Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 24/8/16; Reverse racism Reverse sexism, reverse agism don't exist. Just do a body count; Bolt is determined to sink Australia; Bolt want's Brits Brits don't want us;




Claim: alleged killer in Townsville attack cried “Allah”


Who made the allegation that Bolt believes in so strongly? Maybe it's Bolt himself who makes them because they always remain anonymous which might make for a good story but has no relevance to truth. If he can't take things further he never reports that those  allegations were incorrect. That leaves a slew of allegations made by Bolt about all sorts of incidents which when proven false are just not spoken of again. Such as the German woman who claimed to have been raped and later admitted she had lied. Not a peep from Bolt who simply left us with the tale of rape

Bolt simply wants to paint a picture he wants his audience to receive. It's not a good tactic then to reject what he's already convinced us might be true.  If that started to happen to often he'd be the boy who cried wolf and that would ruin his image. Bolt tends for this  reason to prefer rumors and the claims of terrorists like ISIS over and above any authorities or experts who tend to try and distinguish if  trends emerge form a number of incidents.  Bolt on the other hand simply assumes all incidents point to  his invented pattern.  He's not in the business of  assuring  we are safe but rather that we are not. Crime is Australia wide but Andrew Bolt will spin a story that is meant to make us think otherwise. If we simply rid ourselves of particular ethnic and religious minority groups in  the country crime will just evaporate and we will all live happily ever after. His logic is perfectly correct but it holds no truth about the world in which we live. If there are no Muslims in Australia we can't expect Muslim crime but then if there weren't any NZers, Brits or Australians in the country the same would apply. The fact that News Corp is entitled to print his garbage as their opinion and  declare it  news is an affront and akin to Peter Foster  selling Baylin Tea as a guaranteed  weight loss product. Rupert Murdoch took the news out of news print and Sky TV and is simply selling lies as product in itself. Somehow he's ripping buyers off.

The Police Commissioners statement is left out of Bolt's report of the incident

 "There is no known ongoing threat to the community arising from this incident," he said. 

"This is not about race or religion.        "It is individual criminal behaviour."




Who let them in?

Mo Farrar a Somali and a suspicious person to Andrew Bolt from a suspicious clan. Why did the UK let him in?

Image result for Images of Mo Farah

" Yet another armed robbery by youths of African appearance"

Africa is a multiracial continent reduced by Andrew Bolt to only blacks it seems. However blacks come from a variety of nations not exclusively AfricaSome Melanesian are black for example. Bolt makes every effort to let us know he's not racist and everyone needs to be treated  individually and equally but spends an enormous amount of energy to prove otherwise and stereotype a race. Our police actually do what  Bolt demands tongue in cheek it seems. Where does Bolt collect his information? Macquarie radio which follows similar political policies to News Corp and encouraged the riots in 2005 on 2GB. It seems News Corp 2GB and SKY are closely related and report allegations rather than facts report what seems rather than what is and ignore the evidence brought to the table by wiser minds. Yes they all collect selective incidents so they can then promote their line of bigoted political opinion.

If only we had the laws of Canada Bolt radio would be shut down  and Bolt thinks he's too restricted

Image result for Images of lies as news

They'd hate the thought of a Mo Farrar or a Sadiq Khan proving them wrong because should that occur their promotion of a racist Australia  under attack just might be wrong. Teenagers do commit crimes and they come in multiracial form. They also attend the best private schools in this country but Bolt fails to focus on that cohort.

Accused  and encouraged to be accused by the likes of Andrew Bolt 


Image result for Images African Australians




  We love our gritty city laneways … until they’re a bit too gritty


This isn't indigenous but the Culture of Poverty which Indigenous Australians know only too well and yes it's a survival mechanism against idiots like Andrew Bolt stereotyping. He need to be put on a diversionary program and experience the life without Cultural Capital. While money booze art and opera dull Bolt's pain in Malvern. Drugs do the same in Hosier Lane. Does Bolt know Ketamine cures Depression it's legal in the US and with increasing poverty apparently necessary.



