Andrew Bolt's Blog,9/8/16; Bolt has a clue what a social fact is; Suicide or Masectomy; The not Bolt Blog, The Peter BH blog; No who said Bolt was divisive?; Privatize, steal children and call it adoption. Context needed;
Bolt's quite an ignorant isn't he declaring Turnbull to having his pulse on each and every bureaucratic department. Did Bolt blame Tony Abbott when the ABF set out to stop people on the streets of Melbourne and ask for their IDs, no! Did Bolt blame Abbott for 22 million spent by Kevin Andrews on a failed marriage counseling service in which Andrews had a financial investment,no! However to suggest Turnbull is to blame for not being hands on with the census form simply leaves one amazed at just how extreme the man is. Is he policy co-ordinator for Donald Trump as well?

Bolt's never declared what he means by free speech he's never indicated a place where his idea of free speech might ever have been found in which country or even in which house is his idea found? In other words he's saying nothing. If he means any speech is legitimate and free then he's in Cloud Cuckoo Land because it's certainly not found anywhere nor does he defend it for everyone and it's something you can be assured he doesn't allow practiced at home. So yes he's an idiot , a hypocrite and a gutless wonder because he really stands up for nothing other than removing it from law.
Leak's critics aren't just the left they are corporate critics advertisers like Suncorp that have taken their business away from Newscorp. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising and if others followed would amount to the collapse of the Murdochracy. Would we still hear the hollow words of Mont Python's black knight Bolt calling them "gutless wonders" I don't think so.
Bolt's not defending Leak he defending the right to blame the victims of rape, to blame, Dylan Voller a 10 year old mongrel in fact he's defending his right to call and stereotype the Aboriginal race as scum an deserving culture for not behaving like Stan Grant a white man. Bolt removes his mirror because it reflects the context of his culture's ultra racist attitudes. That's right Bolt the cartoon is an attitude and attitude that reflects no inquiry, no history, no context or even a question of why? It reflects a stereotype a label applied that does nothing to explain the statistical graph presented here or any underlying reasons for Sumner Miller's question "Why is it so?".
"What is the worst crime now: to neglect or beat many hundreds of
Aboriginal children or to draw a cartoon to draw attention to it?"Bolt
White wash Leaks cartoon and ask why non indigenous Australians are depicted policed and treated differently even when the same cartoon can be applied across all communities. Add 200 years of being treated differently. Ask about the differential and historic gap in opportunity that Bolt never talks about other than by promoting a myth that opportunity is equal to everyone from birth. For 200 years whites could go to banks borrow and progress that's the essence of Capitalism at what rate was that opportunity afforded our indigenous Australians at what rate were they offered Education, Health, Housing was it afforded them in way and reflected in any graph. They weren't allowed to open savings accounts governments took their wages to safe guard stole the money and even today refuse to make up that loss owed millions of $$ vanished.
That's the context unexplained in Bill Leaks cartoon and the context also hidden if it was white washed. Hidden in the differential rates shown in that graph. No history or context is offered for the graph it just shows Bolt's pointing finger one of blame. A voice with a superior puffed chest more likely belly sticking out. Damaged individuals might be accounted for and blamed but the trend or social facts never explained in Bolt's "me" world that ignores what "we" have accomplished.

Albanians in the 1990s heading to Europe not 2016

Last year Bolt told us Germany had been invaded by 1 mill refugees it turned out to be 600k Now it's 360k will that turnout to be 40% less as well. The war Bolt promised he in fact has to search for as any terrorist activity was in the main carried out by EU citizens and not by refugees. Bolt exaggerated just about every level of statistic he could find to prove refugees were the cause of any dysfunction occurring in Europe so much so Europe isn't a multicultural nation at all and all crime is refugee driven. Declarations that where there are the most Muslims you find the most terrorist acts are totally false yet we are expected to believe them because Bolt wears a suit and is therefore trust able. It's a fiction. Bulgaria is 13.7% almost double that of France and doesn't have France's problems nor it's colonial past.
Bolt uses exaggerated figures and headlines but then puts in a get out clause at the very end which no doubt he hopes the majority of his readers don't read.
"Other numbers suggest arrivals so far this year are actually down to 253,000." a 33% lower number than what Bolt would like us to believe and Bolt still keeps calling refugees as "illegals" when the world doesn't. After the war in Syria is over and an economic turn around begins Most of these people will return to their homes. However Bolt ignores all these facts even the fact that this isn't the first time Europe has experienced such an influx of humanity It also occurred in the 80s and 90s But that's also a story Bolt conveniently forgets
Maybe it's time Bolt called for a stop to the bombing and the Israeli and US support given terrorists and attempted a political solution which in effect means public dialogue with those they are helping anyway. Just how many years have the secrets and lies of the middle eastern war been witheld for public view?
Well Bolt answer this! Surely love care and support are better!

