Andrew Bolt's Blog 8/8/16; USA Election Forecast; Working for the Murdochracy demanding we think in step; Everything is left of Bolt; Trial by opinion not by Law; Safe Schools or Schools run by dirty minds;
Chance of winning
Bolt poses the question "Please Explain?"

you know just how difficult it was for MT to wear red speedos around
his neck for 9 months waiting for July 2nd having Bolt calling it what
it was "the Abbott Government" The wrecking ball that hit Australia. All
Bolt is attempting to do is set up a scenario now to take us back there
to the Murdocracy. This country ran on Abbott power all that time.
Remember it was the era we were told 1. The economy was fixed and it
was. 2 Direct action would fix a warming problem that didn't exist it
made us Climate outcasts and shackled a sunrise industry. 3 Abbott was
telling us that coal wasn't as dirty China needed it. China are now the
world leaders in solar power. 4.That we were in dire danger of being
invaded by the terrorists the same ones Israel and the allied forces we
were supplying weapons to. 5 It was the era of right wing lies an
attempt to give away Australian Democracy to the corporate wolves that
ran the IPA the era of the TTP. 6. The era of Murdocracy in exchange for
the destruction of the ABC the only true source of information a
citzenry had for honest democratic voting.
what did Turnbull do? What did the LNP do? They actually saved us from
selling our soul to the devil. Abbott may have made a Faustian pact but
MT didn't. It simply goes to show how desperate corporate power is to
buy a government and how vigilant we need to be to stop them as they
have absolutely no loyalty to national interest or the interests of any
people other than their global shareholders. When 1% control 80% of
global resources what do the voters have other than ensuring their vote
means something.Bolt's anti -Multiculturalism his demand for
Assimilation and singular thought is socialism without the sharing the
"me" without the "we" in a zombie pool of labor. 400 hundred people own
40% of global wealth doesn't that say something? We are the most debt
burdened people on the planet and paying 20% on our credit cards. Stop
think slavery ended. Abbott tried to ensure it didn't. How can Slovenia
have Free Education? How can Canada and the UK have free Health and pay
less tax or the same tax we do. Howcome when we finish school Abbott
wanted us $100,000 in debt. You'd never see this under Abbott. Will Andrew Bolt be paid a visit? Using terror laws on alleged rightwing extremist a federal first, says minister 
What Bolt wants but has an account with nevertheless and he pisses it that urinal himself. However he's not the big dick in that crowd. He modeled himself on and imported Fox News best practise to Australia.Report: Roger Ailes Used Fox News’ Budget To Target Journalists In Smear Campaigns
Bolt's got a Twitter account, and every other account you can imagine. Even a blog he occasionally uses.
"Twitter is the worst. I would call it little more than a left-wing
echo chamber for various highly politicized activists, including many
journalists…" Chris Mitchell
"The nation’s longest serving newspaper editor Chris Mitchell has
confirmed he will retire on December 11 with Rupert Murdoch paying
tribute to his leadership, saying the newspaper “has never been better
than it is now”. So the comment is no surprise." The man Bolt is referencing
Given Bolt is on the extreme right even MSM media other than News Corp are all left. Left and right are just relative terms so meaningless unless you know whose speaking.Which make is it absolutely stupid.
Now here is the lie Mitchell and Bolt would like to spread "left- wing and largely undereducated minority that throws blue
language around on social media like confetti does not seem an effective
strategy." Mitchell
Take Donald Trump's support it's from the "largely under-educated minority that throws blue
language around on social media like confetti" wheras Berni Sanders support is quite the opposite. Trump's is the disenfranchised bogan America sick and tired of careerist politicians. Whereas Sander's has captured a more educated America they all use Twitter particularly the younger generation. Bolt's followers are exactly the same he is not talking to intellectual Australia that's for sure.
What we saw with the rise of Abbott was the rise of Fascism in Australia the selling of fear and crisis the selling of one man rather than representatives of the people we lost Democracy with Abbott and his PMO. The selling of certainty the quality of which Abbott represented was selling and that was all. The man didn't match what was being sold or felt. MT relieved us of that and the Chicken little atmosphere Bolt still peddles.What he is doing is helping create the ugly Australian Anti- Muslim, Anti-Asian, Anti- Immigration, all images wanting to drive the economy down. Why visit Australia just read the Herald Sun, Read Bolt's Blogs he has removed the welcome mat. Go to Twitter guys and it democratic and it tells you more about Australia than MSM does failing that go to the ABC.Hypocrisy and Censorship from the Right – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Bolt's court of public opinion

"The race industry denies you your freedom to speak your mind."
Bolt actually is advocating judge and jury not by experts in law but opinion. Yet here's a man not brave enough to stand on the streets of public opinion himself a man that parrots the words "free speech" but never defines them. Has no example to turn to in history no cultural group that defines what it is he means or even if he practices it at home . I can assure you his kids weren't raised in a free speech environment and nor was he. In other words unless Bolt is specific he's talking nonsense. As for QUT the court needs to determine the terms of reference within it's rules whether or not a request be allowed not Bolt and that is British law not vigilante law.
Bolt is the loudest denier of 'freedom of speech' while claiming to be it's biggest advocate from his blog yesterday Who let them in? Now a spruiker for Hamas, the terrorist group? He in no way defended their right to speak and he does that to others on a daily basis not defending the right of speech but demanding the policing of it in every aspect of our lives.

" They’d be ripped apart by the Left if they were Christian, but they’ll
get away with this on the grounds of their approved faith:"
Obviously Bolt never went to a Catholic school and heard what they preached. Try being 10 years old a kid from a second marriage whose father was a Jew and walk into Mass to see a Jew strung up on the wall, be called a bastard son and be told you'd never make it to heaven only Limbo because your parents were fornicators. Where was the left or the right then? I know where the conservative right was their kids were dancing around us singing "Catholic dogs stink like frogs". Don't talk to me about your holier than thou "elect" moral stand Bolt. Your likes the right wing youth were busy playing white spy vs black spy on the university campuses working for ASIO mad as cut snakes the young Bolt's on campus. However Andrew Bolt failed the grade back then. They weren't searching for Muslims but godless commies under beds and sending 18 year olds to be killed in confected wars against Asians.
Don't tell me what priests preached back then . Sin it's what Bernardi and you want to retain a moral training ground I lived that devil's play ground . If that is the worst that Muslim education offers in a private capacity then check out some other denominational schools. Some even support Israel and don't question it. Others Christian are a lot weirder. Listening to what you and Bernardi want to protect us from only reflects your filthy minds and denying common sense.
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