 Aussie artist faced ‘Kafkaesque’ deportation from the UK

Andrew Bolt wants more British immigrants. Britain doesn't want more Australians 



The price of a wicked law - and the Turnbull Government’s cowardice

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Hey Andrew Bolt this is the law that Tony Abbott promised to change but lied to you about when he didn't. This is the law that judged you.  Abbott  towed the line of a democratic consensus upheld and deemed necessary by this multicultural settler nation of ours.  This is the law every nation on the planet has accepted to some degree. So what is it do you mean  Andrew Bolt when you say no government should interfere in  the freedom of speech. You have never actually defined it or defended it in all circumstances. In other words free speech is next to meaningless in your hands,

 The government currently has harsher laws about free speech on any number of issues that divide us  which in your ideal world you say they shouldn't but you certainly don't advocate against or defend those rights.  So it isn't a matter of speech at all but specifically the topic you are referring which is to be racist because racism doesn't exist and is just a delusion? Racial, ethnic and religious intolerance don't exist?  Well they clearly do simply because you demand the indigenous to be white and the Fatimas and Abduls of this country to be John and Mary for no reason other than because you demand it to be and anything less offends you.

Pulling out a violin and playing a poor me dirge does nothing to explain why our laws exists and why positive discrimination exists and is necessary the very fact that your parents were allowed to come here as migrants had some element of positive discrimination attached to it. Not all applicants were selected. It becomes hypocritical to think otherwise unless of course you accept elitism and inequality as a natural state of a just and fair society

"The case has restarted public debate about how 18C ­restricts free speech and is misused for financial shakedowns when people complain their feelings have been hurt." Bolt

All that's being argued specifically here is the rapists defense I only put it in a little  bit when she said it hurt I took it out I don't deserve to be judged by the the letter of this unfair law. After all I wasn't wearing my white hood was I. How little bit racist are you Andrew Bolt and if you kill a black person should the law take into account what a nice guy you really are? Mordecai Bromberg really disadvantaged you when he found you guilty.

There is no good or bad law Andrew Bolt there are good or bad people fair or unfair people. The NRA says guns don't kill people people kill people and everyone should be able to bear arms. Same argument you run same logic words don't kill. John Howard is regarded a hero for legislating against everyone bearing arms  and we don't hear you arguing against that. The fact is in the USA  if your between 18-34 and black your 5 times more likely to be killed by police while being less likely to be armed than a white man because your less likely to be able to afford a gun. That trend that statistical probability  or differential is what shows racism to be real. It's those rates of difference that reflect the the biased division between white anglo Australians and indigenous Australians that gives rise to rules of positive discrimination not just for the Aborigines but for the handicapped, women, the aged, the indigenous, ethnic and religious minorities where it's obvious they have been  discriminated against. The law is there to protect and judge them as equal as are any other laws. 

Mistakes are made and some women have spent 15 years in jail for murder only to be exonerated. This Bolt argument that a mistake is being made here or might be made here has no relevance  because all judgements are based on some levels of subjectivity in the process of law. It's  trends the rates of difference that expose the bias that need attending to as was revealed in Don Dale





Subs leak

It's Wednesday this is not a Bolt Blog 

Image result for Images of a sinking Australia 

Is this what we really really want and need?

What seems more important to the extreme right is whether or not  secrets can be kept.  When experience tells us they can't.They can't because the extreme right is  the first to release them for their own political advantage to undermine their own team. It's hardly a secret that we are building subs at an exorbitant cost to protect the largest continent with the fewest people on the planet. The subs are going to cost us each  $2000  over some 30 years or some $70 per head. That seems a trifle in the larger scheme of things. However the Dutchman Andrew Bolt doesn't want to pay just use them as a sounding board.  The premise for their existence  is based  on the fact we are surrounded by our enemies unnamed by most politicians so as not to cause offense. But loudly called out loudly by Bolt and the Hansonites as China and Russia. These two haven't traveled politically much further than the Domino Theories of the 50s and 60s that took us to losing wars with our neighbors for short term political gain.

 Currently China could sink this country simply by withholding trade. What use are subs the subs then? They will be valued at little more than bathtub toys. Andrew Bolt is a sponsor an advocate if you like of the sinking of Australia by shirt front. He clearly and loudly lets it be known the Chinese are a blight on the world scene and that Tony Abbott the once  pivot of the Pacific would stand up to them even though he was firmly faced West so much so that's the direction he sent  us to fight. Abbott wanted us to be a part of NATO that's how ludicrous he got. There has  never for a moment been any real consideration of a regional common good by Conservatives. The subs in 2035 will have proven to be as futile an exercise in bluffing as shirt fronting Putin was. But it could  go down in history as yet another but very expensive comic opera performed under the leadership of an incompetent government with the Clive Palmer voice of diplomacy delivered by Andrew Bolt. Palmer and Bolt  seem to have the same  attitudes where China is concerned attitudes that simply ensure a dark long term future. Economics can change at the drop of a hat but friendships are a long time in the making short in the breaking.

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