How old Bolt. How old? The court didn't make the decision alone it didn't set a precedent either it made a decision according to law. It certainly wasn't a Bolt decision or a Bernardi one. Furthermore the girl had some input. We assume it came this because of her Psychiatric state which Bolt seems to not see as particularly important. Bolt's approach "suck it up girl and be a woman". By the way the girl just might continue to be suicidal no matter what and the wisdom in that choice might be deadly but we too can't stop that. If that happens all we can do is tell Bolt to shut the fuck up and don't say "I told you so".
Sometimes there is a time to CEOs get on average 149 times the average of workers maybe now is the time.

This is a Catallaxy Files Blog posted by Peter BH Bolt's gone.
Lobbyists have always controlled the LNP no more than when Abbott was in power at the behest of the IPA, Murdoch and the BCA. The base that Bolt keeps prattling on about became so small the party was next to broke when it came to the election. They left why because the PMO Tony Abbott's office was the reflection of the lack of democracy in the Lib party. Super well that's just a cry of pain from the wealthy.
Abbott "fixed" it. He told us so!

Peter BH's Blog
Costello in fact saw Abbott's economic skills to be a disaster he too spending to 25.8% of GDP and he said Turnbull was certainly left with that millstone around his neck. A millstone gifted to him by Abbott who did say he had "fixed" the budget and then kept spending. Why else did he raise the debt ceiling to $500 bill to spend of course.
"“This government can last three years, I have not doubt about that,” Mr Costello said.
“The question is what will be the quality of its legislation?"CostelloThese comments don't strike me as as doubtful of MT but rather difficult because of what he inherited from TA whose ability to negotiate watered down bills through the Senate was the worst since John Gorton. In recent times Julia Gillard set the standard and raised the bar to 100 bills more than Abbott and she certainly didn't have a 20 seat majority in the lower house or a majority in the upper.
Peter BH also seems to suggest Costello said that this government wouldn't go full term. Hello he said nothing of the sort and that's clear from his words above.
No it's Bolt's Troll that's wanting the return of Caesar no one else.
" I wonder how much longer it will take the media pack to realise there is
no viable alternative to Abbott this side of the next election. And how
much longer it will then take some journalists to get over their pride
and publicly admit this."Peter BHJohn Howard united a party Abbott divided it.
Which tribe Bolt?

I thought there weren't any tribes in Bolt's world. Just individuals who were allowed to be proud of their Dutch heritage and not blamed for it. Stan Grant asks that he be allowed to be proud of his indigenous heritage and not feel blamed for it. Why does he feel he needs to speak up and remind pricks like Bolt that the are also a multiplicity of identities. This is after all a multicultural nation the only place that our multicultural heritage is least reflected is in politics and even less so in LNP and conservative politics. Bolt heaven is a single minded conservative nation all with the heritage reflected by his tribal icons of Hanson, Bernardi, Abbott etc all behind ABF locked doors. Isn't that the great apartheid dream. Someones lost their mirror and it's not the indigenous tribes of Australia.
What's the context Bolt asked when the photo of Dylan Voller was shown, He just moved the goal post called him a little mongrel and didn't reveal the context. Bolt prefers to hide the context.

They are "little mongrels" incapable of being looked after by the poor JYOs in the NT but the system of Child Care and Protection is in decay in South Australia . What's the difference? Ones LNP (NT) and the others ALP (SA) and Bolt's the consistent if not always the obvious conservative propagandist.
"There seems to be an assumption by the royal commissioner that it’s
possible to find and pay for so many more caring staff for all these
children - and at a time when we have so many more carers also needed
for the aged and the handicapped and the dysfunctional and the jailed
and the workless:"Bolt
What is Bolt saying here? Get to the end and it's quite clear, that room ought to be made for reducing the costs of foster care by privatization and the widening of adoption policies. Another way of saying "stealing children" or babies and giving them away by court order. Who in Australia would be effected most the poor and dispossessed of course and who do we find the lowest on the rung of all social indices the Indigenous population of Australia. But that's not "stealing" or making use of social welfare for nefarious practices open to abuse that's "saving" children according to Bolt.
However with the white population of Australia becoming increasingly indigenized and institutional outcasts with little or no hope of jobs Bolt it's not surprising hasn't come up with the Lang Hancock solution, sterilization of the jobless and the working poor. A more permanent solution to social welfare. Bolt no doubt would be happy to open up the adoption market of white kids as well. Bolt makes no allowance for any connection between biological parents and children to remain and sees that decisions in this matter to be all bureaucratic. His seems to be the one shoe fit's all approach that's gone one for years and a return to the past rather than any consideration for what's best for each families or districts needs the priority. When is context taken into account and only circumstance judged? There are five fingers on one hand yet every finger is different.
Maybe Bolt needs to reconsider and revisit temporary care and expanded rather than reduced welfare. The economic rehabilitation of whole areas rather than just a focus on single families which blinds one to the fact that victim blaming doesn't provide answers to complex situations. Capitalism without constant expansion simply results in increased Welfare and state intervention also a no no for Bolt. Privatising Welfare by adoption or theft isn't a solution to the root cause the widening income and wealth gaps in SA and escalating downward spiral of classes of families. The unfortunate death of children happens across classes of people focus can always put the blame on the families and generally does in the cases of the poor.
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