Tuesday 16 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,16/8/16; Proof of low IQ; You can find John Lord on AIM daily he's so much better than Andrew Bolt; Fear For Sale is critical; Bolt is such a poor performer; Bolt never does discuss context;

  Study Proves Prejudice Linked With Low IQ






  Day to Day Politics: More questions than answers. -

Lord raises better questions 

13 The Hawke Government was a successful reforming government. It never controlled the Senate. How did they manage it?

23 Senator David Leyonhjelm has launched a discrimination complaint over an opinion article describing him as an “angry white male”, saying it shows why the race speech law is absurd and needs to be repealed. I thought he said we weren’t supposed to get upset about what people say about us.   Beats me how you can lodge a complaint about something you are not offended by.

My thought for the day.
“The use of free speech, that is the way you use it, is also a measure of your own personal decency”. Lord


Define “critical”

 Image result for Images of  the sale of fear

Critical is best defined as Andrew Bolt  telling us just how the Chinese can't be trusted and supporting Pauline Hanson's stance on too many Asians in Australia.  Juxtaposed to the support of Chinese investment in Australia and being critical of  the MT government for turning down the Chinese offer of investment in Ausgrid. That in fact is being Hypocritical given that Chinese have been investing in Australia since the 1800s. Critical also is the effect the MSM and in particular people like Bolt are having in telling the Chinese we don't like them, don't trust them and want nothing from them other than their money. What effect does Bolt think that has on stimulating business relationships? What seems to be critical is Bolt want's to see a further down turn and further generation of fear simply for political expediency.



Jew-hatred is for losers

Maybe there is reason to hate Israel a Multicultural State supporting terrorists.

Maybe the internet and alternative media has shone a light on the crimes comitted .

Andrew Bolt certainly doesn't carry a light. However he does remind us to ask why!


Bolt is so perceptive isn't he? Any defense of "freedom of speech" is out the window here. I wonder why a person might take his feelings out on the state of Israel via a symbolic political  statement?

 Does Andrew Bolt even know whether Or Sasson is Jewish or why the Egyptian acted the way he did?  No Bolt doesn't take time out for facts they are simply trivia that get in the way of a good polemic. Yes Bolt calls for context when it's useful for him to do so but rarely searches it out himself. 

 Being anti-Israel is not being anti-Jew that is to hide and disguise the politics involved. Being anti-Jewish a class action was what the Dutch in Aalesmeer did to Jews in WW2. Snubbing a Jew is not. and that's the difference where Bolt's family is from  and in that  context the worst of Jew- Hatred could be seen. Bolt never talks about that context.


Green-up exposed


Did anybody catch the extreme puppetry of Bolt on the Bolt Report. He invites an extreme right ratbag Nick Folkes on his show for the sole purpose of cutting him off why? So as to appear to be a reasoned thinker.  He certainly would never done that with Malcolm Roberts  of One Nation clearly an unreasoned thinker like Folkes and a conspiracy theorist to boot. Both in fact hold the same positions as Bolt who has many faces the least reasoned and most vitriolic on his blog. On Radio and TV he he needs to appear more right of center if you like rather than the right off the wall hate monger he in fact is. If only Bolt wasn't so obvious. You see all Folkes was trying to do was be Tim Blair a right wing funny man. Everyone falls short though in the face of Malcolm Roberts.




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