Andrew Bolt's Blog 1/9/16; More proof Bolt supports ISIS; Gilding the Turd, Hypocrisy in relief; Turnbull is polished; Oh God still 18C When Bolt dated Batgirl;
I'd celebrate if it weren't so moderated to make out you had a larger fan base than you do. The only reason this blog runs is to get a word in. I'd celebrate if no foul no favor was the basis but Bolt's reality is the reverse it's all foul no favor.

As I have always said Andrew Bolt's Blog is becoming A Trump like franchise. He doesn't work 70 hours a week. It's a moderated Conservative Blog never a forum for freespeech. Yet it's government subsidized in as much Andrew Bolt has and is a 30% tax business deduction . Real Bloggers aren't. It's nevertheless an income source for the Dutchman. I call Bolt a Dutchman simply because he calls Lebanese Australians Lebanese. Australians that were born here and if Muslim become anything but Australians. SHOW ME YOUR MONEY says mini Trump.
Bolt can never be Hannity, O'Rielly etal.... he can't stand alone without an over produced panel. His articles are just repeats of blogs as are his radio gigs. He simply hasn't he mind of Waleed Aly who to Australia's Conservative's surprise reflected we aren't just sheeple. Imagine Bolt in Waleed's seat!

Bolt Supports Israel, Israel supports ISIS. ISIS doesn't bomb Israel. ISIS has US weapons. You never hear this from Bolt.

When Andrew Bolt shows he trusts Trump more than a black man in Murdochracy
"The invitation is “coveted”? I’d say it’s exactly the kind of invitation
best avoided for fear of being asked to do too much by a President who
will soon be safely out the door, without responsibility for what he
demands others do:"
Remember when Abbott on his way through to Canadia was going to tell that black man where things were at. Those were the days weren't they when Australia was being lead by a Texan named Tony. He put us fair squar in the middle of the International stage didn't he.

PR in Action You can't polish a turd you can only roll it in glitter
Notice how the fact that Abbott did have Hanson jailed becomes blurred and un-admitted . It seems Pauline unfairly "blamed" St Tony. He may not have done it after all even though he has apologized publicly for it. One needs to make the public feel Tony would never have done such a thing. However does Abbott look comfortable ?
"Tony Abbott catches up with Pauline Hanson, who has blamed him for
helping to get her (unfairly) jailed. It seems there is now a mutual
respect, and the media Left is choking."
This is no whitewash of Pauline this is a whitewash of Tony Abbott. It's polishing the turd. Just how much is this the same as the over produced pretense of the Bolt Report. Neither are expected to be believable in today's Australia are they? Check with Gruen

Let's get to the guts of the word hypocrisy. Andrew Bolt media blowhard for the Conservatives supports the rejection of an International decision made in favor of East Timor's claim for oil.Australia rejects jurisdiction of East Timor's bid to broker maritime dispute However they reject China's claim for islands in the South China Sea and it's rejection of an International panel.
Australian Conservatives don't believe in the UNHRC but do believe in the International panel's decision against China. How much unashamedly hypocritical can this minority group be?
Bolt wants the UAE kicked out of Australia and diplomatic ties cancelled but still expects the UAE to house our forces based there to fight ISIS. This is the logic of the man and the people he represents who want to lead us on nothing but a merry dance.
Abbott throws Hanson in jail when he loses the case he remains silent. Today he says sorry kisses and makes up. "I only put it in a little bit Pauline now I'll take it out" Can these people be trusted? Sam Dastyari your a saint in comparison.

Again Bolt's mid week break this Peter BH's blog. Has Peter BH have "intellectual property of Andrew Bolt " tattooed on his arse?
This is a clear case of thought bubbles printed as truth How "One theory" becomes fact in a blink "it was all about how it would make Turnbull look. It would seem the
same kind of thinking was at play over the Libs’ appalling super

If it's a long blog it's not Bolt's it belongs to the Right Wing Brigade ,Peter BH, Quadrant, the IPA & Maurice Newman. Turning todays blog over to the white brigade. However no mention here of letting whistle blowers speak up.
Reverse Racism rides high when you have no civil argument. I had to beat the child because he stuck his tongue out at me is about as convincing
" No surprise that the Human Rights Commission is a menace, bending over backwards to strip members of one “race” of their rights."
Judith Sloan is offended
"The Minister for Communications needs to ring the Chairman of the ABC
immediately and to tell him to order all ABC staff to refrain from the
term “race hate”. Section 18 C does not refer to hate but insulting and
offending; to use the term race hate is just biased and incendiary."
Use the Law Judith Use the Law
Bolt claims the QUT students have been betrayed. Given Students protest over a lot of things particularly injustice how is it the campus is so quiet? The Student body doesn't seem to support Bolt's theory of Reverse Racism. Why would that be?

How much housework does Bolt do at home, After all he was once the minder for a belly dancer and a kept man at home. That belly dancer was his Batgirl?
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