann it might feel good but it's noise that hides from truth. #NABandGrab outed for charging 28 per cent interest rate to blind, elderly farmer
Andrew Bolt with his support of Pauline Hanson is certainly following the populist line "Keep Asians Out" "Keep Muslims Out" He was pushing a Muslim Domino Theory yesterday trying to equate a war going on in Thailand as primarily a religious one. He has been espousing the populist Xenophobia being pushed by News Corp for nothing other than the conservative political agenda which has thrown out their other lie "we are open for business" as long as you American or British.
"Shambles. And every single week brings new embarrassment." Yes it is but notice how Peter BH Bolt's Troll makes no mention of how Hanson and Bolt do untold damage to Australia's image in Asia. They seem to want our economy to stall broadcasting their racist attitudes out to Asia daily. The Chinese can't be trusted, the Muslims are coming. We are a Christians country surrounded by Asians we need to import the National Security strategies of Israel to survive. That's Andrew Bolt for you fortress Australia but not a squeak from Peter BH

Bolt's dishonesty even reveals itself when using a quote Read his banner and then read his reference "Tony Abbott says his government should have pursued less ambitious reform of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act," Abbott What is being said here when Abbott says he should have pursued "less ambitious reform" as opposed to "more ambitious reform"? It certainly isn't saying what Bolt wants it to or even suggests it is.
Workplace non-discrimination laws should go but pluralist education in primary
schools or safe schools programs should be stopped according to Bolt. Bolt calls out for the "context" the ABC doesn't provide the "context". Bolt rarely provides any social or historical context in ant of his arguments but demands it of others. Free speech is just another case in what" context
Andrew Bolt in what "context"?

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